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2019年8月17日 土曜日


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2019年8月17日 高校野球のタイブレークは日本の将来に良くないのでは


















◆190817 北朝鮮、6度目のミサイル発射 韓国との交渉打ち切りを発表
BBCニュース-21 時間前 https://bbc.in/2Z7SqWF
韓国の軍隊は16日、北朝鮮が東岸から日本海側に向かってミサイル2基の発射実験を行ったと発表した。北朝鮮は6日前 ... 北朝鮮はかねて、現在行われている米韓合同軍事演習への怒りをあらわにしており、「戦争のリハーサルだ」と批判している。 さらに演習 ...

◆190817 米のビーガン北朝鮮担当代表、19日から日本と韓国訪問
ロイター-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OZIyyB
ワシントン 16日 ロイター] - 米国のビーガン北朝鮮担当特別代表が来週に日本と韓国を訪問し、北朝鮮の非核化に向けた ... トランプ大統領は10日、米韓合同軍事演習が終われば北朝鮮は直ちにミサイル発射を中止し、核・ミサイル開発に関する協議を再開 ...

◆190817 【日本を守る】「中国の時代がきた」と舞い上がり…習主席の勘違いで日本は ...
ZAKZAK-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TFuau4
日本は北朝鮮によって拉致された日本国民を、自分の力で救えない。ドナルド・トランプ米大統領に訴えるほかない。まるで米国が拉致したようだ。拉致被害者は“平和憲法”の被害者だ。 中国の習近平国家主席は、台湾を軍事力を用いて「統一する」と繰り返し ...

◆190817 香港に迫る習近平の軍隊、人民武装警察とは何者なのか
Newsweekjapan-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/31MPMHM
中国軍といえば人民解放軍だが、人民武装警察は共産党体制を脅かす少数民族や不満分子を武力鎮圧してきた「共産党の番人」。 ... 人民武装警察はテロ対策などを専門とする部隊で、習近平体制のもとで指揮命令系統などが改革され、「共産党体制の番人」 ...

◆190817 「虐殺の痕跡」を辿るルワンダのダークツーリズムと、中国人の足跡
現代ビジネス-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YVJY1l
八九六四』で大宅壮一ノンフィクション賞を受賞した気鋭のノンフィクションライター・安田峰俊が、アフリカ大陸に進出する中国の実態を調査しに、「アフリカのシンガポール」と呼ばれるルワンダへと渡るルポルタージュ。第三回目は、ルワンダの「負の歴史」である ...

◆190817 米サイバー司令局が北朝鮮ハッキンググループのマルウェアを正式公開
TechCrunch Japan-22 時間前 https://tcrn.ch/2Z2tODL
米国国家安全保障局の姉妹部門で破壊的ハッキングやセキュリティー運用に特化している米国サイバー司令局は、北朝鮮のハッカーとつながりのあるマルウェアのサンプル群を新たに公開した。 同局は米国時間8月14日に、マルウェアとセキュリティー研究に ...

◆190817 北朝鮮、新型兵器の開発着々 米韓黙認が挑発助長
日本経済新聞-13 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2H93yfI
【ソウル=恩地洋介】北朝鮮が16日、短距離ミサイルとみられる飛翔(ひしょう)体を発射した。7月25日以降の約3週間で6回目だ。米韓合同軍事演習に反発し「再び対座する考えもない」と韓国との対話を拒否する声明も発表する裏で、弾道ミサイルを含む新型兵器 ...

◆190814 驚愕、韓国が北朝鮮に弾道ミサイル供与か
JBpress-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YXg6Bb
北朝鮮は8月10日、新たな飛翔体を発射し、「もう一つの新しい兵器システム」を完成させたと公表した。 韓国軍合同参謀本部は、北朝鮮が10日に短距離弾道ミサイル2発を発射したと発表。高度は約48キロ、飛翔距離は約400キロ、最大飛行速度はマッハ6.1 ...



◆190816 2019—日本が抱えているエネルギー問題(後編)
経済産業省 (プレスリリース)-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OZVvZb
日本は、エネルギー自給率の低さや化石燃料への依存など、エネルギーに関する多くの問題を抱えています。課題の解決に向けて、どのようなことをすればよいのでしょうか?「パリ協定」の中期目標でもある2030年に向けた、各エネルギー分野の取り組みをご ...

◆190816 サウジの地政学リスクを織り込んでいない原油市場
JBpress-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KCb05d
藤 和彦:経済産業研究所 上席研究員). 米WTI原油先物価格は、需要に対する懸念から1バレル=50ドル割れ寸前まで下落した後、OPECなどの追加減産への期待から同50ドル台半ばまで上昇している。 まず供給面から見てみよう。 ロイターによれ ...

◆190816 再生エネの奔流(3)欧州、30年かけ革新育む
日本経済新聞-12 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/307yDIj
風力発電は今や同国の4割以上の電力をまかなう主力電源だ。2050年までに化石燃料と決別し、再生可能エネルギーを大量導入する計画が ... 首都コペンハーゲン近郊の研究施設では「エレクトロライザー」と呼ぶ装置が送電網の余った電力を水素に変える。

◆190816 進化する自動化/電気の需給調整 再生エネ効率運用
日刊工業新聞-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z6fC7F
今日は市内の家庭の太陽光発電と海岸の風力発電所の電気で操業できた」。202X年8月X日、工場長がパソコンを開き、満足そうに言った。今朝、再生可能エネルギーで操業しようと決めた通りの実績だった。再生エネを自動的に選んで購入してくれる技術の ...

◆190814 低炭素社会を実現する21世紀の送電網を求む
幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TsYEza
可能な解決策を探るために、ピクテのクリーン・エネルギー諮問会議(AB)と運用チームのメンバーが、米国コロラド州デンバーの国立再生可能エネルギー研究所(NREL)と、カリフォルニア州パロアルトの米国電力研究所を、最近訪問しました。この2つの機関 ...



◆190816 中国原子力企業への米禁輸措置、輸出管理の悪用=中国外務省
ロイター-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YQHGRp
上海 16日 ロイター] - 米政府が中国国有の原子力大手、中国広核集団とその子会社による米企業との取引を禁止したことについて、中国外務省は15日、輸出管理政策の悪用であり、米中両国の企業に悪影響をもたらすと反発した。 米政府は今週、米国の ...

◆190816 結ぶと巨大な発電所 欧州、30年かけ革新育む
日本経済新聞-16 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2MjAuGF
風力発電は今や同国の4割以上の電力をまかなう主力電源だ。2050年までに化石燃料と決別し、再生可能エネルギーを大量導入する計画が進む。 ... ・(1)中国席巻、風力も太陽光も 技術でも先行・(2)米国で広がる再生エネ 企業、トランプ方針「無視」.

◆190816 近代以降、中国が欧米や日本に敗れ続けた理由
Yahoo!ニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/31LJM1B
気候変動や遊牧民との関係など世界史のなかで中国史を捉え直すことで、新しい歴史が見えてきます。 ... 東アジアの経略に重点を置いたクビライは、中国・農耕世界の豊かな生産力を草原世界の軍事・商業と組み合わせて、ユーラシア全域に及ぶ交通圏・経済 ...

◆190816 原油価格が引き続き下落 世界経済への懸念で
Sputnik 日本-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Mi4HpH
原油価格は15日、前日に約5%下落した後、米国の景気後退懸念の高まりや、米原油在庫の増加、中国と欧州の統計の弱さを背景に引き続き下落して ... 日本時間13時47分の時点で、北海ブレント原油先物10月限の価格は0.67%安の1バレル=59.08ドル。

◆190814 中国席巻、風力も太陽光も 技術でも先行
日本経済新聞-15 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2MiJoE8
エネルギーを巡る世界の構図が大きく変わっている。太陽光や風力などの再生可能エネルギーが普及期に入り、温暖化対策に向けて化石燃料は転機を迎えた。再生エネとシェールガスの伸びは中東に依存した供給の構造も転換する。一方で日本の戦略は ...


◆190816 Solar power is now cheaper than the grid in hundreds of Chinese cities
CNN-14 時間前 https://cnn.it/2OYqSU1
London (CNN Business) Solar energy in hundreds of Chinese cities is now cheaper than electricity supplied by the national grid, and it can ... That could encourage further investment in renewable energy, according to the authors. ... to invest 2.5 trillion yuan ($367 billion) in renewable power generation — solar, wind, hydro and nuclear — from 2017-2020. ... China has long relied on coal to meet its energy needs, but has started to close mines and restrict the construction of new coal ...

◆190816 Beijing says US blacklisting China's largest nuclear power firm is 'just ...
CNBC-1 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2ZbMOyw
Beijing hit back at the U.S. for adding China's largest state-owned nuclear company to a blacklist, which essentially bars all American firms from selling products to the firm. The U.S. Department of Commerce placed China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) to the “entity list” on ... theft of intellectual property, spilled into cybersecurity worries over Chinese tech products and the use of nuclear energy.

◆190816 Hong Kong protests: envoy says China has 'power to quell unrest'
The Guardian-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H8TWSg
China has issued its most pointed threat yet to pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, warning that it has “enough solutions and enough power to swiftly quell unrest” should it deem the situation “uncontrollable”. Speaking to international ...

◆190816 China's Ultimate Play For Global Oil Market Control
OilPrice.com-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H9GT30
All attention is focused on the twists-and-turns of the very noisy US-Iran dispute in the Persian Gulf, but all the while the People's Republic of China (PRC) is rapidly and quietly consolidating a dominant presence in the area with the active ...

◆190816 US blacklists Chinese nuclear company over theft of military tech
Financial Times-20 時間前 https://on.ft.com/2Ml3fCC
The US has put a major state-owned Chinese nuclear power company, a partner for the UK's power generation programme, on its ... China General Nuclear Power Group, or CGN, and three of its subsidiaries were placed on the commerce department's “entity list”, ... After a policy review, the US energy department in October last year placed new curbs on exports to China to prevent the “illegal diversion ...

◆190816 Here Is China's Plan for a Nuclear War Against America
The National Interest Online (blog)-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KKkF8I
The major thrust of the article in that issue on the impact of the DF-26 on nuclear strategy seems to be to try to debunk the ... It purports to map the impact of a Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) strike by twenty nuclear-armed rockets against the United States. ... Likewise, a former vice-director of the Chinese Navy Nuclear Security Bureau offers that China is a medium-sized nuclear power, ...

◆190816 Nuclear 'heart surgeon' ensures safety of China's power plants
Global Times-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z8Po4z
CNOC provides nuclear fuel replacement and repair services for the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant. ... Qiao, 47, is responsible for everything related to fuel energy, including reception, inspection, installing, uninstalling and ... Nuclear fuel is the heart of a nuclear power plant, and Qiao's job is often likened to that of a plant's heart surgeon. ... Daya Bay a dependable electricity source for Hong Kong.

◆190816 The Next Chernobyl Could Be at Sea
Bloomberg-4 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2YTvz5M
Russia and China are leading a push to put nuclear reactors on mobile floating platforms. ... Rosatom Corp., the Russian nuclear energy giant behind the Akademik Lomonosov, recently signed a memorandum of ... Meanwhile, Chinese developers are collaborating with the country's offshore oil industry, which is hoping to use nuclear power to expand exploration and drilling in the South China Sea.

◆190814 China Prepares Its “Nuclear Option” In Trade War
OilPrice.com-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YPaYj6
As the trade war with the U.S. continues to escalate, China has re-engaged with Iran on three key projects and is weighing the use of what both Washington and Beijing term the 'nuclear option', a senior oil and gas industry source who works ...



◆190816 インドネシア東端で激化、軍と武装集団の衝突
JBpress-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/33FYx8i
グリーンランドに次ぐ世界で2番目に大きな島「ニューギニア島」は、東半分を独立国であるパプアニューギニアが占め、西半分はパプア州と西パプア州からなるインドネシア領となっている。インドネシア領としては最東端に位置するパプア州は民族的には ...

◆190816 インドネシア大統領、カリマンタン島への首都移転を正式に提案
ロイター-16 分前 https://bit.ly/2TAJyHU
ジャカルタ 16日 ロイター] - インドネシアのジョコ・ウィドド大統領は16日、ジャワ島にある首都ジャカルタをカリマンタン島に移転することを正式に提案した。独立74周年記念を翌日に控え、議会での所信表明演説で述べた。 首都があるジャワ島の人口が急増し、 ...

◆190816 フィリッピン,上半期のGDP成長率は5.5%
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H6hnvh

◆190814 UPDATE 1-タイ、バーツ高の産業への影響を懸念、金融の安定を重視
ロイター-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z4snzs
(内容を追加しました). [バンコク 13日 ロイター] - タイのスリヤ工業相は13日、バーツ高が国内の産業や輸出にとって引き続き問題とした上で、輸出業者への支援策を拡大する方針を示した。為替ヘッジにより輸出を支援するほか、投資や機械輸入の促進策を ...


◆190816 Indonesia seals oil palm, timber concessions amid forest fires
Free Malaysia Today-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z3sviZ
JAKARTA: Indonesia has sealed parts of palm oil and timber concessions owned by 10 companies on Borneo Island after a spate of forest fires, authorities said on Thursday, warning those involved in forest burning would be severely ...

◆190816 Indonesia president vows to process more resources onshore
Reuters Africa-57 分前 https://bit.ly/306hrmz
JAKARTA, Aug 16 (Reuters) - Indonesia should push further to develop a downstream industry to process natural and mineral ... Widodo listed minerals such as bauxite and nickel, as well as coal, palm oil and fisheries, as the type of resources ...

◆190816 Indonesia eases access to oil and gas data to attract investment
Reuters Africa-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OYgKua
JAKARTA, Aug 15 (Reuters) -. * Indonesia's energy ministry has revised a regulation to ease access to data about the country's oil and gas assets to attract investment, deputy energy minister Arcandra Tahar told reporters on Thursday.

◆190816 Electric Boats Could Be Floating Batteries for Island Microgrids
IEEE Spectrum-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/31NuB8t
But on most of Indonesia's remote islands, accessing electricity is neither simple nor convenient. For example—prior to ... These hybrid microgrids were composed of photovoltaic solar panels (PVs) to collect energy and lithium-ion batteries to store it. But there may be ... Then when the boat is docked, it could act as a small power plant, providing electricity to homes on the island. With the algorithm in ...

◆190816 Indonesia Crude Oil Refinery Outlook to 2023
Financial Newspaper-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OWXVaV
“Indonesia Crude Oil Refinery Outlook to 2023″, is a comprehensive report on crude oil refinery industry in Indonesia. The report provides details on oil refineries such as name, type, operational status, and operator, apart from capacity data ...

◆190816 Indonesia's B30 biodiesel passes series of tests
Khmer Times-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YSG5ui
JAKARTA (Reuters) – Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry said biodiesel with 30% palm diesel blend ... of high energy imports and slowing global demand for palm by increasing domestic consumption of the vegetable oil.

◆190816 Can palm oil enter the circular economy?
Eco-Business-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zdVuWV
To add to the fire, the two biggest exporters of palm oil—Malaysia and Indonesia—are currently battling to overturn an EU ruling to ... In this cycle, poor people can't access electricity, and, without it, are more likely to remain in poverty. ... has set targets for renewable energy to make up 23 per cent of Indonesia's total energy use by 2025, which according to ... They also sell their excess power to PLN and claim to supply power to nearly 7,000 households in two surrounding districts.

◆190816 Fire put out at Indonesia Pertamina's Balikpapan refinery
Euronews-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/33C1vuf
JAKARTA (Reuters) – A fire was extinguished on Thursday after breaking out at a refinery owned by Indonesian state oil and gas company PT Pertamina in Balikpapan in East Kalimantan province, the company said in a statement. The fire ...

◆190813 VMining, the First Ecommerce for Coal Trade Launched in Indonesia
En Tempo.co-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YYcUkI
CO, Jakarta - PT Bumi Banua Sinergi in partnership with Visitama Teknologi Indonesia launched an e-commerce platform dedicated in the trade of mining products dubbed as the VMining. This type of platform enables consumers to save costs ...



◆190816 中国からの投資拡大に懸念 ベトナム、ローテク移転で環境リスクも
SankeiBiz-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z6TpKU
ベトナム当局が発表した2019年1~5月の外国からの投資額は前年同期比69%増の167億ドル(約1兆7600億円)と、同期間としてこの4年で最高だった。とりわけ中国企業からの投資が加速しており、環境リスクなどから中国からの低水準な技術力(ロー ...

◆190816 鉱業アンコール、南部陸上油田の開発権取得
NNA.ASIA-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2P1NXoA

◆190816 軍施設など一斉襲撃、15人殺害=武装集団が報復か-ミャンマー
時事通信-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OXrSHV


◆190816 Microgrids could end energy scarcity
Myanmar Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2N3HVBn
This is a common struggle across Myanmar – only 24 percent of rural areas had access to the national electricity grid in 2017. ... Microgrids are decentralised power grids that can employ a combination of locally available renewable energy ... To achieve universal electricity access by 2030, the government envisions an energy mix of 57pc hydro, 30pc coal, 8pc natural gas, and 5pc solar and wind power.

◆190816 13 injured as gas tank explodes in NW Cambodia
Xinhua-2019/08/14 https://bit.ly/2z4Uvba
PHNOM PENH, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- Thirteen people were wounded when a gas tanker truck exploded in northwestern Cambodia's Siem Reap province, a deputy provincial police chief confirmed on Thursday. The incident happened at a ...

◆190816 Energy minister returns to work amid corruption probe confusion
Frontier Myanmar-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/33D2EBK
IT WAS just over a year ago that the Anti-Corruption Commission was praising the minister for electricity and energy for ... On July 10, in response to a letter it received from the ACC the previous day, the Central Bank of Myanmar wrote to ... award notices to proceed to four gas-powered electricity generation projects worth around US$5 billion in early 2018. ... Power said in a video posted on Facebook on July 29, referring to the Department of Power Transmission and System Control.

◆190816 Hundreds in Vietnam Protest Dam Upgrade, Fearing Floods
Radio Free Asia-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z8L3OP
Hundreds of residents in a largely Catholic district of central Vietnam's Quang Binh province protested on Thursday to oppose the ... The Rao Nan Dam in Quang Binh's Quang Trach district sits upstream from nine different communes to which it ... Poor design and management of Vietnam's power-generating dams have been blamed for flooding over two months in ... Call For Termination of Dam Project in Myanmar's Kachin State · Hong Kong Police Criticized Over Use of Tear Gas in ...

◆190816 Tensions growing along the Tanintharyi River
The ASEAN Post-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2z2KV8N
The lack of transparency surrounding plans to construct dams on the Tanintharyi River in southern Myanmar, and the impact it ... The dam would submerge an area of 585 square kilometres of community owned farms and forestland, forcing nearly ... and reduced emission levels, solar power may be a more socially inclusive source of renewable energy for Myanmar. ... impacts of hydropower” while communities living in the vicinity of hydropower sites may “remain without electricity and ...

◆190816 Vietnam aims to sell stakes in nearly 100 state firms by end of 2020
Jakarta Post-38 分前 https://bit.ly/2Z4A38Z
Vietnam plans to speed up its privatisation programme by selling stakes in nearly 100 state-owned firms by the end of 2020, ... as the Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development - as well as in Vietnam National Coal–Mineral Industries ... It also plans to sell up to 100 percent of Vietnam Paper Corp. by the end of next year and two power-generating units of Vietnam Electricity Group, it said.

◆190816 Deputy PM: Vietnam encourages renewable energy development
http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ (press release)-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/31KM3ui
The country needs an estimated 90,000 MW of electricity by 2025 and around 130,000 MW by 2030, he said, adding that the current main sources of power for Vietnam are still thermal and hydropower, accounting for 40 percent of total output.

◆190816 Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake Under Threat
Asia Sentinel (blog)-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KCVpSY
In July the Mekong River, the precious lifeline for four Southeast Asian countries and China's Yunnan Province, fell to its lowest levels in 100 ... are due for Cambodia's 125-km-long Tonle Sap Lake, where life above and below the water relies on the flood pulse of the river. ... Most voracious for dam projects is Laos, which hopes to be the “Battery of Asia. ... “Whoever or whatever controls the Mekong flood pulse — be it a flukey climate's rainfall, hydro-power energy consumption for ...

◆190816 Vietnam struggles to find new buyers as Chinese demand dwindles
The Business Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/31JidGw
[BENGALURU] Export prices of rice from Vietnam fell this week as the country struggled to find new buyers amid waning demand from China, while a drought continued to squeeze supply in Thailand and a weak rupee weighed on rates for the ...

◆190816 The Vanguard Bank standoff shows China remains undeterred
The Interpreter-22 分前 https://bit.ly/2Z8YLFl
The incident has upset both Hanoi's leadership and the Vietnamese public, and led the US to criticise Beijing for “bullying ... The Vanguard Bank basin is the westernmost reef of the Spratly islands and is known for its rich oil and gas reserves

◆190813 Death of the Mekong
The Times-2019/08/10 https://bit.ly/2YYNqnh
It is the monsoon season for the mighty Mekong, as southeast Asia's famous river artery is proudly known. Its powerful waters should be coursing through landscapes of emerald-hued rice paddies. But the river recently sank to its lowest ...an Plateau and runs through Laos, the North and the Northeast ... The river level was pushed down even further by tests conducted on the newly built Xayaburi dam in Laos.



◆190816 【ジャム・カシミール問題】 ロンドンで反インド・デモ
TRT 日本語-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KT9XN4

◆190816 インド首相が独立記念日で演説、カシミール自治権剥奪など誇示
ロイター-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YNzpxo
ムンバイ 15日 ロイター] - インドのモディ首相は独立記念日の15日にニューデリーで演説し、北部ジャム・カシミール州の自治権廃止などを重要な決定として誇示した。また今後5年でインドの経済規模を5兆ドルへ拡大する方針を改めて示した。 モディ氏は経済 ...

◆190816 カシミールの停戦ラインで銃撃戦 パキスタン兵3人死亡
朝日新聞-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OZyG7Z

◆190816 印パキスタン首脳 カシミール巡り舌戦
日本経済新聞-16 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Ha14hd
【ニューデリー=馬場燃】インドとパキスタンの首脳が、両国で領有権を争うカシミール地方を巡り舌戦を繰り広げた。インドのモディ首相は15日、英領からの独立記念日に演説し、パキスタンを念頭に「テロリズムを広げている勢力と戦う」と語った。前日には ...

◆190814 カシミール問題、安保理が対応協議へ インドの剥奪受け
朝日新聞-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H5DBh3
インドとパキスタンが領有権を争うカシミール地方のジャム・カシミール州の自治権がインド政府によって剝奪(はくだつ)されたことを受け、国連安全保障理事会の会合が近く開かれる公算が大きくなった。議長国を務めるポーランドのチャプトウィチ外相が13日、「 ...


◆190816 Renewables: A new energy paradigm
Gulf News-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H7obsG
British Petroleum's Energy Outlook 2019 suggests that India's primary energy consumption will grow by 156 per cent by 2040. ... at providing 24x7 power for all citizens and initiatives around energy efficiency, utility sustainability and coal reforms. ... The renewable energy sector has been soliciting larger investments relative to fossil fuels for the third year in a row, ... regulations for coal plants, the push to cleaner fuels in transport and the emergence of electricity storage technologies ...

◆190816 How One Billionaire Could Keep Three Countries Hooked on Coal for ...
The New York Times-17 時間前 https://nyti.ms/2YOjj6J
Coal from the Australian operation, known as the Carmichael project, would be transported to India, where the company is building a new power plant for nearly $2 billion to produce electricity. That power would be sold next door in Bangladesh. ... The $14 billion Adani Group — a sprawling conglomerate with interests in energy, agribusiness, real estate and defense, among other sectors — leveraged both business acumen and .... Renewable energy is getting cheaper as it expands.

◆190816 Coal India's 54 mining projects facing delays
Economic Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Nh8ZNN
"A total of 120 coal projects costing Rs 20 crore and above are in different stages of implementation. ... The company said that five coal mining projects with a sanctioned capital of Rs 989.43 crore were completed during 2018-19, while two ...

◆190816 Analysis: In India's energy mix, gas faces tough battle with coal
S&P Global-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MiW2TN
Analysts told S&P Global Platts that the campaign to boost the share of gas in the energy mix from nearly 6% currently ... Last July, the Indian government set a target of installing 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022, but some ... According to data from the Central Electricity Authority, thermal coal accounts for about 56% of the share in power generation, while gas and oil ... Renewables, including hydro and other sources, account for 34.7%, and nuclear the remaining 1.9%.

◆190816 India's Paradigm Shift In Assertion Of Geopolitical Power On Kashmir ...
Eurasia Review-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/33BUf1t
India's moves on Kashmir in August2019 were not impulsive decisions by the Modi Government but a calculated and well scripted strategy which shell- shocked Pakistan and China especially, and Major Powers, by its suddenness and ...

◆190816 ONGC investing Rs 83000 cr in 25 projects; cumulative oil, gas gain ...
Times of India-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/31IxY0k
New Delhi, Aug 15 () Energy major Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) is investing around Rs 83,000 crore in 25 major projects to boost oil and gas production, which has stagnated over last years, its chairman and managing director Shashi ...

◆190816 India commits to liberalising pipeline network
Interfax Global Energy-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/33Ejosg
Interfax analysis: Gail owns more than two-thirds of India's 16,234-km gas pipeline network, giving it a firm grip on the market. Breaking the state-owned company's hold would enable more competition and third-party access to gas ...

◆190813 Priyanka Chopra accused of 'encouraging nuclear war' with Pakistan
The Guardian-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2N1DAP4
Actor questioned at beauty conference about support for India's armed forces amid tension between two countries ... been accused of “encouraging nuclear war” over comments she made amid worsening tensions between India and Pakistan.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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