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2019年4月27日 一帯一路,習近平主席基調演説,借金漬け修正











参考資料 2019年4月27日10時30分


◆190427 「借金漬け外交」批判浴びる中国 一帯一路戦略立て直し
朝日新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IZt5d5
中国の習近平(シーチンピン)指導部が掲げる巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」の国際フォーラムが開幕した。2年ぶり2回目で、前回を超える150余りの国と90余りの国際機関が参加。「借金漬け外交」といった国際社会の批判を踏まえ、中国は透明性の向上を ...

◆190427 習主席、一帯一路“債務の罠”批判払拭図る
Yahoo!ニュース-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZAr0tW
中国の巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」に関する国際会議が開幕した。習近平国家主席は「国際ルールを尊重する」と強調し、一帯一路が債務の罠(わな)だという批判の払拭(ふっしょく)に努めている。 …続きを見る ...

◆190427 ロシア、北朝鮮に関心ないが…首脳会談に臨んだ思惑は
朝日新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UZmhmY
ロシアのウラジオストクで25日に初会談に臨んだプーチン大統領と北朝鮮の金正恩(キムジョンウン)朝鮮労働党委員長。両首脳の思惑や今後の展開 ... 正恩氏の計画では、ハノイで米国との会談を成功させ、その後に中国やロシアと会談。今年を「全方位」首脳 ...

◆190427 第2回「一帯一路フォーラム」、ユーラシア地域との一大経済・首脳交流の場に
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IKDEkS
中国・北京で4月25日に開幕した「第2回国際協力・一帯一路フォーラム」には、ロシアCIS地域から7カ国の政府首脳が参加した。中国と欧州を結ぶ「 ... ベラルーシのアレクサンドル・ルカシェンコ大統領は、4月25日に習近平国家主席と会談。ベラルーシ側の報道 ...

◆190427 習近平主席、フィリピン大統領と会見 海上協力の強化を強調
AFPBB News-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XMw8JJ
【4月26日 Xinhua News】中国の習近平(Xi Jinping)国家主席は25日、北京の人民大会堂でフィリピンのロドリゴ・ ... 中国はフィリピンと共に発展戦略の結び付きを深化させ、「一帯一路」共同建設の枠組みの下で協力の注目点を打ち立て、両国および地域各国 ...

◆190427 日米首脳が会談 北朝鮮、貿易など協議 首相「非核化に役割果たす」
産経ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vqONPk
【ワシントン=小川真由美】欧米を歴訪中の安倍晋三首相は26日午後(日本時間27日午前)、米ワシントンでトランプ大統領と会談した。会談後、首相は記者団の取材に応じ、北朝鮮問題について「今後の米朝プロセスを展望しながら、進め方について相当、 ...

◆190427 打倒・金正恩を目指す反北朝鮮組織の幹部が米国で逮捕 謎の組織「自由 ...
アエラドット 朝日新聞出版-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vmNr8d
北朝鮮の金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党委員長とロシアのプーチン大統領が4月25日、初の首脳会談を行った。ウラジオストクで2人はがっちりと握手し、結束の固さをアピールした。会談では、米朝協議で北朝鮮が主張する「段階的な非核化」についても ...

◆190426 訪中の二階氏、党側から「一帯一路」協力 経団連・JAが同行
日本経済新聞-8 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Dy4KaA
【北京=竹内悠介】中国を訪問中の自民党の二階俊博幹事長は26日、習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席の主導する広域経済圏構想「一帯一路」に関する国際会議に出席する。経団連の中西宏明会長や全国農業協同組合連合会(JA全農)の長沢豊会長が同行し、 ...


◆190427 2018年度冬季の電力需給実績の振り返り及び2019年度夏季の電力需給 ...
経済産業省 (プレスリリース)-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IUjowy
本日開催した総合資源エネルギー調査会電力・ガス事業分科会電力・ガス基本政策小委員会において、2018年度冬季の電力需給実績及び2019年度夏季の電力需給見通し・対策を取りまとめました。 安定供給に最低限必要とされる予備率3%を確保できる ...

◆190427 東芝と東北電、電力の「個人間取引」共同研究へ
日本経済新聞-21 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2ZCyOeL
東芝エネルギーシステムズと東北電力は26日、太陽光発電設備など分散電源を使った電力直接取引の共同研究を始めると発表した。電力会社を介さず顧客の家などで発電した電力を直接売買する仕組みや取引拡大を見据えた設備や系統運営について検討 ...

◆190427 原油先物下落、OPECが増産との見方で 週間では連続上昇
ロイター-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UXPtLe
米WTI原油先物CLc1は0.39ドル(0.6%)安の64.82ドル。 北海ブレント先物は25日、今年に入り初めて75ドルに上昇した。ポーランド、ドイツ、スロバキアが低品質を理由に主要パイプライン経由のロシア産原油の輸入を差し止めたとことが背景。 OANDA ...

◆190427 電力10社の19年3月期、7社が最終減益 燃料費上昇で
日本経済新聞-13 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2L6cvuM
一方、最終損益が改善したのは中部電力、北海道電力、北陸電力。中部電は電力販売量の減少などで経常利益が12%減ったが特別損失がなくなった。北海電は発電コストの安い水力発電所の稼働率が高まり採算が改善。北陸電は電気料金引き上げなどで3 ...

◆190427 電力・ガス、6月全社値下げ 燃料費下落
日本経済新聞-13 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2IKratt
電力大手10社と都市ガス大手4社は26日、原燃料価格の変動を料金に反映する原燃料費調整(燃調)制度に基づく6月の料金を発表した。石炭や原油、液化天然ガス(LNG)の輸入価格が下落し、電力・ガス大手の全社が値下げした。家計や企業に恩恵が ...

◆190427 日本の石炭火力支援に抗議
福井新聞-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GBethk
【ワシントン共同】「安倍晋三政権は地球温暖化対策に逆行する石炭火力発電への支援をやめるべきだ」。米首都ワシントンで開かれた日米首脳会談に合わせ、米環境保護団体が26日、石炭火力発電を支援する日本に対する抗議活動をホワイトハウス近くで行っ ...

◆190426 燃料電池×CO2回収で目指す“究極の石炭火力発電”、実証が第3フェーズに
ITmedia-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VpJHkJ
中国電力と電源開発の共同出資会社である大崎クールジェンはNEDO(新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構)と「大崎クールジェンプロジェクト」の第3段階にあたるCO2分離・回収型石炭ガス化複合発電(IGCC)設備に燃料電池を組み込んだ、CO2分離・回収 ...


◆190427 No wind-down for China on stopping its Iran oil buys: Trump officials
Reuters-5 時間前 https://reut.rs/2VwbvUO
The administration has been clear to China, Iran's top oil consumer, about no additional waivers to the sanctions after the ones granted last ... President Donald Trump left the Iran nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers last May.

◆190427 Asia continues to pivot away from coal
Asia Times-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UDtmEI
The latest coal-fired power plant data released by Global Energy Monitor (GEM) in March shows further shrinkage of coal development ... Countries across Asia are shifting away from thermal coal into cleaner renewable-energy options, further validating the ... The latest GEM data show China's thermal coal plant pipeline plummeting 86% since 2015. ... the South Korean electricity generation mix will move from 72% coal and nuclear in 2017, to 71% gas and renewables by 2050.

◆190427 China, the World's Biggest Polluter, Will Soon Be a Wind Energy Giant
Inverse-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GNwFph
That China is set to become a world leader in off-shore wind power generation, and that offshore wind power will player a ... China, which in 2018, was found to spend triple as much on renewable energy as the United States, is already leading the way in terms of new offshore installations. ... “Wind energy is now one of the cheapest forms of electricity in many markets,” Dyrholm observes in the report.

◆190427 Citizens in Countries Where China Is Making Big Investments in Coal ...
Pacific Standard-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W3RZfj
Citizens of countries participating in China's Belt and Road Initiative, or BRI, strongly prefer clean energy over the coal ... According to the survey, the majority of respondents selected renewable energy sources when asked which type of ... with the majority of respondents feeling it should be the lowest priority, ranked even lower than nuclear in four of the six countries. ... more coal-fired power plants would make it extremely difficult for Indonesia to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions ...

◆190427 Russia ready to discuss nuclear treaty with China, US
New York Post-15 時間前 https://nyp.st/2ILlDTo
MOSCOW — A top Russian diplomat says Russia is willing to negotiate a new nuclear weapons treaty with the United States and China. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told reporters on Friday Moscow is closely following reports in ...

◆190427 China's First Nuclear Missile Suffered from Radiation Leaks, a Fire ...
The National Interest Online (blog)-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GKTdqC
China's First Nuclear Missile Suffered from Radiation Leaks, a Fire and Might Have Sank ... One concrete results of the effort was the construction of a single nuclear ballistic missile submarine, a “boomer” in ... Upon coming to power in 1978, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping cut military research and development spending, ...

◆190427 The Power of China's Urban Clusters
The Independent-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Dz1LPu
In 2010, China identified three major urban clusters that would lead this process: the Pearl River Delta (which later expanded to the GBA); the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), centered on Shanghai; and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cluster (BTH).

◆190427 Russia's Novatek to sell stake in Arctic gas project to Chinese partners
Nikkei Asian Review-18 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2ZCveRU
MOSCOW (Financial Times) -- Novatek, Russia's top independent gas producer, Thursday signed binding deals on the ... Arctic gas liquefaction project to Chinese partners, equally split between China National Oil and Gas Exploration and ...

◆190427 Russia's Gazprom to begin gas injection into China pipeline in Q3
S&P Global Platts-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Wb1OrM
London — Gas giant Gazprom plans to start injections of Russian gas into the 38 Bcm/year capacity Power of Siberia pipeline in the third quarter of 2019 ahead of first commercial flows to China at the start of December, the company said late ..

◆190426 China promotes 'green' belt and road, but is pressured over coal ...
Climate Home-8 hours ago https://bit.ly/2VxDTGc
However, China's energy investments abroad continue to favour coal, ... with shared coal, oil and gas interests such as Russia, Indonesia and Pakistan. ... “We need a lot of investments in sustainable development, in renewable energy, and a lot ... China is financing 102 gigawatts of coal power capacity outside the country, ...


◆190427 Blockchain is bringing together largest bank and oil sector in Thailand
Cryptopolitan-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PubCuo
The chief of Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) of Thailand and the national oil company recently executed a fruitful trial of employing Blockchain technology in their transnational business disbursements. The bank has lately publicized the fruitful ...

◆190427 Asia continues to pivot away from coal
Asia Times-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UDtmEI
The decline poses a warning to the world's biggest exporters of thermal coal – Australia and Indonesia – to check supply. ... The latest coal-fired power plant data released by Global Energy Monitor (GEM) in March shows further shrinkage of coal ... Countries across Asia are shifting away from thermal coal into cleaner renewable-energy options, further validating the ... Korean electricity generation mix will move from 72% coal and nuclear in 2017, to 71% gas and renewables by 2050.

◆190427 'Philippines to feel the most pain if global oil prices hit $100 per barrel'
Philippine Star-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XQwj70
MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines could be hit the hardest should world oil prices spike to $100 per barrel by the end of the year, according to analysts at Oxford Economics, who expect oil price to motor this year amid expectations of ...

◆190427 GeoDipa commences construction of Dieng 2 and Patuha 2 ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vrea3a
The $300 million project will extend the capacity of the two GeoDipa geothermal power plants by 60 MW each. ... The expansion of the Dieng and Patuha geothermal projects will bring Indonesia closer to the government's target of a 23% energy mix ... Geothermal power is far cheaper and environmentally friendly than coal-market-priced coal,” Riki told reporters ... a special mission vehicle under the Indonesian Ministry of Finance to increase the target of the new renewable energy ...

◆190427 China, Philippines Moves Forward With Oil Pact
Business Times-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UZ7iJD
China and the Philippines continue the negotiations on the proposed joint oil and gas exploration in the West Philippine Sea despite the non-easing diplomatic territorial tensions in the disputed water body. The Philippines and China signed a ...

◆190427 A Decade of Philippines-Japan Strategic Partnership
The Diplomat-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PzgJJL
In a span of just a decade, Philippines-Japan ties were transformed from a largely economic and development centered ... The preponderance of power by one state in the Indo-Asia-Pacific will likely diminish, if not totally extinguish, the ...

◆190427 Indonesia's March palm output, exports seen higher - survey
Reuters Africa-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VAs0zi
By Bernadette Christina Munthe JAKARTA, April 26 (Reuters) - Indonesia's palm oil output in March likely rose from a month earlier, while inventories were seen lower on the back of a pickup in exports and domestic consumption, according to ..

◆190426 Economic Focus Ahead for Indonesia in Jokowi's Coming Second Term
The Diplomat-11 hours ago https://bit.ly/2Zwhp7z
Economic Focus Ahead for Indonesia in Jokowi's Coming Second Term ... The focus on the economy is likely to continue on into Jokowi's second term, ... restrictive labor laws, and much needed energy supplies, particularly in the countryside and on islands that do not enjoy the same access to electricity as Java and Bali.


◆190427 81st joint patrol on Mekong River concludes
Xinhua-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L446YI
KUNMING, April 26 (Xinhua) -- The 81st Mekong River joint patrol led by China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand ... River in China, is a vital waterway for cross-border shipping among China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

◆190427 JinkoSolar delivers modules for Vietnam's solarpower project
Power Technology-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W924Yt
Chinese manufacturer JinkoSolar Holding has supplied 100MW of photovoltaic (PV) modules to the Srepok 1 and Quang Minh Solar Power Plant Complex in Vietnam. Located in Buon Don district in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak, ...

◆190427 In Laos, A Chinese-Funded Railway Sparks Hope For Growth — And ...
NPR-4 時間前 https://n.pr/2GITIjA
In Southeast Asia's only landlocked country, the Mekong River is a lifeline. From a slow boat heading up the river in Laos, you'll see fishermen working in their boats, riverside farms where bananas ... Eyler says China is a new power player in Laos, whose government most likely found this influx of cash for much needed ...
In Laos, A Chinese-Funded Railway Sparks Hope For Growth —...

◆190427 Kim Jong Un: US Acted In 'Bad Faith' At Vietnam Talks
Forces Network-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UHjOJ1
Kim Jong Un: US Acted In 'Bad Faith' At Vietnam Talks ... Talks between the two leaders collapsed at the summit in Vietnam, with no progress on a US demand that the North give up its nuclear program and a North Korean demand for an ...

◆190427 Japan's support for coal out of step with PM Abe's call for climate action
National Observer-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DMezSL
Japan's continued support for coal power should be on the agenda when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets ... Despite these words, Abe's government continues to provide taxpayer-backed financing to build coal power plants ... Just last week, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation approved a $1.2 billion loan for a coal plant in Vietnam, ... policy excluding financing for coal plants and thermal coal-related infrastructure, and for companies whose revenues rely heavily on coal.

◆190427 Myanmar: Is Suu Kyi Becoming Isolated? – Analysis
Eurasia Review-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IMQXBe
When Suu Kyi came to power with an overwhelming majority in the elections of 2015, People's expectations were rather high. ... Suu Kyi who had opposed the construction of the controversial Myitsone dam before she took over has suddenly become reticent in talking about the dam and there ... The local people said- Ayeyarwaddy river is their inheritance from their ancestors and that they cannot lose it.

◆190426 What's stopping corporates from switching to clean energy in Vietnam?
Eco-Business-19 hours ago https://bit.ly/2L1tcHG
Less than a year after having no large-scale solar farms, Vietnam expects to have more than 4,200 megawatts (MW) of large-scale solar deployed and supplying power to ... energy users - which account for 55-60 per cent of Vietnam's electricity ... conducive market in Vietnam to fulfill their ambitious renewable energy goals ...


◆190427 At $44 bn foreign interest, oil could be India's next geopolitical currency
Business Standard-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Dz0BTU
Saudi Arabia's Aramco last week made headlines for reportedly being in discussions to pick a stake in Reliance Industries' core business. The deal, if successful, may take overall foreign interest in Indian's oil and related assets to $44.46 ...

◆190427 Nuclear Pakistan: Maintaining Peace of South Asia
Modern Diplomacy-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W9VeBM
In 1994, there was a clear indication and warning that the Indian nuclear and missile technology could be used against Pakistan, when Pirthvi missile was tested by India. These apprehensions were substantiated, when in 1997 India intended ...

◆190427 Thousands of women entrepreneurs are selling solar powered tech to ...
CNBC-13 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2ZDX6ow
Thousands of women entrepreneurs are selling solar powered tech to homes in rural India ... The IEA defines such services as "household access to electricity and to clean cooking facilities", the latter referring to fuels and ... The company trains women to sell solar power solutions to rural communities. The women, dubbed Solar Sahelis, have generated $2 million in income through the sale of products like clean cookstoves, renewable energy appliances and solar home systems.

◆190427 Why India can't ignore US sanctions on Iran
Times of India-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ILbg27
In 2005-08, the UPA government put India's nuclear deal with the US before the need for supporting Iran during US ... After all, as a big buyer of Iranian oil, India stands to lose and the sanctions also help the US put more of its own crude on ...

◆190427 India's 'robust plan' to maintain oil imports might include a buyers ...
Business Insider India-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2We0gxu
India's 'robust plan' to maintain oil imports might include a buyers collective with another large oil importer ... In response to the move, India's Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas issued a statement of reassurance amid fears of a supply ...

◆190426 As Modi discovered, India's economy will never look like China's
Washington Post-5 hours ago https://wapo.st/2Dy8atW
When Narendra Modi became India's prime minister in 2014, one hope was that he ... In his first term as chief minister between 2002 and 2007, Gujarat's economy ... overburdened state less money to invest in roads, ports and electricity plants. ... Whenever prime ministers try to concentrate power in Delhi, as Indira Gandhi ...
India is set to take the UK's place as the world's fifth largest economy ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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