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2019年5月1日 令和始まる,一帯一路は米中経済戦争を反映,北の核問題






習近平主席の演説の中で,日経が特に注目したのは, 「世界各国が良好な投資環境を整え,中国の企業,留学生,学者を平等に扱うよう希望する」,と言う言葉で,中国側報道によると,「少なくても280人以上の中国人学者らが不公平な待遇を受けた」,とされる,と報じられている,,




参考資料 2019年5月1日10時11分


◆190501 「一帯一路」に突き進まねばならない中国の事情
日経ビジネス電子版-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GKa4bS
習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席が閉幕後の記者会見で述べた、「国際ルールや標準を幅広く受け入れることを支持する」との発言 ... 中国がここまで一帯一路を推し進めるのは、減速する自国経済の軟着陸のためには経済圏を膨張させる以外ないという事情が ...

◆190501 トランプ対策に乗っ取られた「一帯一路」習近平演説
日本経済新聞-4 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2DJNKhY
来週まで北京とワシントンを舞台に続く米中両政府の「最終協議」が始まった。米大統領、トランプが対中貿易戦争の終結を決断できるほどの歴史的ディールが成立するのか予断を許さない。だが、中国国家主席の習近平(シー・ジンピン)が異常な緊張下にあるの ...

◆190501 中国が向かう「書店4.0」とはどんな世界か
Asahi Shimbun GLOBE-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Y0i2Vj
中国政府が取り組んでいる「全民閲読(全国民読書)」運動はなにも書店を増やすだけではありません。読書を推進する主なルートは、学校、図書館、家庭、書店です。学校は、どこの国でも同じだと思いますが、受験勉強が大事でなかなか本ばかり読ませるわけに ...

◆190501 焦点:対米摩擦が直撃、中国メーカーが苦肉の生き残り策
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Lgi3mA
広州(中国) 22日 ロイター] - 貿易障壁に直面する中国メーカーは、海外顧客を維持しようと、値引きの提示や免税措置の活用、人材削減 ... 欧州連合(EU)が、電動バイクから太陽光パネルに至る中国製品に関税を課したことも中国製造業の悩みを深めている。

◆190501 習近平氏は訪韓するのにトランプ氏が来なければ? 韓国外交当局が苦心
Yahoo!ニュース-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GJQwV0
駐韓中国大使館が習主席の訪韓準備に着手したという観測も出ている。北朝鮮も習氏の訪問に積極的だ。金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)国務委員長は昨年から合わせて4回にわたって訪中したが、習氏の答礼訪問はまだない。金委員長は1月の訪中で習氏を招請 ...

◆190501 日銀・黒田バズーカ、次は「一帯一路」を吹き飛ばす!?
The Liberty Web-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IQ4tnP
政府はこのほど、「中国への借金」に苦しむアフリカ諸国に、財政再建のノウハウを指南する金融の専門家を派遣する方針を決めた(12日付共同通信)。いわば国際 ... しかし、昨年12月に習近平・中国国家主席が訪問し、「一帯一路」を共同で構築することで合意。

◆190501 北朝鮮・崔善姫氏「非核化は米が計算法を変えた条件下でのみ可能」
TBS News-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ULSIQN
北朝鮮の国営メディアは30日、崔善姫(チェ・ソンヒ)第一外務次官が、アメリカのポンペオ国務長官の発言を非難した上で、「非核化は、アメリカが現在の計算法を変えた条件下でのみ可能だ」などと述べたことを伝えました。 これは、朝鮮中央通信が、崔善姫第 ...

◆190501 北朝鮮で工場閉鎖の動き…制裁で景気悪化、製品売れず
Yahoo!ニュース-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vtp7S1
国際社会の制裁が北朝鮮の経済をじわじわと苦しめつつある。各地の国営工場がその窮状を ... 地域の軽工業の工場群は、地元の石炭と中国から輸入した原材料で製品を生産してきたが、それも制裁で輸入できなくなり、立ち行かなくなった。そこで地方政府に ...

◆190430 プーチン-金正恩会談に透けるトランプの思惑
東洋経済オンライン-52 分前 https://bit.ly/2WhV63m
北朝鮮の金正恩労働党委員長は4月25日、ロシア極東のウラジオストクで、ロシアのウラジミール・プーチン大統領との初の首脳会談に臨んだ。ロシアはイギリスとともに世界の外交大国であると、筆者は学んだが、今回、ロシアはその外交力を世界に示したと見 ...


◆190501 NY商品、原油が続伸 協調減産が続くとの観測で
日本経済新聞-5 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2PBhX7m
【NQNニューヨーク=岩本貴子】30日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は続伸した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の6月物は前日比0.41ドル高の1バレル63.91ドルで取引を終えた。石油輸出国機構(OPEC) ...

◆190501 バフェット氏、米石油会社の争奪戦で加勢 1兆円用意
日本経済新聞-3 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2XZ2RvI
【ニューヨーク=宮本岳則】著名投資家ウォーレン・バフェット氏率いる米複合会社バークシャー・ハザウェイが米石油会社アナダルコ争奪戦に加わった。買収を提案した同業の米オキシデンタル・ペトロリアムは30日、買収資 金の一部としてバークシャーから100億 ...

◆190501 コラム:目標破綻は不可避か、地球温暖化の厳しい現実
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LdLvtf
大気中のCO2濃度が上昇を続ける中、気候変動防止目標は手の届かないものになっており、政策担当者らは居心地の悪い選択 ... 国連気候変動枠組み条約(UNFCCC)の締結国は、地球の平均気温が産業革命以前の水準を超えて上昇することを阻止すると ...

◆190501 日本企参画LNG輸入業、NSW政府が認可
NNA.ASIA-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Lf6PhW
東京電力と中部電力の合弁会社JERAと丸紅が参画する、液化天然ガス(LNG)輸入事業のオーストラリア・インダストリアル・エナジー(AIE)はこのほど、ニューサウスウェールズ(NSW)州ケンブラ港の液化天然ガス(LNG)輸入プロジェクトについて、NSW州 ...

◆190430 電力10社の業績、低迷はいつまで続く?
ニュースイッチ Newswitch-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DEm9yH
電力大手10社の2020年3月期連結業績予想は、公表を見送った東京電力ホールディングス(HD)を除き、6社が増収を見込むが、いずれも微増にとどまる。小売り全面自由化による競争激化で、各社の電力販売量は低下か伸び悩み傾向にある。燃料価格上昇 ...


◆190501 China Set To Miss Shale Gas Production Target By A Mile
OilPrice.com-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DG1Wse
China has set a target to produce 30 billion cubic meters (bcm) of shale gas per year by 2020. ... The difficulties, for both national oil companies (NOCs) and oil Majors, highlight the unique challenges of developing shale gas in China.

◆190430 Time for China to Stop Bankrolling Coal
The Diplomat-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XU3Ixy
On April 19, China's National Energy Administration announced a reassessment of its coal power overcapacity traffic light warning system. It removed a total of 11 provinces, including Beijing's neighboring province, Hebei, from the red light ...

◆190430 China Has Big Plans for Its Nuclear Energy Industry. But Will They Pan ...
World Politics Review-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XViapa
Despite that growth, though, China is increasingly viewed less as the salvation of the Western nuclear power industry, and ... nuclear energy promoters, most realistic projections show that nuclear energy's share of electricity generation is likely ...

◆190430 China's navy flaunts its power, but to what end?
The Japan Times-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2J4aBby
First, what is China's true intent? Second, can it bear the cost of military expansion, which comes in addition to its “Belt and Road” initiative (BRI) loan commitments and infrastructure building around the world, particularly at a time of slowing ...

◆190430 Pompeo 'confident' China trade talks will not be hurt over Iran oil ...
Reuters-11 時間前 https://reut.rs/2ZKLEaL
China, India and Turkey are among Iran's largest oil importers that were granted waivers from U.S. sanctions to allow them time to find alternative supplies. ... Pompeo said the United States had worked to find alternative oil supplies to ensure the global oil market is well stocked as ... last spring unilaterally pulled out of a 2015 accord between Iran and six world powers to curb Tehran's nuclear program.

◆190430 China trails targets for gas-fired distributed generation
Interfax Global Energy-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DCD3gW
China's buildout of gas-fired distributed generation (DG) is set to underperform official expectations after the government reined in gas-to-power development in response to a gas supply crunch two years ago. China's installed capacity of gas-fired DG – also known as distributed energy – is on track to reach 15.96 GW by the end of next year and 21.87 GW by 2025, Huang Wei, secretary general of the ...

◆190430 An India-China maneouvre could soon leave world's oil powers ...
Economic Times-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PzwEYP
The old power structure of world oil markets could be on the verge of a great, potentially far-reaching shift, thanks to India ... A high-level representative from China's National Energy Administration had visited India last week to put the deal on ...

◆190430 China agrees to invest $1.8bn in Ethiopia's power grid
GCR-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2J2hBFH
The State Grid Corporation of China has announced that it is to invest $1.8bn in Ethiopia's electricity transmission and ... Ethiopia has made the development of its estimated 60GW of renewable energy a cornerstone of its 15-year Growth and Transformation Plan. ... Image: The Grand Renaissance Dam is set to more than double Ethiopia's installed generating capacity (Government of Ethiopia).

◆190430 Cold testing under way at Chinese Hualong One unit
World Nuclear News-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V4DhZ1
Cold hydrostatic testing has begun at unit 5 of the Fuqing nuclear power plant in China's Fujian province, the first of two demonstration Hualong One reactors under construction at the site. The tests mark the first time the reactor systems are ...


◆190501 Thailand Prepares For First Coronation in Seven Decades
Voice of America-1 hour ago https://bit.ly/2DRqKOb
Thailand Prepares For First Coronation in Seven Decades ... Thailand's teeming capital is gearing up for three days of elaborate ceremonies ... While Thailand's constitutional monarchy wields limited political power, most Thais revere their royals as near-deities. .... Indonesia Charts Two Soft Courses to Contain China ...

◆190430 State-owned enterprises in Indonesia encouraged to optimize ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UK11g5
In a message to stakeholders, IRESS Executive Director Marwan Batubara urged state-owned geothermal power producers to optimize power generation and ensure that local communities benefit from their projects.

◆190430 ADB backs clean power in Indonesia
Public Finance International-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UQQvDI
“ADB is a partner of choice in Indonesia's strategy to finance low-carbon power generation through private sector ... the liquefied natural gas supply chain and increase energy security, while helping to reduce power-generation costs.”.

◆190430 ADB funds $305 mn for largest combined-cycle power plant in Indonesia
ETEnergyworld.com-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Wdxxsk
The project comprises a 1,760-Mw CCGT power plant and ancillary infrastructure in Cilamaya, Karawang, West Java. ... to reduce dependency on coal and diesel fuel in favor of cleaner domestic energy sources such as natural gas.

◆190430 Duyung partners to drill Tambak gas prospect offshore Indonesia
Offshore Oil and Gas Magazine-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DPNPAP
LONDON – The partners in the Duyung PSC in Indonesia's offshore West Natuna basin have committed to a two-well drilling campaign. This will comprise one exploration well to test the Tambak prospect beneath the central area of the Mako gas field, and an ... According to Coro Energy, the program should begin in September, with each well taking around 33 days to drill and test, ... The Oil & Gas Innovation Centre has agreed to support five new offshore oil and gas-related projects.

◆190430 Indonesia Sets Eyes On New Palm Oil Markets During BRI Forum
Business Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L97wt7
Indonesia has started setting eyes on potential markets for its massive palm oil produce as the European Union (EU) prepares ... According to the Jakarta Globe, the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing allowed for Indonesia to showcase its palm oil industry ... Also during the Belt and Road Forum, Indonesia was among the countries who agreed to enhance cooperation with other nations on the energy sector.

◆190430 Gatchalian wants penalties for tripping power plants
CNN Philippines-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WdXok5
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 29) – Heads should roll every time a power plant goes into unplanned shutdown which causes brownouts, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian said. “I really feel that these plants should be penalized. At the end ...

◆190430 Documents Show Indonesia Released Banned N. Korean Coal
Sea News-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Pz5X6k
Indonesia has released seized North Korean coal in apparent violation of U.N. sanctions, posing a challenge to U.S.-led international efforts to crack down on Pyongyang's sanctions evasion, according U.N.monitors and court documents.

◆190430 Oil price hike set for April 30
Rappler-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2J4ApUI
MANILA, Philippines – Oil prices will rise on Tuesday, April 30, as petroleum-exporting countries continue to withhold supply. Shell and Petro Gazz announced on Monday, April 29, that gasoline prices will be increased by P0.75 per liter, while ...


◆190501 Myanmar has an energy problem
The Asean Post-18 hours ago https://bit.ly/2V77pD9
According to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, energy demand is expected to ... natural gas (LNG) to help meet the growing energy demands of the country. ... while Chinese power plant developer Zhefu and Myanmar's Supreme will be ... and is already embarking on over 50 hydroelectric dam projects in the country.

◆190430 Partners reach accord on offshore southwest Vietnam gas targets
Offshore Oil and Gas Magazine-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PB85uy
SINGAPORE – Two subsidiaries of Jadestone Energy have signed a heads of agreement (HOA) with Petrovietnam. These concern gas sales from the proposed development of the Nam Du and U Minh gas fields, which Jadestone operates with a 70% interest, in blocks 46/07 and block 51 offshore southwest Vietnam. The HOA ... using existing infrastructure which sends the gas to a 1.5-GW onshore power complex, and an adjacent 800,000 metric tons/yr (881,849 tons) fertilizer plant.

◆190430 AC Energy seeks wind power deals in Vietnam
INQUIRER.net-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WdezlO
NINH THUAN, Vietnam— The Ayala group's AC Energy is finalizing deals for wind power projects that need to be up and ... for feed-in tariff,” Francia said, referring to a scheme meant to encourage investments in renewable energy sources.

◆190430 Last Days of the Mighty Mekong: A Review
Council on Foreign Relations (blog)-6 時間前 https://on.cfr.org/2Lf4JyE
The Last Days of the Mighty Mekong, by Brian Eyler, director of the Southeast Asia program at the Stimson Center, takes the ... through mainland Southeast Asia, an economically dynamic region where Beijing is increasingly the dominant external power. The Mekong has become increasingly important to trade as well, as the river has been made more navigable ... Thailand's energy demands, for instance, are one reason for dam-building in Laos, and these dams ultimately damage ...

◆190430 Jadestone Energy Inc. Announces Heads of Agreement for Vietnam ...
EnerCom Inc. (press release) (blog)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GQBuy2
SINGAPORE / ACCESSWIRE / April 29, 2019 / Jadestone Energy Inc. (AIM:JSE, TSXV:JSE) ("Jadestone" or the "Company"), an independent oil and gas production company focused on the Asia Pacific region, is pleased to announce that two ...

◆190430 Scheduled Power Outages for Myanmar's Major Cities
The Irrawaddy News Magazine-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GJ1iuM
The Mandalay Electricity Supply Corporation (MESC) announced on Sunday that it will cut power to different districts of ... gas power plants are reducing and plants in Yangon are currently using diesel to generate electricity in an attempt to ...

◆190430 Vietnam seeks to boost Kuwaiti investments in gas, oil
Arab Times Kuwait English Daily-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GUSsvj
Vietnam's deputy prime minister received Kuwaiti Minister of Oil, Electricity and Water Khalid Al-Fadhil in Hanoi. ... The Vietnamese newspaper reported that the deputy prime minister asked Kuwait to facilitate the entry of Vietnamese products ...

◆190430 Why Is China Placing A Global Bet On Coal?
NPR-7 時間前 https://n.pr/2DEn6Hh
Yet China's overseas ventures include hundreds of electric power plants that burn coal, which is a significant emitter of the ... tells NPR that China is building or planning more than 300 coal plants in places as widely spread as Turkey, Vietnam, ... drawing more than 70 percent of its electricity from coal, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. ... NPR on Saturday to one of the plants, the Huaneng Beijing thermal power station, showed that it now burns natural gas — still ...

◆190430 Jetion Solar supplies 50MW of solar modules to Myanmar project
PV-Tech-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GJvTII
The annual power generation is expected to be 87 million kWh, which can power the equivalent of 20,000 Myanmar families. “In the northern part of Myanmar where the PV project is located, the performance and stability of solar modules in ...


◆190501 Pakistan bullish on oil, gas discovery at Kekra-1
The News International-1 hour ago https://bit.ly/2V5lVvh
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is expecting discovery of oil and gas reserves in ultra-deep waters offshore Karachi as the drilling at Kekra-1 has almost reached its ..

◆190430 India Renewable Energy Developers Line Up US$1 Billion Green Bonds
CleanTechnica-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VxNiNY
Two large private renewable energy developers in India are planning to raise US$500 million each through sale of green ... Other companies like CLP India and ReNew Power, too, have raised funds through green bonds as the competition in ...

◆190430 An India-China maneouvre could soon leave world's oil powers ...
Economic Times-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PzwEYP
The old power structure of world oil markets could be on the verge of a great, potentially far-reaching shift, thanks to India ... A high-level representative from China's National Energy Administration had visited India last week to put the deal on ...

◆190430 India and Pakistan Will 'Never Be Friends' as US Sits Out Aggressive ...
CCN-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V4Mq3O
By CCN.com: As India and Pakistan continue to throw nuclear threats back and forth, a senior Indian government official tasked with diplomacy in external affairs has dampened any hopes for peace between the two nations. India's minister of ...

◆190430 India Should Not 'Test Our Resolve': Pakistan Army to India on Nuclear ...
Sputnik International-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GShfQn
"In your [Indian] rhetoric, you keep using nuclear power as a threat. Nuclear powers are not a threat, they are a weapon of deterrence that should not be mentioned lightly…Do not test our resolve", Pakistan's Armed Forces' chief spokesperson ...

◆190430 First Indo-Bangla river cruise sets sail
Deccan Herald-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LbJuxE
M V Mahabaahu, the first ever tourist cruise on the India-Bangladesh river route which left the shore off the Brahmaputra here on Monday will have rivers, sandbars, wildlife and ancient architecture in its 17-day sojourn to Kolkata via ...

◆190430 Don't underestimate Pakistan's relationship with Iran
TRT World-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2URWZSF
While Pakistan's ties with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf are more concrete than their Iranian ties, Pakistan still marches to ... Economic links are also strong: Saudi Arabia is Pakistan's top oil supplier, and there are around 2.5 million Pakistani ... In February, the crown prince pledged $20 billion of investments, and Saudi Aramco has reportedly offered liquid natural gas. ... His PTI party supported the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, opposed deploying Pakistani troops to Yemen, and also opposed ...

◆190430 1.2 Gigawatt Tender Undersubscribed In Fresh Jolt To India's Wind ...
CleanTechnica-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vtfUcl
Problems do not seem to go away for the Indian renewable energy sector as project developers continue to face a ... ReNew Power Limited is the leading developer in terms of capacity secured in all wind energy auctions held in India to date.

◆190430 Acquisition Activity In Indian Renewable Energy Market Heats Up
CleanTechnica-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UOg3RK
According to different media reports, renewable energy generators Mahindra Susten and government-owned power trading company PTC India are looking to sell their solar and wind energy assets, respectively. Mahindra Susten, a subsidiary ...

◆190430 Indian Coal Company Issues 100 Megawatt Solar Power Tender
CleanTechnica-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Wkkiq9
The tender has been issued by the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) on behalf of SCCL. ... had expressed its desire to power its operations from electricity generated through solar power projects compared coal-based power plants.

◆190430 India's Iran Dilemma
Economic Times (blog)-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L9585B
Despite sanctions both the countries were not only able to manage cooperation in the economic and energy sector but were very ... Key questions that merit some attention is will India completely cut off its oil imports from Iran under mounting ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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