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2019年5月2日 イラン原油禁輸に怒る中国,中国の海軍力増強,米中経済戦争










参考資料 2019年5月2日10時02分


◆100502 いまさらロシアにすり寄る北朝鮮の「露骨外交」の真骨頂
現代ビジネス-3 hours ago https://bit.ly/2GWw9Fl
4月25日、ロシア極東ウラジオストクで、北朝鮮の金正恩氏とプーチン大統領との首脳会談が行われた。 事前に予想された通り、これ ... この核心的利益をもし失うことになれば、習近平政権も危うい。 だからこそ、厄介なのだ。 ... 実際、ハノイの米朝会談以降、共産主義中国は北朝鮮をサポートするような発言は行っていない。 その習政権の事情は、 ...

◆100502 言うこととやることが大違い、一帯一路は欺瞞である
JBpress-3 hours ago https://bit.ly/2LkDLFY
今回のサミットの狙いは、昨年(2018年)どん底に落ちた一帯一路ブランドのイメージ、つまり「債務の罠」だとか「中国版植民地主義」だとか、資金調達の透明性の問題だとかを払拭するのが狙いで、習近平は賢明に国際標準のルールを尊重することや投資規模 ...

◆100502 ホワイトハウスは中国との貿易協議打ち切りも-早期妥結なければ
ブルームバーグ-22 hours ago https://bit.ly/2V9kuMc
米ホワイトハウスは中国との貿易協議を今後2週間で決着させるべく圧力を強めており、早期に妥結しなければ、米国が交渉の場 ... ライトハイザー米通商代表部(USTR)代表とムニューシン財務長官は今週、北京で協議に臨んでおり、来週には中国の劉鶴副 ...

◆100502 【真・人民日報】習近平氏の「重慶視察」から見える“ポスト習” 現時点で陳敏 ...
ZAKZAK-19 hours ago https://bit.ly/2IVuGkO
習近平国家主席に続く李克強首相のヨーロッパ訪問が、中国の強い外交メッセージであったということを先週まで書いてきたが、 ... 習主席がたとえもう一期、国家主席をやることになったとしても、その後に続く人材も育てずに何かが起きれば、中国は混乱します。

◆100502 特別リポート:中国が海軍力増強、崩れる太平洋の軍事均衡
ロイター-36 minutes ago https://bit.ly/2DTRJsr
1990年代以降、中国はわずか20年余りで世界最大の海軍力を確立し、いまや南シナ海、東シナ海、黄海という三つの海域で制海権を手中にしている。その勢力 ... 新しい軍艦の華々しい登場は、習近平が自らの指導力を誇示する強力な武器となる。近代的な ...

◆190501 「一帯一路」に突き進まねばならない中国の事情
日経ビジネス電子版-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GKa4bS
習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席が閉幕後の記者会見で述べた、「国際ルールや標準を幅広く受け入れることを支持する」との発言 ... 中国がここまで一帯一路を推し進めるのは、減速する自国経済の軟着陸のためには経済圏を膨張させる以外ないという事情が ...


◆100502 NY商品、原油が反落 予想以上の在庫増加で
日本経済新聞-5 hours ago https://s.nikkei.com/2UTdgab
【NQNニューヨーク=川内資子】1日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は3営業日ぶりに反落した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で、期近の6月物は前日比0.31ドル安の1バレル63.60ドルで取引を終えた。1日発表 ...

◆100502 米、イラン原油禁輸で適用除外を撤廃 中国は反発、輸入継続も
日本経済新聞-17 hours ago https://s.nikkei.com/2GWb6Tg
【テヘラン=岐部秀光、ワシントン=中村亮】トランプ米政権が、イラン産原油の禁輸で一部の国と地域に認めてきた適用除外ルールを2日に撤廃する。イラン産日量100万バレル超の供給が減る計算で、各国は対応を迫られている。中国は反発、イランは非公式な ...

◆100502 米、イラン原油を全面禁輸
ロイター-4 hours ago https://bit.ly/2Y2AaxY
【ワシントン共同】トランプ米政権は2日午前0時(日本時間同日午後1時)、イラン産原油の全面禁輸を開始する。日本など8カ国・地域を適用除外としていた措置を打ち切る。イラン核合意を離脱した米政権は、合意前と同水準の制裁を完全復活させて圧力を強め、 ...

◆100502 世界経済は原油1バレル=100ドルを持ちこたえるか?
Sputnik 日本-15 hours ago https://bit.ly/2PEYUt7
今年、ブレント原油の価格は33%上昇。通常、原油価格の上昇は上向きの世界経済と消費を反映する。現在の醸成は通常とは違う。原油価格が上がる一方、世界経済は鈍化。原油価格の推進力の1つは、石油輸出国機構(OPEC)の減産と、米国からの制裁 ...

◆100502 特集][有識者座談会]新時代、エネルギーはどうなる
電気新聞-4 hours ago https://bit.ly/2Vasc8G
エネルギー業界も燃料価格の低位・安定がしばらく続いたが、その後は原油価格が100ドルを一時突破するなど、変動の幅が大きくなった時代だった。また、阪神・淡路大震災や東日本大震災といった自然災害が相次いだほか、自由化、地球温暖化問題の流れ ...

◆190501 コラム:目標破綻は不可避か、地球温暖化の厳しい現実
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LdLvtf
大気中のCO2濃度が上昇を続ける中、気候変動防止目標は手の届かないものになっており、政策担当者らは居心地の悪い選択 ... 国連気候変動枠組み条約(UNFCCC)の締結国は、地球の平均気温が産業革命以前の水準を超えて上昇することを阻止すると ...


◆190501 China's municipal coal deals
The Ecologist-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PKzJ8w
Investment deals emerging from China's belt and road summit 25-27 April show continued support for controversial ... The remarks respond to rising concern about the carbon footprint of China's coal power spree abroad, which risks ... Prime minister Imran Khan welcomed “substantial progress” on developing the country's energy supplies and called for ... increased sharply in 2018, but it is too early to say whether – and how fast – the switch towards wind, solar and hydro will continue.

◆190501 Kyrgyzstan aims to obtain gas from Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline
AzerNews-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V7Y3qL
Kyrgyzstan is attempting to develop its gas industry by diversifying its sources of blue fuel. The country has held talks on the possibility of getting natural gas from the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline for gasification of ... southern regions, said Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use Zhyrgalbek Sagynbayev. ... SOCAR aims to increase oil products sale in Georgia.

◆190501 China's 'Long March' to a Credible Nuclear Attack Submarine
The National Interest Online-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XYOd7n
Mao Zedong famously said China would build nuclear submarines even if it took ten thousand years. It has required several decades, but new vitality is evident in this critical program for Beijing's blue water aspirations. China's navy, long the ...

◆190501 China Set To Miss Shale Gas Production Target By A Mile
OilPrice.com-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DG1Wse
China has set a target to produce 30 billion cubic meters (bcm) of shale gas per year by 2020. ... The difficulties, for both national oil companies (NOCs) and oil Majors, highlight the unique challenges of developing shale gas in China.


◆190501 ADB finances largest CCGT power plant in Indonesia
LNG Industry-54 分前 https://bit.ly/2WjHG78
“This project will support the country's efforts to strengthen the LNG supply chain and increase energy security, while helping ... to reduce dependency on coal and diesel fuel in favour of cleaner domestic energy sources, such as natural gas.

◆190501 Thailand approves power plan, expects capacity to reach 77 GW by ...
ETEnergyworld.com-2019/04/30 https://bit.ly/2GMAdH9
The Power Development Plan 2018-2037 (PDP2018), which maps out the long-term energy needs and capacity of the ... 53 percent of total capacity would be from natural gas, 20 percent from renewable sources, 12 percent from coal and the ...

◆190501 Indonesia sees waste-to-energy plant as solution to garbage problem
ANTARA-2019/04/30 https://bit.ly/2Wh1wzR
If we do not begin, when will we make progress? Later, if processing 100 tons per day works, we will replicate it in other cities, such as Labuan Bajo, Balige, Pontianak, and other cities that produce daily garbage of around 100-200 tons.

◆190501 Goodbye, Jakarta? Indonesia's president suggests new capital
The Guardian-2019/04/30 https://bit.ly/2J7SjGo
So when Indonesia's president, Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, this week suggested making somewhere else the capital, it did not come as a shock. ... Power in the country has long been centred in Java, the most populated island in the world, and the logic of moving the capital is ... he said, which has for decades suffered the negative consequences of the extractive industries of gold, coal, oil and gas, ...

◆190501 Thailand Prepares For First Coronation in Seven Decades
Voice of America-1 hour ago https://bit.ly/2DRqKOb
Thailand Prepares For First Coronation in Seven Decades ... Thailand's teeming capital is gearing up for three days of elaborate ceremonies ... While Thailand's constitutional monarchy wields limited political power, most Thais revere their royals as near-deities. .... Indonesia Charts Two Soft Courses to Contain China ...


◆190501 Jadestone Energy sign Heads of Agreement with Petrovietnam for ...
SteelGuru-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vyB88F
Jadestone Energy Inc, an independent oil and gas production company focused on the Asia Pacific region, announced that two of its wholly-owned subsidiaries have signed a Heads of Agreement with Petrovietnam, relating to gas sales from ...

◆190501 Myanmar and China may have no choice but to scale back and move ...
South China Morning Post-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ISGyUW
Myitsone dam. project, despite public fears in Myanmar that construction of the dam, in limbo since 2011, would soon be revived. ... Poets and writers included Myitsone in their works, equating the Irrawaddy river with nationality and sovereignty. In other words ... in the “Belt and Road Initiative” and in the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor construction. Aung San Suu ... So we are looking at other locations to execute the project so we can produce the electricity needed by the country.” ...

◆190501 Thailand and Cambodia reopen rail and sea links as ties blossom
Nikkei Asian Review-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2IXYRIr
BANGKOK -- Thailand and Cambodia have ramped up efforts to bolster diplomatic and economic ties with the aim of doubling bilateral trade by 2020. The neighbors revived a crossborder train link on April 22 after it laid unused for 45 years.

◆190501 Myanmar has an energy problem
The Asean Post-18 hours ago https://bit.ly/2V77pD9
According to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, energy demand is expected to ... natural gas (LNG) to help meet the growing energy demands of the country. ... while Chinese power plant developer Zhefu and Myanmar's Supreme will be ... and is already embarking on over 50 hydroelectric dam projects in the country.


◆190501 Pakistan is proxy space power of China: Top Indian Army officer
Economic Times-7 hours ago https://bit.ly/2XW7dn5
NEW DELHI: Terming Pakistan as the "the proxy space power of China", a top defence official on Wednesday said there was a need to restructure India's space ...

◆190501 Iran oil import issue to hit India-US ties
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-15 hours ago https://bit.ly/2GVbOjM
Given that Iran is an important energy and trade partner of India, the US move ... US withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, Iran was India's third largest oil supplier.

◆190501 KKR to acquire India Grid InvIT manager in big bet on power sector
VCCircle-4 hours ago https://bit.ly/2GMMeMA
In this transaction, KKR will subscribe to 42.2% of India Grid Trust units via a different ... as a co-sponsor of the India Grid InvIT, alongside Sterlite Power Grid Ventures. ... India Grid said it will acquire five transmission projects from its sponsor ...

◆190501 Generator buying guide in India: Here is a checklist on how to select one
Economic Times-2 hours ago https://bit.ly/2DIt0qD
Generation of electric power is a prime concern of the government and they set ... producing electricity which include hydel power, thermal power, solar power and ... distributing it through a vast network of transmission lines that accomplishes ... The most common fuels used in India are diesel, petrol, gas and solar energy.

◆190501 Pakistan bullish on oil, gas discovery at Kekra-1
The News International-1 hour ago https://bit.ly/2V5lVvh
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is expecting discovery of oil and gas reserves in ultra-deep waters offshore Karachi as the drilling at Kekra-1 has almost reached its ..




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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