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2019年6月9日 安倍首相のイラン訪問は,週単位で米北問題,衆参同時に影響










参考資料 2019年6月9日11時50分更新



◆190609 プーチン氏が米国を強烈批判 名指し回避の中国と対照的
朝日新聞-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZmZf7t
ロシアのプーチン大統領は7日、サンクトペテルブルクでの国際経済フォーラムで演説し、「全世界に自国の管轄権を押しつけている」と米国を激しく批判した。同じく演説しながら米国を名指しする批判を避けた中国の習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席と対照的な ...

◆190609 米朝決裂で宙に浮いた金正恩氏の「とっておきプロジェクト」
Yahoo!ニュース-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2F00At3
北朝鮮が経済発展、貿易振興のために中国との国境に面した地域に、国際市場を開設しようとしたが、計画が中断していると、現地の情報筋が伝えてきた。 その現場となったのは、北朝鮮の咸鏡北道(ハムギョンブクト)茂山(ムサン)。鉄鉱石を産出する鉱山を ...

◆190609 首相が12日からイラン訪問 緊張緩和「シンゾ-しかいない」
産経ニュース-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IsDwEe
安倍晋三首相は12~14日まで3日間の日程でイランを訪問する。現職首相のイラン訪問は昭和53年の福田赳夫氏以来、約41年ぶり。首相はロウハニ大統領だけでなく、イランの最高指導者ハメネイ師とも会談する方向だ。米国とイランの間で軍事的緊張が ...

◆190609 安倍首相“前提なし対話”に金正恩氏が突き付ける2つの条件
女性自身-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Wpjorp
安倍晋三首相は北朝鮮との外交を、圧力から“前提条件なしでの対話”に方針転換をしましたが、永田町では、すでに北朝鮮との首脳 ... 5月6日、金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長と首脳会談実現に向けて、それまで使っていた「圧力」という言葉を引っ込めて、“無条件 ...

◆190609 中国介入、香港民主派憂慮=「逃亡犯条例」改正案めぐり
時事通信-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/31iMEDV
【香港時事】香港で身柄を拘束された容疑者の中国本土への移送を可能にする「逃亡犯条例」改正案が、内外で議論を呼んでいる。中国政府が民主活動家ら政府に不都合な人物の引き渡しを求める恐れがあるとして、香港民主派や国際社会が憂慮する中、中国 ...

◆190609 私が目撃した「天安門事件」あの日、中国の若者に訊ねられたこと
現代ビジネス-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KcaUCz
30年前の6月、筆者は中国四川省の省都、成都にいた。ライフワークである中国と日本の野生生物の比較を始めてから3年目、中国の大学に留学して1年弱のことである。 世界中が震撼した北京中心部でのあの出来事だけでなく、広い中国のあちこちで、規模は ...

Yahoo!ニュース-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MQeFzJ
2017年にマレーシアで殺害された北朝鮮の金正男(キム・ジョンナム)氏が米中央情報局(CIA)の情報員だったとワシントンポスト記者が ... ワシントンポスト北京支局長のアンナ・フィフィールド氏はこのほど出版した金正恩国務委員長の評伝『最後の継承者( ...

◆190609 世界で起こる“ファーウェイ排除”の潮流、中国での反応は? 現地の声を ...
リアルサウンド-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QXKFjz
中国の通信機器大手である「HUAWEI(ファーウェイ/華為技術)」が世界で注目を集めている。アメリカのHUAWEIを排除する動きに高い関心がよせられているが、過熱していく海外報道とは別に、中国国内での反応はどうなのか、気になるところだ。政府見解は ...


◆190609 天然ガス需要、2018年に急増 環境団体は気候への影響を懸念
AFPBB News-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XADPmv
【6月8日 AFP】国際エネルギー機関(IEA)は7日、天然ガスに関する年次報告書を発表し、2018年は世界中で天然ガスの需要が急増して「最盛期を迎えた1年」だったと評した。これを受けて環境保護団体からは、天然ガスが気候に与える影響について懸念の声 ...

◆190609 原子力人材育成へ 新会議設置を検討 産学官で衰退歯止め
iza(イザ!)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Wyslni
日本の原子力技術を担う人材の確保に向け、政府の関係省庁と産学の関係者が定期的に意見交換を実施する会議の新設を検討している。国内外で日本企業が関与する原子力発電所の新増設の見通しが立たない中、政府の予算措置も含めた人材育成戦略を ...

◆190609 沈み行くフィリピン諸島、地下水くみ上げの脅威 気候変動上回る
AFPBB News-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Isg367
【6月9日 AFP】20年以上前、フィリピン北部のシティオパリアハン(Sitio Pariahan)にメリーアン・サンホセ(Mary Ann San Jose)さんが移って来た当時は、地元の教会まで歩いて行くことができた。だが、今は泳いで行かなければならない。 その主な原因は、 ...

◆190609 降雪のエネルギーを電気変換 画期的な機器が考案
Sputnik 日本-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XvyAEK

◆190609 ケニアで進む地熱開発=電化率100%へ、輸出も視野
時事通信-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WCUcTv
電力不足に悩むアフリカ諸国が依然多い中、火山国ケニアでは国土の特徴を利用した地熱発電の開発が加速している。2022年までの「電力アクセス人口100%」達成を目標に掲げ、将来的には電力輸出の可能性も模索する。貧困削減のカギとなる電力問題 ..



◆190609 中国の太陽光発電、今後は主力エネルギーに―中国メディア
ニコニコニュース-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WYNXZe
中国電源学会副理事長を務める陽光電源股フン有限公司(フンはにんべんに分)の曹仁賢会長は、「中国の太陽光発電は2025年より徐々に主力エネルギーになる」と述べた。3日に上海市で開幕した「SNEC2019 国際太陽光発電・スマートエネルギー(上海) ...

◆190609 天然ガス需要、2018年に急増 環境団体は気候への影響を懸念
AFPBB News-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XADPmv
また、世界全体のエネルギー消費の総増加量のうち、45%を天然ガスが占めた。 天然ガス需要の急増は、米国における生産量の拡大に加え、中国で石炭に代わる燃料として需要が伸び続けていることが要因となっている。 IEAは、天然ガスが大気汚染を改善 ...

◆190609 荒れ模様の中国自動車市場 国産メーカー悪化が目立つ
Yahoo!ニュース-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZfKHq4
こうした中で日系メーカーは比較的好調だが、これも急速な普及が見込まれる新エネルギー車(NEV)の動向次第では、先行き ... 中国自動車工業協会の発表によると、4月の自動車販売台数は、前年同月比14.6%減の198万台となった。10カ月連続の減少 ...

◆190609 中国が初の「大気の質改善報告」、2013年からの改善の成果明らかに ...
エキサイトニュース-16 時間前 http://exci.to/2MCsW2D
同報告によると、2013年以降、中国は経済が持続的に成長し、エネルギー消費量が持続的に増加する中で、大気環境の質が全体的に改善された。2018年には全国の国内総生産(GDP)が2013年比39%増加し、エネルギー消費量は同11%増加、自動車保有 ...

◆190609 【CRI時評】「中国プラン」で持続可能な発展に新たな道を拓け
中国国際放送-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZjiRt5
中国の習近平国家主席は7日、ロシアでサンクトペテルブルグ国際経済フォーラムの総会に出席し、「持続可能な発展を堅持し、繁栄 ... 人と自然の調和ある共存」という習主席の主張は、中国が提唱するエコ文明の思想を十分に示すものであり、気候変動などの ...

◆190609 「ゴジラ キング・オブ・モンスターズ」に登場する空中空母、決して空想では ...
エキサイトニュース-6 時間前 http://exci.to/2WWThMM
「ゴジラ キング・オブ・モンスターズ」に登場する空中空母、決して空想ではない―中国メディア ... また、外観が近未来的な米国の新世代原子力潜水艦は、画面を通じて多数の無人潜水機を遠隔操作し、水面下の探索任務を遂行することができると説明。

◆190609 対米で共闘鮮明 習主席訪露 宇宙分野など協力確認
毎日新聞-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MBXKRe
米国が中国の通信機器大手「華為技術」(ファーウェイ)製品を排除する動きに反発した。ファーウェイはロシアの通信企業と5Gに関する協力文書も結んだ。ロシア産大豆の対中輸出やエネルギー協力の拡大でも合意し中国が対米貿易戦争を受け、ロシアと経済 .

◆190606 原油急落でも品薄続く中東産 中国が活発な買い
日本経済新聞-2 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Wr7MJd
欧米の原油先物相場が急落するなか、中東産原油が品薄となっている。米トランプ政権による経済制裁でイラン産の供給が減ったうえ、中国が米国産の輸入を減らして中東産を活発に買い付けているためだ。需給の引き締まりを映し、日本が多く輸入する ...


◆190609 UK-China experts plan sustainable energy future
Arab News-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KCxnYL
University of Birmingham scientists joined their Chinese counterparts at the 2019 UK-China Future Energy System ... We can only accelerate the global shift to low carbon through a combination of renewable energy, modernized power grid ...

◆190609 Did China Really Test a New Submarine-Launched Nuclear Missile?
Yahoo News-12 時間前 https://yhoo.it/2QYAsmQ
Two anonymous Chinese military sources told the South China Morning Post that the test was of an older ballistic missile. ... The denials are part of a bizarre frenzy that began on June 2, when people in northeastern China reported seeing an ...

◆190609 Is It Too Late to Stop a New Cold War With China?
The New York Times-7 時間前 https://nyti.ms/2WWRDuC
The American diplomat George Kennan forged America's Cold War consensus by counseling that Soviet power had to be contained ... Now President Trump is escalating a trade war with China as politicians, policymakers and pundits from both parties urge him not to stop there. ... That he is rallying the country bodes ill for the conflict to come, even compared with the nuclear standoffs, proxy wars and ...

◆190609 China, Russia vow to further energy cooperation
Global Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2I29jwt
China and Russia are poised to further deepen their energy cooperation as their top leaders both pledged on Friday to ... as a platform for the two sides to explore expanding cooperation in oil and gas, electric power and renewable energy.

◆190609 Explainer: 1 Big Advantage America Would Have over China In a War
The National Interest Online (blog)-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wJs9Cd
Given China's place in the world, its underlying national trends and America's pointed advantage in just that aspect of military power that's especially ... It apparently disregards the decisive power of America's nuclear-powered submarines.

◆190609 Will China change American oil for Russian Oil?
Middle East Headlines (blog)-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WtQfQO
So with the US closing the tap on Iran and starting a trade war, the solutions of a country as big as China could ... to the Middle East Headlines News team that at present there are two tools that the United States uses to claim its power. ... and more self-sufficient energetically thanks to the 'boom' of its oil and its shale gas, Middle East oil ends up mostly in Asia, ... “A serious bilateral American oil trade plan would include investing and being the direct owner of the sources [of energy] ...

◆190609 Weekly snapshot of China's local business news
Xinhua-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WTGXx0
BEIJING, June 8 (Xinhua) -- The following are highlights of China's key local business news from the past week. ... PetroChina, China's largest oil and gas producer, has started full operation of an oil refining expansion project that doubles its annual ... China's major coal-rich province of Shanxi has stepped up the development of new energy in a bid to power its economy with more clean energy. The total ...

◆190609 Investigating Trump's Trade War Through the Eyes of China
MishTalk-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R1p8GH
Let's take a look at how China sees the escalation of the trade war as described by the Xinhua News Agency in Beijing. ... The US government's thinking on China's economic relations and trade bullying has produced or is currently ... United States, which prides itself on "complete market economy," also openly uses state power and technological advantages, and ... the Iranian nuclear comprehensive agreement, the China-Treaty Treaty and other international treaties, the "American ...

◆190609 Why Is China Pouring Money Into The Arctic?
OilPrice.com-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/31cyJiC
Some of China's investments have been welcomed by regional actors, and include the China Iceland Joint Arctic Science ... These investments are exemplary of China's wish to become a 'polar great power', a term first used by President Xi ... in Greenland, China is also involved in a Sino-Russian joint venture in Yamal, Russia, to extract liquified natural gas. ... Rising sea levels, for example, threaten to flood Chinese coastal regions, including its highly industrialized Pearl River Delta.

◆190606 China's power catching up to that of US, Asia ranking shows
Nikkei Asian Review-22 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2QQ9qya
Asia Power Index 2019 shows the U.S. 8.6 points ahead of China, down from a lead of 10.1 points last year. ... purchasing power parity, official reserves, human resources in research and development, electricity generation from renewables, ...



◆190609 コラム:東南アジア、他の新興国市場よりリスクオフに耐性
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/31jHxDx


◆190609 More roads, more dams, more power plants for Indonesia
The Straits Times-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Xy1h3S
The Trans-Java and Trans-Sumatra highways are expected to be completed during the second term of President Joko Widodo, shortening travelling times and opening up new job opportunities on Indonesia's two main islands. Officials say ...

◆190609 Big-time oil price rollback set Saturday
CNN Philippines-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Wv6I7f
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, June 8) — Motorists may want to wait until Saturday evening before filling up their tanks, as gas prices in at least one fuel retailer will plummet by nearly ₱3 per liter. Phoenix Petroleum has announced that it will ...

◆190609 FDI is The Only Fuel That Can Power a Philippine Economic ...
http://www.eurasiafuture.com/-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WTiszJ
From his earliest days as President, Duterte has been a man who is fully aware of the need for FDI to help power a ... the same could happen in The Philippines, but recent discussions over foreign loans regarding the Kaliwa Dam make it clear ...

◆190609 PSALM sets auction of 650-megawatt Malaya Thermal plant in August
Philippine Star-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2I3Q5a4
MANILA, Philippines — State-run Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp. (PSALM) will bid out the 650-megawatt Malaya Thermal Power Plant (TPP) in August, after tapping PricewaterhouseCoopers Philippines to do the valuation of the asset. ... four qualified bidders namely AC Energy Inc., DM Wenceslao and Associates Inc., DMCI Power Corp. and FGen Reliable Energy Holdings Inc.

◆190609 Solar energy equipment firm sees growing potential in Cebu
INQUIRER.net-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KCelSo
CEBU CITY, Philippines–There remains a huge potential for solar energy in Cebu and the rest of the Philippines. ... Hydro accounts for the bulk of the renewable energy mix at 50 percent while geothermal accounts for 27 percent. ... system without battery installed in a facility would immediately result in 20 to 30 percent savings on electricity expenses. The investment in the system could be recovered between five to seven years depending on the power consumption, Baylon added.

◆190609 Asean at critical point in journey to clean energy: US expert
The Straits Times-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KCelSo
Dr Ernest Moniz, who was energy secretary under former US president Barack Obama, said Asean is poised for rapid ... that the current energy policies for most countries in the region risk committing them to highly polluting electricity generation, ... members - Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines - are pumping US$120 billion (S$164 billion) into coal-fired power ... greenhouse gas, natural gas is far less polluting than coal and, twinned with greater investment in renewable energy, ...

◆190609 Former Thailand Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Sentenced to ...
Casino.Org News-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2K2nCDP
Former Thailand Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been given an additional two-year prison sentence for his handling of a state lottery program when he was in ... The former PM was sentenced to three years in April for directing Thailand's Export-Import Bank to approve a loan that went to a satellite ... He used his great wealth to form the Thai Rak Thai Party, and rose to power in the government.

◆190606 How Thailand's coup leader kept power through election
Asahi Shimbun-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WLXdQj
BANGKOK--When Thailand's former army chief, Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha, was confirmed as prime minister by parliament on Wednesday, he completed his transition from coup leader to head of a civilian government under a system that all but ...



◆190606 足かけ21年・日の丸カンボジア投資 中国「上塗り」でピンチ
東スポWeb-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Isk0I2
足かけ21年・日の丸カンボジア投資 中国「上塗り」でピンチ. 2019年06月06 ... 【アツいアジアから旬ネタ直送 亜細亜スポーツ】先月31日に開催された日本・カンボジア首脳会談。ほとんど報道がなかった日本と違い、カンボジアでは大きく報じられた。 「ワーキング ...

◆190606 ミャンマー:石油天然ガス事業で20億米ドルの収益
DIGIMA NEWS ( http://www.digima-news.com/ )-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IiAW3u
ミャンマー:石油天然ガス事業で20億米ドルの収益. ミャンマー:石油天然ガス事業で20億米ドルの収益. 2018年10月1日から2019年4月末までの6か月間に、石油天然ガス事業により20億米ドル以上の収益があったことがわかった。The Daily Eleven紙が ...


◆190609 Bishops slam Chinese dam: Peace, development and sustainability in ...
AsiaNews-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R16KxJ
The Myitstone dam would be the first to block the Irrawaddy River, the cradle of Myanmar civilization. ... China State Power Investment Corp., the 6,400-megawatt plant - worth US $ 3.6 billion - would be the first dam to dam the river, considered ...

◆190609 OPINION - Myanmar's Suu Kyi is turning far-right
Anadolu Agency-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ML8P2a
LONDON. The wire pictures from Budapest of a smiling Nobel Peace Laureate and Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi shaking hands with Viktor Orban, Hungary's president, strikes fear down my spine. That is, fear for my Muslim ...

◆190609 Myanmar parliament approves foreign loan water treatment plant
Mizzima News-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/31f2WOd
Myanmar's parliament yesterday approved a loan of Euro 29.96 million from the Netherlands FMO and ING Bank to build a water ... “Even in the lowest level in the summer season the rate of water flow in the river will be 81 million gallons.

◆190607 Comment on “Designing river flows to improve food security futures in ...
Science Magazine-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wCDST6
Sabo et al. (Research Articles, 8 December 2017, p. 1270) used statistical relationships between flow and catch in a major Lower Mekong Basin fishery to propose a flow regime that they claim would increase catch, if implemented by ...



◆190609 中国けん制か インド洋島国訪問 2期目外交スタート モディ印首相
毎日新聞-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KCziMX
インド総選挙で圧勝し2期目に入ったモディ政権の外交が8日からスタートした。9日までインド洋の島国モルディブとスリランカを訪問。1期目と同様に近隣国を重視する姿勢を鮮明にし、巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」を掲げて南アジアでの影響力を拡大する中国を ...

◆190609 インド首相、外遊先選びに透ける脱中国 米国とバランス
朝日新聞-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MxkXns
総選挙で圧勝したインドのモディ首相は8日、第2次政権の初外遊先としてインド洋の島国モルディブを訪れ、ソリ大統領と会談した。9日にはスリランカも訪問する予定。自国の「庭先」と位置づける両国との関係を強化し、一帯で存在感を高めてきた中国の影響力 ...

◆190609 スリランカ大統領、情報機関トップ解任=4月の連続テロ、議会の検証拒絶
時事通信-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WoOwHu
【コロンボAFP時事】スリランカのシリセナ大統領は、情報機関「国家情報局(SIS)」のメンディス長官を解任した。緊急閣議を招集し、4月の連続爆弾テロを前にした治安体制の過失を検証中の議会調査委員会に協力しないと表明した。政府当局が8日、明らかに ...


◆190608 Suzlon Energy Claims Top Spot In Indian Wind Market 2018-19
CleanTechnica-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XtXJzO
One of India's leading wind energy solutions providers, Suzlon Energy, has claimed that it had the highest market share ... India commissioned 1.5 gigawatts of wind energy capacity, as reported by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

◆190608 India sees new deals with Moscow on nuclear energy, space & high ...
RT-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XvJMkB
India is set to diversify economic ties with Russia as new deals on the digital economy, nuclear energy, and space are ... In an interview with RT, Bala Venkatesh Varma, who was appointed India's ambassador to Russia in August 2018, hailed ...

◆190608 India holds high-level meeting on oil, gas while imports from Iran stops
Tehran Times-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WRIZgZ
India is said to be in touch with the U.S. to seek further extension of the waiver on oil imports from Iran, pointing out that ... on India's oil imports will be taken after the elections keeping in mind India's commercial considerations, energy security ...

◆190608 HBO's 'Chernobyl' Strikes a Chord in India, Leads to Calls for Bhopal ...
Hollywood Reporter-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MK5ZdM
HBO and Sky drama Chernobyl has sparked online discussion in India about one of the world's worst industrial disasters, the fatal gas leak at a pesticides plant in Bhopal in central India just a couple of years before the Soviet Union nuclear disaster, and how it also ... underworld drama Sacred Games, as well as his two-part 2012 drama Gangs of Wasseypur, which revolved around the coal mafia.

◆190608 Pakistan links TAPI work initiation with gas price review
The News International-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QVo733
ISLAMABAD: In a major development, Pakistan asked Turkmenistan to review the gas price deal under $8 billion TAPI gas before ground breaking of the pipeline to be laid down in Pakistan's territory, one of the top men in the Petroleum ...

◆190608 India allows river sand, stone aggregates exports to the Maldives
Business Standard-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WBydMJ
"Export of the quantities of river sand and stone aggregates with the annual ceiling ... has been permitted for export to the Maldives under a bilateral trade agreement between India and Maldives," directorate general of foreign trade (DGFT) ...

◆190608 'State must encourage more solar power plants'
Times of India-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WWw6Cj
Madurai: Focussing on renewable energy sources, predominantly solar energy would meet the energy needs of the ... “It is in the hands of the state government to make the conditions conducive to encourage more solar power plants,” he said.

◆190608 UK keen to facilitate India's International Energy Agency ties: minister
Business Standard-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EYtfym
The UK government is working for a closer engagement between India and the International Energy Agency during ... UK Minister for Asia in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Mark Field said that while India may not be keen to ...

◆190608 Smart grids to power new India
ETEnergyworld.com-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wSsGlD
India can not only improve its own grid and provide power, but also set an example that other developing nations can follow ... As of August 2018, India was the third-largest producer and fourth-largest consumer of electricity in the world (IBEF) with ... and the revised target of having 227 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022 has also boosted the power sector. ... Also, while the government has a thrust on renewables (such as wind, solar, biomass, and hydro) to increase capacity, ...

◆190607 India's Coal Future Hinges on Advanced Ultrasupercritical ...
POWER magazine-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wFUN7t
Leading the expansion is one of India's largest power companies, NTPC. Formerly known as National Thermal Power Corp., the 70% state-owned company in 2010 became a “maharatna” company—a special designation that means it has ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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