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2019年12月18日 中露の北制裁一部解除を提案,米国拒否,北は動くか












◆191217 焦点:合意した米中に重要な食い違い、中国の見解は
ロイター-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/38LNugd
米通商代表部(USTR)のライトハイザー代表は13日記者団に、合意には中国政府が今後2年で米国製品・サービスの2000億 ... 寧氏は、トランプ米大統領が13日に中国が500億ドルの農産品を買うと主張したことを聞かれると、中国が高品質かつ市場競争力 ...


◆191218 ビーガン米代表、北朝鮮と接触せず
日本経済新聞-15 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2trMUUB
【ソウル=恩地洋介】米国のビーガン北朝鮮担当特別代表は17日、韓国の滞在日程を終え、日本に到着した。北朝鮮に ... こうしたなか、16日には多くの北朝鮮労働者を受け入れている中国とロシアが安保理に制裁の一部停止を求める決議案を提出した。労働者 ...

◆191218 米国は中国とロシアが提案の北朝鮮制裁緩和案を拒否
ブルームバーグ-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/34AvRwl
米国は、 中国とロシアが北朝鮮によるさらなる挑発姿勢にもかかわらず国連安全保障理事会に提案した対北朝鮮制裁緩和の要請 ... 匿名の外交官が提供した草案によると、中国とロシアは、北朝鮮が安保理決議を順守したこと、また「人道と生活の面で」必要で ...

◆191218 ウイグル弾圧は習近平だけの過ちではない
Newsweekjapan-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PXiCR7
党上層部の作成した文書が流出したことによって世界的に国家主席への批判が高まっているが、ウイグル人の中国化政策は今に ... 生産建設兵団の形成、西部大開発、ウイグル語による教育の廃止、「一帯一路」戦略そして今回のテュルク系民族強制収容.

◆191218 北朝鮮、長距離弾道ミサイルの発射も 米軍高官が見解
日本経済新聞-3 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2sCele9
【ワシントン=永沢毅】米太平洋空軍のチャールズ・ブラウン司令官は17日、北朝鮮が「クリスマスのプレゼントに何を選ぶかは米国次第だ」と緊張を高めていることについて、長距離弾道ミサイルを発射する可能性があるとの認識を示した。複数の米メディアが伝えた ...

◆191218 中国で捕らわれた外国人を待つ地獄の日々
Newsweekjapan-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/34snwe9
元外交官で紛争緩和コンサルタントのマイケル・コブリグと、北朝鮮への業務渡航を手配するコンサルタントのマイケル・スパバは1年前のこの日、滞在先の中国で身柄を拘束された。スパイ活動の容疑とされているが、事実上の人質とみていい。中国共産党と ...

◆191218 共産党がなければ中国には仏もいない
Newsweekjapan-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M71M15
中国では如来仏も共産党の指導に従う、そうでないと取り壊される>. 中国は独裁国家だ――ほとんどの日本人はそう思い込んでいるが、ちょっと違う。中国は実は「民主国家」なのだ。 冗談じゃなく、ホントだ。だって、中華人民共和国という国名は「人民が国家の ...



◆191218 九電・松浦発電所2号機 試運転公開 石炭火力で20日から営業運転
www.fnn.jp-22 時間前 https://www.fnn.jp/posts/00429053CX/201912171220_KTN_CX
日本の石炭火力発電に注目が集まる中、九州電力が、長崎県内に新設した松浦発電所2号機を公開した。 20日から営業運転を開始する。 松浦発電所2号機は、出力が100万kWと、九電の火力発電所の中では最大。 電力需要の変化から、一度は工事を中断 ...

◆191218 気候変動がもたらす金融リスク、欧米当局が分析開始
日本経済新聞-7 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2PUIhdo
【ニューヨーク=関根沙羅】欧米の金融当局が気候変動がもたらす金融リスクを分析する取り組みを始めた。異常気象の頻発による経済的損失や、低炭素社会への移行に伴う資源価格の変動などが金融システムや金融機関の経営に大きな影響を与える可能性が ...

◆191218 ゴールドマンが環境方針を厳格化、新規の石炭採掘事業を支援せず
ブルームバーグ-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PZOODL



◆191218 中国のガス埋蔵型ガス貯蔵庫、5つの世界一を実現―中国メディア
ニコニコニュース-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PwzuPT
断裂システムが最も複雑で、埋蔵箇所が最も深く、地層の温度が最も高く、ガス注入圧力が最も高く、地層圧力係数が最も低い」。中国科学院と中国工程院の院士を含む12人でつくる専門家チームは15日に北京市で、中国石油天然ガス集団(中国石油)の「複雑 ...

◆191218 中国初の国産空母、軍事筋「米艦への対応能力上がる」
朝日新聞-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rWUgPB
中国初となる国産空母「山東」が17日、海南省三亜で就役した。中国にとって旧ソ連製を改修した「遼寧」に続く2隻目の空母となり、習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席が目指す海洋強国に向け作戦能力を向上させる。ただ、原子力空母など11隻を運用する米国との ...

◆191218 COP25閉幕、米国は引き続き現実的な方法で温出効果ガス削減を ...
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/38LJD2B
スペインのマドリードで開催されていた、国連気候変動枠組み条約第25回締約国会議(COP25)は12月15日に閉幕した。 ... によると、2018年の二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量は、中国の94億3,000万トンを筆頭に、米国の51億5,000万トン、インドの24億8,000万 ...

◆191218 『シベリアの力』開通。中国とロシア接近が物語る新しい世界地図
まぐまぐニュース!-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rLCZJf
ロシアの国営エネルギー企業のGAZPROM(ガスプロム)社が、『シベリアの力』と名付けられたパイプラインを通じて、中国に天然ガス ... その開通式には、双方ともテレビ会議システムでの参加となりましたが、ロシアのプーチン大統領と中国の習近平国家主席が ...

◆191218 中国人民解放軍が限界露呈
Yahoo!ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/38Os422
中国共産党の強軍路線により急速に軍事力を増強させてきた人民解放軍も、中国経済の低迷や軍事技術の限界などにより、その ... 【写真】中国海軍の094(09-Ⅳ)型弾道ミサイル搭載原子力潜水艦。2019年10月に南シナ海でベトナム漁船群の目の前に突然姿 ...

◆191218 中国政府、年間の経済成長率目標達成に自信=発改委
朝日新聞社-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2S3tBet
北京 17日 ロイター] - 中国国家発展改革委員会(発改委)は17日、政府は年間の経済成長率目標の達成に自信があり、条件も整っていると表明 ... また、中国のエネルギー、石油化学、電子情報部門への海外からの投資拡大を見込んでいると明らかにした。


◆191218 CREO 2019: A roadmap for China's energy system
pv magazine International-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/34AsQMG
As solar and wind power enter the post-subsidy era, the next few years will be critical for China's energy transition ... has recommended clear targets for 2021-2025 in terms of solar and wind power deployment and a reduction of coal consumption. ... On the sidelines of the conference, however, a different message emerged from the latest China Renewable Energy ... In that scenario, final electricity consumption would stabilize at current levels and direct fossil fuel use, such as in cars, ...

◆191218 China's Growing Power, and a Growing Backlash
Wall Street Journal-5 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2EsLrzB
China fully emerged as a power this decade, unsettling global arrangements and stirring a backlash despite long anticipation of the country's rise. At the decade's start, China's global footprint was chiefly marked by its economic might.

◆191218 US envoy to visit China in bid to revive N Korea nuclear talks
Aljazeera.com-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PyJdVV
The United States special envoy for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, will visit Beijing on Thursday and Friday, the State Department said on Tuesday, after China and Russia proposed lifting some United Nations sanctions on North Korea.

◆191218 China's Oil Imports Are Most World's Ever Seen And Still ...
Bloomberg-21 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2PXKVPt
China is breaking records for crude oil imports and isn't likely to stop soon as new refineries ramp up and hopes grow that the easing of trade tensions with the U.S. will bolster the economy.

◆191218 Oil Markets Poised To Rise With US-China Trade Deal
Forbes-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2S0XDj0
The price of the U.S. oil benchmark, WTI, hit nearly a 3-month high on Monday reaching $60.21 per barrel on news that China and the U.S. ... For months, oil prices have hinged on positive or negative news of the U.S.-China trade negotiations.

◆191218 China breaks global record for oil imports, and the numbers ...
WorldOil-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2s1pJAf
NEW YORK (Bloomberg) - China is breaking records for crude oil imports, and isn't likely to stop soon as new ... Import dependency weighs similarly on China's leaders, who have leaned on state-owned energy giants such as PetroChina Co. to boost domestic oil and gas output. The government is also one of the world's biggest supporters of renewable energy, electric vehicles and high-speed rail, all of ...

◆191218 Power of Siberia begins gas supply to China (and why it's ok ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/38Zp574
On December 2 Russian gas officially flowed into China with the start-up of the Power of Siberia (PoS) pipeline. ... will elevate China to become Gazprom's second largest export market and support Beijing's goals of energy import ... marginal source of supply into China, recent LNG contracting trends are seeing term deals signed around 11% of oil. ... markets will consume a further 13-15 bcm a year and the Yangtze River Delta area (including Shanghai) around 8-10 bcm per annum.



◆191218 住友商事参画の地熱発電所、インドネシアで稼働
エキサイトニュース-8 時間前 http://exci.to/2PAEB1D
住友商事株式会社(以下「住友商事」)は12月16日、インドネシアの西スマトラ州において、同社が参画する地熱発電所が商業運転を開始したと ... 今後は3社が共同で発電事業を進め、30年にわたってインドネシアの国営電力会社に売電する計画となっている。

◆191218 香港がインドネシアに接近、米中貿易摩擦で
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/35zTB54
米中貿易摩擦の影響で香港はインドネシアに接近しようとしている。香港は米国市場へのアクセスが制限された製品の輸出先や投資先としてインドネシアを有望視している。ウエブニュースのジャカルタ・グローブが13日伝えた。 香港貿易発展局(HKTDC)の ...


◆191217 Indonesia files WTO suit over EU's palm oil blockage
Nikkei Asian Review-15 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2LZnYKr
JAKARTA/BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- Indonesia has filed a lawsuit at the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the ... Indonesia, the world's biggest producer of palm oil, has repeatedly said it will challenge the EU's renewable energy directive ...

◆191217 Indonesia Energy targets to raise $15m in NYSE listing this ...
DealStreetAsia-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/36HDeUf
Jakarta-based onshore oil and gas company Indonesia Energy Corporation is looking to raise $15 million in an initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange this week. According to the investment advisory firm Renaissance ...

◆191217 Subsidiary of Indonesian group starts oil exploration in ...
Macauhub-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/36LqwEi
Buzi Hydrocarbons Pte Ltd. in the next few days is scheduled to start onshore drilling for oil and gas in the Búzi block, in central Mozambique, in partnership with state oil and gas company Empresa Nacional de HIdrocarbonetos (ENH), said ...

◆191217 West Sumatra's first geothermal plant kicks off at 85 MW
Jakarta Post-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2trjTbJ
Construction on the geothermal power plant kicked off in 2012, when the company started exploring geothermal wells in the region. ... of Supreme Energy and its international partners toward the development of geothermal energy in Indonesia,” said ... and install 9 GW of renewable energy capacity globally by 2021,” said ENGIE Asia-Pacific president Paul Maguire. ... the 2018 total installed production capacity for West Sumatra was 791.32 MW, primarily from coal-fired power plants ...

◆191217 Indonesia preparing change to more favourable geothermal ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rVJusN
With continued challenges to attract investors to develop geothermal projects in Indonesia, the country is now looking to change its current price determination scheme for geothermal electricity to a feed-in-tariff. With the planed change from ...

◆191217 Can Palm Oil Demand Be Met Without Ruining Rainforests?
Washington Post-21 時間前 https://wapo.st/2ErDnz3
Yet surging cultivation of oil palm trees is linked to burning of tropical rainforests and the destruction of wildlife habitats in Southeast Asia. ... To meet the demand, critics say, some growers in Indonesia and Malaysia, which together account for 85% of global production, use ... oil that can be counted toward the bloc's renewable-energy goals and aims to phase out palm oil-based biofuel entirely by 2030.

◆191217 Coal isn't dying. It moved to Asia.
Grist-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PSd8qV
The report shows that natural gas and renewables are killing so many coal plants in the United States and Europe that ... Keisuke Sadamori, director of energy markets and security at the IEA, said that “the end of coal was heralded” when coal ... States relied on coal to turn on electric lights in the late 19th Century, countries like China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, ... But because half the world's population lives in this region, it's taken a lot of coal to provide a modicum of reliable power.

◆191217 Indonesia's biggest thermal power plant is operational
ANTARA-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sxSvZ5
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia's biggest coal-based thermal power plant of the PLTU Jawa 7 Unit 1 with a total capacity of 2 X ... is the first coal-based thermal power plant that uses the boiler technology of Ultra Super Critical (USC), the Ministry of Energy and ... Besides, this power plant is claimed to be more eco-friendly since it has Sea Water Fuel Gas Desulfurization ... generation system, PARASOLA for renewable energy occupying only one square meter to produce home electricity.

◆191217 Basic Energy Corp. partners with Thai firm on renewable ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RYZvZJ
As reported from the Philippines, Basic Energy Corp. said it has entered into a subscription agreement with Thailand-based Vintage Engineering Public Co. Ltd. (VTE), a publicly-listed company in Thailand, “for a strategic partnership to pursue ...

◆191217 China, Philippines vow to advance cooperation in oil, gas ...
China.org.cn-5 時間前 https://on.china.cn/2PqB0CZ
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Philippine Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin agreed in Madrid on Monday to advance bilateral cooperation in oil and gas exploitation. Their meeting took place on the sidelines of ...

◆191217 Phoenix Petroleum inks deal with US-based firm
BusinessWorld Online-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/38FLUwp
Phoenix Petroleum Philippines, Inc. President and CEO Dennis A. Uy (third from left) and Mesa Natural Gas Solutions, LLC President and ... The listed company told the stock exchange that Phoenix Pilipinas Gas and Power, Inc. signed the deal on Dec. ... energy sources as we help the country better secure its energy requirements,” said Henry Albert R. Fadullon, Phoenix Petroleum chief operating officer, in a statement. ... DMCI unit poised to turn over Masbate coal-fired power plant ...

◆191217 Phoenix promotes gas use
Philippine Star-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YSbNEK
MANILA, Philippines — Listed independent oil firm Phoenix Petroleum Philippines Inc. has teamed up with Wyoming-based Mesa Natural Gas Solutions Llc to promote the use of gas and support diverse energy mix. ... Considering the innovative properties of this technology, remote areas of the country that suffer from unreliable power supply and quality can greatly benefit from it, including businesses in ...

◆191217 Caroling against coal: Green groups reiterate wish for clean ...
INQUIRER.net-2019/12/16 https://bit.ly/2RZUiAJ
“The Energy and Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) promised back in 2000 that allowing private corporations to take charge ... country's energy facilities would not only yield cuts in government spending, but also produce the least-cost electricity for ... said Pedrosa, who is also the Co-Chair of the Energy Working Group of the Philippine Movement for Climate Justice. ... of renewable energy sources was a cause for joy to coal-affected communities, power consumers, and clean energy ...



◆191218 EU経済制裁回避、欧州委「さらに努力を」
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/35AOxh8
欧州連合(EU)はカンボジア政府に対して、経済制裁を回避するにはさらに民主主義を強化し、人権を保護する必要があるとの見解を表明した。地元各紙(電子版)が17日に伝えた。 スペインで開催されているアジア欧州会合(ASEM)外相会合で、議長を務めた ...

◆191218 ヤンゴン、21年度までに電化率86%目指す
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Pv8n7N
ミャンマー最大都市を管轄するヤンゴン管区政府は、2021年度(21年10月~22年9月)までに450億チャット(約32億7,000万円)を投資し、管区内の電化率を86%に引き上げる計画だ。ミャンマー・ビジネス・トゥデー(電子版)が伝えた。 22年度には230億 .


◆191215 China closes Mekong River stretch
Bangkok Post-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/35xD0iF
China has declared a 60-kilometre section of Mekong River off-limits to all types of boats indefinitely while rock blasting is ... China announced on Friday that operators of all types of boats should avoid entering the river from Guan Lei to ...

◆191215 Cambodia's Historically Abundant Freshwater Fisheries are ...
The Ritz Herald-2019/12/13 https://bit.ly/36DNEUO
An ecological and social disaster is taking place on, under and around the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake in ... are driving the urgent decline of the most productive freshwater fisheries in the world: the Lower Mekong River Basin ... Diabetes is becoming much more prevalent, caused by changing diets from fish, rice and vegetables to highly processed foods, energy drinks and less healthy protein.” ...

◆191215 Vietnam, Czech Republic step up environmental cooperation
Nhan Dan Online-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2somcvN
NDO/VNA – Vietnam and the Czech Republic will enhance environmental collaboration under an action plan for ... Richard Brabec, for his part, said both nations hold huge potential to branch out collaboration in renewable energy, while ...

◆191215 New Journalists' Group Vows to Defend Reporters, Free Press
The Cambodia Daily-2019/12/13 https://bit.ly/2EkYwuI
A new journalists' association, the Cambodian Journalists Alliance (CamboJA), vowed to promote press freedom and ... strengthen the independence of news outlets and the power of media, and protect journalists,” Vy said, according to his .....

◆191215 President attends celebration of 50% nationwide electrification
Eleven Myanmar-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EjvdJ8
... said the government has been making efforts to meet domestic electricity consumption as power supply in Myanmar increases ... Since his government took office, electricity has been prioritized in spending the State funds, he said, adding that from ... three hydropower generator stations, six thermal energy generator stations and one solar energy generator station ... Electricity generation increased for 34 percent of consumers in March 2016 and for 50 percent in December 2019, the ...

◆191215 Centre to spend Rs 700 bn to spread gas pipelines across ...
Denton Daily-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LUXEBm
The Centre will initially spend Rs 700 billion to spread gas pipelines across the country, and is working out plans to expand gas network to Myanmar through Bangladesh, Union Minister said on Wednesday. ... A strategic oil reserve project will also be launched in Chandikhol after acquiring land there, said Pradhan. ... Pradhan asked participating delegates, scientists and engineers to chalk out a roadmap for creation of better and advanced infrastructure for energy storage, refining ...

◆191215 Myanmar praises China for suspending rebels' bank account
Stock Daily Dish-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rLiA6Q
Myanmar's government praised China on Wednesday for suspending a Chinese bank account used by ethnic rebels ... the previous semi-civilian administration – has lost momentum after Nobel Peace Prize winner came to power in 2016, ...

◆191215 Bright prospects in Shan state's agro sector
New Straits Times Online-2019/12/13 https://bit.ly/2YOFJRU
“The state is also home to the Muse and Tachileik border trade areas and has moderate levels of water, power and road infrastructure that can be improved. All of these point to a positive landscape for investments in Shan's agriculture sector.”.



◆191218 インド、移民への国籍付与で混乱拡大 デモが全土に
日本経済新聞-22 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2SaaUGl
【ニューデリー=馬場燃】インドでイスラム教徒以外の不法移民に国籍を与える「国籍法改正案」を巡る混乱が広がっている。イスラム教徒への差別だとの批判に加え、移民が増えることへの懸念から、大規模なデモが全国規模に拡大している。モディ政権はヒンズー ...

◆191218 パキスタンのムシャラフ元大統領、国家反逆罪で死刑判決-軍は ...
ブルームバーグ-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/34wmWw0


◆191215 Twenty Years Ago, Nuclear-Armed India and Pakistan Fought ...
The National Interest Online (blog)-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/36F51oz
Just a year earlier on May 28, 1998, Pakistan conducted a series of underground nuclear tests known as Chagai-I. Islamabad's ascension as a nuclear power was met with jubilation in Pakistani streets and condemnations and sanctions ...

◆191215 Oil India Limited appeals to people in Assam to allow it to ...
Times of India-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Pn9N4g
Oil India Limited appeals to people in Assam to allow it to carry out day-to-day operations ... GUWAHATI: Amid fervent protests in Assam over the Citizenship Amendment Act, PSU major Oil India Limited (OIL) ... "This will have an adverse impact on the power situation in the state as well as lead to shortage of essential items like LPG ... in turn help the common people to have uninterrupted supply of essential amenities like LPG, electricity, petrol, diesel, kerosene and fertilisers, it added.

◆191215 India among top 10 nations on climate change performance ...
Business Insider India-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EhIQbF
New Delhi, Dec 14 () India is among the top 10 nations as per the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) which is based parameters ... At present, India's total installed power generation capacity is around 365 GW. ... that is green house gases emission, renewable energy, climate change and energy use," Singh said while addressing the 29th National ... participated in the awards and have collectively achieved savings of Rs 5,283 crore by saving 105.66 billion units of electricity.

◆191215 Ethiopian experts study about Nepal's renewable energy ...
Khabarhub-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/36BUFpe
KATHMANDU: A high-level delegation from the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has conducted a comprehensive study of the policies and regulations implemented for the development and expansion of renewable energy technology ...

◆191215 View: Things to do for the economy
Economic Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YOYPHD
There are many things wrong with India's economy that need to be fixed. ... India's power sector is in crisis, as 15% to 55% of its output, depending on the region, is not paid for — entirely on account of bad politics that trains people to expect ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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