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2020年1月4日 米国大統領を怒らせれば,ピンポイントで殺害される



























◆200104 【解説】 イランのソレイマニ司令官殺害 なぜ今でこれからどうなる ...
BBCニュース-57 分前 https://bbc.in/2QIDpZg
イラン革命防衛隊の精鋭コッズ部隊を長年指揮してきたカセム・ソレイマニ司令官をアメリカが殺害したことによって、これまで低 ... レバノン、イラク、シリアと場所を問わず、攻撃を計画したり現地の親イラン派を後押ししたりして、イランの影響力拡大を推進した。


◆200104 トランプ氏、司令官殺害は「戦争やめるため」 イランは報復予告
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ts9qgh
バグダッド 3日 ロイター] - 米国防総省は、イラクの首都バグダッドの空港で現地時間3日未明、イラン革命防衛隊の精鋭「コッズ部隊」のソレイマニ司令官(62)らを乗せた車列を空爆し、同司令官を殺害したと発表した。一方、イラン側は報復を予告するなど反発 ...

◆200104 イランとの緊張激化の恐れ、米景気リスクの一つ-バーキン総裁
ブルームバーグ-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZNBmao
リッチモンド連銀のバーキン総裁は米国・イラン間の緊張がエスカレートする可能性について、史上最長の米景気拡大を脅かす恐れのあるショックの一つだとの認識を ... バーキン総裁の講演から数時間前、米軍はイランの革命防衛隊の司令官をイラクで殺害。

◆200104 米・イランの緊張、市場のリスク志向を急速冷却-アナリストの見方
ブルームバーグ-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rWEdRW
これまでは代理戦争だったが、親イラン勢力と米国による直接対決に進んでいく可能性が出てきた」。「とは言え、イランにどういう行動が可能なのか、結局のところ予想するのは難しい」. 「市場参加者が休暇から完全に復帰するのは来週か1月中旬あたりだ。

◆200104 司令官殺害 イランは報復措置の考え アメリカとの衝突に懸念
NHK NEWS WEB-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/35g5Enm
アメリカ国防総省はトランプ大統領の指示で、イランの精鋭部隊、革命防衛隊の司令官への攻撃を実施し、殺害したことを明らかにしました。イランの最高指導者は報復措置を取る考えを示しており、アメリカとイランの衝突につながることへの懸念が高まってい ...

◆200104 イラン司令官殺害、原油高・株安招く 安全資産は上昇
ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版-12 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/39CVDUu
イラン革命防衛隊の精鋭組織「コッズ部隊」のカセム・ソレイマニ司令官が米軍の空爆で殺害されたことを受けて、中東情勢に再び緊張が走った。市場では原油が急騰する ... 中国海洋石油(CNOOC)と中国石油化工(シノペック)も買われた。 3日寄り付き前の米 ...

◆200104 北朝鮮、脅威が生じた場合は即時的かつ強力な打撃で対応すると ...
Sputnik 日本-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/35m17Qb
北朝鮮の朝鮮労働党機関紙「労働新聞」は3日、北朝鮮の尊厳と生存機能に脅威が生じた場合、即時的かつ強力な打撃で対応する ... 報告書では、米国が制裁解除などの措置を講じるまで、北朝鮮は戦略兵器の開発を続け、核実験の禁止を北朝鮮のみが順守 ...

◆200104 イラン司令官殺害 米国内や各国の反応
NHK NEWS WEB-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SQ7Jnp
イラン司令官殺害 米国内や各国の反応. 2020年1月4日 5時33分 米イラン対立. シェアする help · twitter · facebook · line. アメリカがイランの精鋭部隊、革命防衛隊のソレイマニ司令官を殺害したことをめぐるアメリカ国内や各国などの反応です。 続きを読む ...

◆200104 大胆と絶賛、無謀と批判 イラン要人殺害、割れる米政界
朝日新聞-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2N92CLB
トランプ米大統領に近い、共和党のリンゼー・グラム上院議員はツイッターで「イランの挑発に対するトランプ大統領の大胆な行動を評価する」「米国のために立ち上がってくれてありがとう」と絶賛。イランへの報復であることを強調した。同党のマルコ・ルビオ上院 ...

◆200104 北朝鮮が不気味な「新戦略兵器」言及も「非核化」交渉の余地は ...
Yahoo!ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZNJYhj
北朝鮮では2013年以来毎年、金正恩委員長が元日に「新年の辞」を発表してきましたが、今年は行われませんでした。 ... 深刻な経済状況は早急に是正していく」という趣旨であり、中国やロシアの協力を得つつ自力で経済状況の改善を図っていくが、国民にも ...



◆200104 イラン司令官殺害、原油高・株安招く 安全資産は上昇
ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版-11 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2ZQuuJa
イラン革命防衛隊の精鋭組織「コッズ部隊」のカセム・ソレイマニ司令官が米軍の空爆で殺害されたことを受けて、中東情勢に再び緊張が走った。市場では原油が急騰する一方、株式は世界的に下落し、金は反発した。 ブレント原油は一時4.1%高の1 ...

◆200104 <地球異変 すぐそばの温暖化>気候危機 生命脅かす 「早急対策 ...
東京新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rRSrn0
気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)> 気候変動を科学的に調べるため、1988年に世界気象機関と国連環境計画が設立した組織。195の国・地域が参加する。気象学などの研究者らの協力を得て、最新の知見を反映した報告書を5~7年ごとに作り、各国 ...

◆200104 原油価格 急上昇 中東の緊張高まるか懸念
NHK NEWS WEB-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sN5FSp

◆200104 ダムと緑のダム 日経コンストラクション編
日本経済新聞-1 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/39BFSNN
2017年の九州北部豪雨、18年の西日本豪雨、19年の台風19号などに伴う大規模な水害が相次いでいる。本書は「異常気象はもはや異常ではない」時代の治水策を、ともに東大名誉教授である虫明功臣、太田猛彦の両氏の監修で論じている。 かつて「ダム ...

◆200104 ドイツ再生エネ46%、初めて化石燃料を上回る 19年
日本経済新聞-1 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Ql2xWU
【フランクフルト=深尾幸生】ドイツの発電量に占める再生可能エネルギーの比率が2019年に初めて化石燃料を逆転した。太陽光や風力などの再生エネの発電シェアは18年から5.4ポイント上昇し、46.0%に達した。石炭などの化石燃料は約40%だった。英国でも ...



◆200104 【エンタメよもやま話】究極のクリーンエネルギー「人工太陽」で世界 ...
産経ニュース-2020/01/02 https://bit.ly/2QnNQCH
【エンタメよもやま話】究極のクリーンエネルギー「人工太陽」で世界をリードする中国の“高笑い” ... そんななか、昨年12月にスペインで開かれた「国連気候変動枠組み条約第25回締約国会議(COP25)」では、米国という主要締結国の離脱によって協定自体が ...

◆200104 野口悠紀雄氏「20年後には日本人が中国に出稼ぎする」
毎日新聞-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/35msfP9
野口悠紀雄さん 中国はガソリンエンジン車や固定電話を飛び越えて、電気自動車(EV)やスマートフォンを普及させたように、古い技術を飛び越えてしまっている。「カエル跳び」(リープフロッグ)と呼ばれる現象が起きている。最初は海外の技術の模倣だったが、今 ...


◆200104 The Path Ahead for China's Coal Power Industry
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/36mamRH
The energy revolution and transition are profoundly shifting the trajectory of China's power industry. ... Corp. and the China Energy Group) as an example, in 2018, more than 43% of their thermal power (mainly coal) businesses were suffering losses. ... it will be difficult for gas power and pumped hydro to fully meet grid requirements, and coal power will have to assume ... sector reform, safeguard a fair economic return for coal power, and promote the development of renewable energy.

◆200104 China Energy Engineering subsidiary to install 500 MW of ...
Renewables Now-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/35l4rLt
January 3 (Renewables Now) - China Gezhouba Group Company Limited (SHA:600068) has secured a contract to build distributed solar power generation facilities with a combined capacity of 500 MW across Egypt, its parent China Energy ...

◆200104 Major part of China's Yellow River frozen solid
Xinhua-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/39CK3c9
3 (Xinhua) -- Driven by cold temperatures, the frozen section of China's Yellow River in north China's Inner Mongolia ... in the region and local authorities along the river have taken precautions against ice-jam flooding and dam breaches, said ...

◆200104 The tie that binds Russia and China [NGW Magazine]
Natural Gas World (press release)-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QLS59U
The Power of Siberia pipeline is starting up just as China's gas demand growth falters, but the buyer and seller are in a ... up stretches 2,200 kilometres from the Chayandinskoye gas field in Yakutia to north-eastern China, crossing the River ... Energy Administration, the State Council and the Ministry of Natural Resources – the China Natural Gas Development ... Of this, 10.9bn m³ were shale gas, 4.9bn m³ were coal-bed methane and 4.9bn m³ were synthetic gas produced from coal.

◆200104 AECEA says China will add up to 31 GW of solar this year
pv magazine International-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FhWyMf
There are clouds on the horizon too, with China set to remain wedded to coal for the foreseeable future. ... In-country analyst the Asia-Europe Clean Energy (Solar) Advisory (AECEA) has maintained its expectation China will have ... of new solar power generation capacity was added in China in November, on top of the 17.5 GW installed to the end of October. ... in October about coal remaining the nation's primary energy source and about increased domestic oil and gas extraction.

◆200104 Charts of the Day: Power Consumption Slowdown Hints at ...
Caixin Global-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MV2T4r
New figures show China's electricity consumption in the first 11 months of last year grew at around half the pace that it did ... even amid more positive signs that cleaner sources are making up a larger proportion of the country's energy mix.



◆200103 インドネシアで洪水、43人死亡 1日の雨量377ミリ
朝日新聞-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QGmvKJ
インドネシアのジャワ島で12月31日から1日にかけて、豪雨による洪水が起きた。同国国家防災庁によると、3日までに首都ジャカルタなど同島内で計43人の死亡が確認された。 同国気象庁のデータでは、ジャカルタ東部では降り始めからの1日の雨量が377 ...

◆200103 フィリピン中部を直撃した台風29号・ボラカイ島ホテルの停電復旧 ...
ニコニコニュース-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/39z7vHg
フィリピンを代表するビーチリゾートのあるボラカイ島でも停電が続行しており、バックアップ電力設備が劣っているボラカイ ウォーター ワールド リゾート (Boracay Water World Resort)では、電力を自家発電で供給するのは夜8-10時の2時間だけ。客室のシャワー ...


◆200103 Indonesia Hydro Power Market by Type, Statistics, Region ...
Market Research Sheets-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SMXe4f
The latest research “2018 Indonesia Hydro Power Market Outlook to 2025” from Analysis is a comprehensive report on Indonesia ... The Indonesia electricity operators including power generation companies, power transmission companies, ...

◆200103 Floods in Indonesia capital recede as death toll reaches 30
The Mainichi-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Qk83sU
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Residents of Indonesia's capital who had been forced into shelters by widespread ... At their peak, the floods had inundated thousands of homes and buildings, forced authorities to cut off electricity and water and ...

◆200103 Tensions rise in Natuna waters between Indonesia, China
Anadolu Agency-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QhisFM
Indonesia will send two more ships to strengthen its defense in the disputed Natuna waters following trespassing by ... Natuna waters are believed to hold significant reserves of undiscovered oil and gas and serve as a crucial passage for ...

◆200103 Duterte open to reviewing Kaliwa Dam deal
Philippine Star-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FhftXu
MANILA, Philippines — President Duterte is open to reviewing the China-funded Kaliwa Dam project deal to address concerns that it may contain provisions disadvantageous to the public. Presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo said ...

◆200103 Third US Senator banned from the Philippines over support of ...
The Hill-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QmbTSu
has been banned from entering the country, the third U.S. senator to be banned over support for a critic of the country's government, CNN Philippines reported. Salvador Panelo, a spokesperson for President Rodrigo Duterte, told reporters at a ...

◆200103 PanAsia plans to invest P63b in 1700-MW LNG project
manilastandard.net-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rOxERd
Panasia Energy Inc. is investing P63 billion to build a 1,700-megawatt liquefied natural gas plant in Barangays Dela Paz ... “Given the country's rapidly growing economy, demand for power will outpace supply in the Philippines in the next years. ... Gas Turbine Power Plant in Navotas Fishport Complex and the 540-MW oil-fired Bataan combined cycle power plant in ... “The proposed project will not only supply enough electricity to Filipino households and businesses but will also ...



◆200103 直近20年間のベトナム輸出入総額、東南アジアで3位
VIETJOベトナムニュース-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/39ymIbx
2000年から2019年までの20年間におけるベトナムの輸出入総額は3兆9950億USD(約435兆円)に達し、シンガポールとタイに続い ... 2001年の輸出入額は300億USD(約3兆3000億円)余りだったが、ベトナムが世界貿易機関(WTO)に正式加盟した2007年に ...

◆200103 ミャンマーことしの総選挙は スー・チー政権の基盤確保が焦点
NHK NEWS WEB-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZLAO4G
ミャンマーではことし、5年に一度の総選挙が行われます。前回選挙で、アウン・サン・スー・チー氏が率いる政党を圧勝に導いた民主化勢力内で分裂の動きが見られるなか、スー・チー政権が2期目に向けてどれだけ安定した基盤を確保できるかが焦点となる ...

◆200103 ラオス南部にクレーターか 79万年前、巨大隕石衝突―国際チーム
時事通信-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MPBmBu
巨大な隕石(いんせき)が約79万年前にインドシナ半島に衝突した場所はラオス南部であり、クレーターの直径は13~17キロである可能性が高いと、シンガポールの南洋理工大などの国際研究チームが2日までに発表した。その後の火山噴火による溶岩で ...

◆200103 全長1024.2メートル!世界最大径間鉄道用アーチ橋の主体工事 ...
ニコニコニュース-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZKtCG6
世界で径間が最大の鉄道用アーチ橋となる大瑞鉄道(雲南省大理-瑞麗)「怒江特大橋」の主体工事が30日に完成した。中国新聞網が伝えた。 大瑞鉄道敷設プロジェクトにおける難関工事の大きなブレイクスルーが実現、1日も早い全線開通・営業開始に向けて ...


◆200103 Mekong Cargo Ships Grounded after China Dam Reduces ...
Chiang Rai Times-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tndhuU
Chinese cargo ships have now stopped operating on the Mekong river from Chiang San pier in Chiang Rai up to Myanmar, Laos, and ... The discharge reduction is due to the planned testing of electricity transmission equipment at the dam.

◆200103 Mekong levels to drop due to Jinghong power station testing
The Phnom Penh Post-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QFWds1
Water levels in the Mekong River that traverses Cambodia, Thailand, and Lao PDR are expected to drop due to outflows from China's Jinghong hydropower station, which would be decreased by more than 50 per cent for dam equipment ...

◆200103 Asean morning news for January 3
AEC News Today-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Fia9TY
The Mekong River Commission on Tuesday reported dam equipment tests in China will affect water levels in ... With repeated Chinese intrusions into oil-rich Vanguard Bank and anticipated departure of ExxonMobil from the Blue Whale project, ... policies are among the four trends expected to drive Southeast Asia's transition to renewable energy in the coming years. .... Vietnam's solar power sector holds much potential thanks to rising demand and a supportive regulatory framework.

◆200103 Commentary: The ups and downs of Laos' road to graduate ...
CNA-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QDKVVa
An undated CK Power-issued photo shows shows the Xayaburi dam hydro project on a swollen Mekong river in Laos, but ... The country's growth and socioeconomic progress are now highly dependent upon mining, electricity prices and ...

◆200103 Thailand morning news for January 3
AEC News Today-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/35kRrFM
Chinese dam to reduce water discharge into Mekong river. A Chinese authority has informed five countries along the Mekong river of a planned reduction in the water discharge from Jinghong .... The Energy Ministry expects to push forward its licensing plan for offshore petroleum exploration and production (E&P) activities ...

◆200103 Southeast Asia's Water Troubles Underscore Climate Threat ...
Eurasia Review-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MNF12Q
The Mekong, Southeast Asia's longest river, is where everything may go wrong due to the impact of man-made dams, rising ... to expand rice production by the new Communist rulers of Vietnam when they came to power in the spring of 1975. ... In the United States, the burning of fossil fuels to make electricity is the largest source of heat-trapping pollution. ... According to The Economist magazine, China was the source of about 27 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2017.

◆200103 America Should Be Realistic About its Alliance with Thailand
War on the Rocks-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sJAYNX
Fundamentally, Thailand does not view China as a revisionist power or a military threat. .... interests are pursued at the expense of Thailand, in particular the impact that Chinese damming of the Mekong River has had on Thai agriculture.

◆200103 Provinces told to brace for severe drought
ReliefWeb-2020/01/01 https://bit.ly/37pRz8e
Authorities have told 31 provinces to prepare for severe drought this year. The Provincial Waterworks Authority (PWA) warned drought might affect 61 water production facilities covering 82 districts of 31 provinces -- 15 in the Northeast, nine in ...

◆200103 Cabinet lines up FTAs with Bangladesh, Turkey
Bangkok Post-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/35imt0Q
Thailand and Bangladesh will kick off talks to establish a free trade agreement (FTA) during their 5th Joint Trade Committee (JTC) meeting next week. ... Administrative Centre proposal for a framework to promote very small power producers (VSPP) in southern provinces. ... The budget will be drawn from the fiscal budget, the energy conservation fund, the private sector and state-owned enterprises.

◆200103 Asean morning news for January 3
AEC News Today-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2svABXr
With repeated Chinese intrusions into oil-rich Vanguard Bank and anticipated departure of ExxonMobil from the Blue Whale ... ASEAN quickly turning to renewable energy hub ... A number of Southeast Asian countries, including Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, have successfully named their very own .... Chinese dam to reduce water discharge into Mekong river ... Vietnam's solar power sector holds much potential thanks to rising demand and a supportive regulatory framework.

◆200103 Vietnam and regional neighbors push for low-grade coal
Nikkei Asian Review-20 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/35oMDPP
While prices of high-grade coal with higher power generation efficiency have fallen by more than 30% over the past ... Of thermal coal produced in Australia, which serves as a benchmark of thermal coal prices in Asia, high-grade coal ... of the main Asian markets for high-grade thermal coal, a shift from coal to renewable energy and liquefied natural gas ... other foreign manufacturers, additional thermal power plants are under construction to meet rapidly growing electricity demand.

◆200103 Leading NGOs urge Vietnam to scrap new coal-fired power ...
VnExpress International-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FhFIwW
12 organizations specializing in health and environment together have called on Vietnam to scrap 14 new coal plants. ... For four ongoing projects, provincial authorities are contemplating a switch from coal to gas and "green energy. ... It also proposes that the authorities work on removing obstacles facing ongoing renewable energy projects and that the citizenry is involved at all stages, from the planning ...

◆200103 Downside risks abound for Vietnam's 2020 economy
Asia Times-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/37uhA6l
Vietnam's Communist Party leaders could be excused if their 2020 outlook is overly politicized. ... and least 50% in Vietnam Electricity Power Generation Corporation 1 (EVN Genco 1) and Vietnam Electricity Power Generation Corporation 2 ...

◆200103 Nexif Energy aquires hydropower project
Energy Global-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rP5W6V
Nexif Energy has acquired 94% of the equity of the Song Giang Hydropower JSC, a company that owns two run-of-the-river hydropower projects in cascade on the same river totalling 49 MW in the Khanh Hoa province of Vietnam. The two ...

◆200103 Cambodia PM Hun Sen Using 'Thank You Peace' Campaign ...
The Union Journal (blog)-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QgVsGR
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's new “Thank You Peace” slogan marketing campaign is a sleight of hand trick meant to “divert public consideration” from his abuse of energy and the structure to additional his private pursuits, a political ...

◆200103 Cambodia faces economic slowdown if trade benefits lost, IMF ...
just-style.com-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rTp43Q
Cambodia's economic growth is expected to slow in 2020 if the European Union (EU) withdraws the Everything but Arm (EBA) trade ... Cambodia is the second-largest beneficiary of Everything But Arms trade preferences, accounting for over 18% of all imports coming ... including through diversifying growth drivers, ensuring a reliable energy supply, strengthening anti-corruption efforts, and enhancing ...

◆200103 Myanmar morning news for January 3
AEC News Today-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QEQUcq
Two separate projects in Myanmar and the Philippines aim to break ground this year and in 2021 to import LNG to supply the power generation sector. These projects put Myanmar and Philippines on the map as potentially the newest LNG ...

◆200103 Myanmar Ethnic Alliance Cease-fire Makes No Difference as ...
The Union Journal (blog)-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QCGr14
A unilateral cease-fire prolonged into the New 12 months by the “Three Brotherhood Alliance” of ethnic armies battling Myanmar's armed forces appeared to make little distinction as residents throughout the battle zone in Rakhine state ...

◆200103 Lao PM visits, co-chairs inter-governmental committee ...
http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ (press release)-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tuaakL
Lao PM visits, co-chairs inter-governmental committee meeting in Vietnam ... Hanoi (VNA) – Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith is leading a delegation to Vietnam for a visit and to co-chair the 42nd ... and relevant international organisations to manage and use the Mekong River's water resources in a sustainable and ...

◆200103 Irrawaddy The River That Draws China's Attention
thedailynewnation.com-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/37x3AsI
They have traveled hundreds of miles conducting field investigations up and down the Irrawaddy River, from the north to the south of Myanmar, with high hopes of turning Myanmar's lifeline into a vital trade and logistics link with China.

◆200103 Northwest China adds seven national wetland parks
Xinhua-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/37Gg0P9
2 (Xinhua) -- Northwest China's Qinghai Province has added another seven wetland parks at the national level, bringing the total number to 10. The province is home to the sources of the Yangtze, the Yellow River and the Lancang River.



◆200104 インド「王家の末裔」の隠された真実 歴史に翻弄された一家の物語
Yahoo!ニュース-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2uhsDSc
北インドでかつて栄えたアワド藩王国(1724~1856年)──その王族の末裔だという一家が、インドの首都デリーの廃屋となった遺跡に ... 2016年のある春の午後、まだインドで働いていたとき、デリー中心部の森に住んでいた一人の隠遁者から、電話で伝言 ...

◆200104 スリランカ南部で空軍機墜落 軍人4人死亡
Sputnik 日本-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/36n9uMB
スリランカ南部ウバ州バドゥッラ県で3日、同国の空軍機が墜落し、乗っていた軍人4人が死亡した。ニュースサイトAda ... スリランカ空軍によると、墜落したのは同国の南部州ハンバントタ県にある軍用飛行場から飛び立ったY-12輸送機。墜落現場には警察が ...


◆200103 India reportedly considering waiving carbon tax on coal
pv magazine International-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/35pcRlf
As Germany shuttered another of its nuclear power plants on New Year's Day, the office of Indian prime minister ... India reportedly considering a proposal to waive its carbon tax on coal-fired power just as Germany shuttered another nuclear facility. ... of helping out coal power producers who have been affected by late payments from India's financially crippled electricity ... is sold to distribution companies for around INR3.5/unit, compared to the INR2.5-3 unit cost of renewable energy.

◆200103 ET Explains: India's coal sector output is back in the black ...
Economic Times-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QlHd3q
Coal India produced 58.02 million tonnes of coal in December compared to 54.14 million tonnes in the same period last year, ... This move will make it easy for foreign giants like BHP, Peabody Energy and Glencore to set up shop in India, thereby ... The move will be an important one for India's power generation companies as well “as they can now attract larger ... India's coal import bill is $20 billion, the bulk of which comprises thermal coal which is used in the generation of electricity.

◆200103 India identifies offshore wind energy potential of 70000 MW ...
REVE (press release)-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Fexm9r
India has an estimated offshore wind energy potential to generate around 70,000 Megawatt (MW) power, most of that identified in coastal Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, according to the ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE). ... help in minimizing the variability apart from optimally utilizing the infrastructure, including land and transmission system,” the panel said in its recommendations to the ministry.

◆200103 Indian coal-fired plants miss emissions deadline but still running
The Japan Times-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SN2wg4
India had already extended its December 2017 deadline for its utilities to meet the emissions standards — posing a ... Reuters reported last month that more than half of India's coal-fired power plants and 94 percent of the coal-fired units ...usecs water from various rim stations with an inflow of ... According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1476.53 feet, which was ...

◆200103 Protecting the ecosystem
DAWN.com-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/36kgGtd
on learning that India has started construction of the Ratle dam, Pakistan's hurriedly dispatched delegation to the World Bank has ... For Pakistan, it is one failure after the other, for want of a clear water vision and negotiating strategy. ... Rapid depletion of groundwater in Lahore is partially attributable to the fact that Ravi has become a dead river with zero flows into Pakistan. ... Heavy subsidies by the central government (by providing free electricity to almost two million tube wells and ...

◆200103 LNG supplies increase
DAWN.com-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Qhdg4C
ISLAMABAD: Despite system constraints, the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) supplies into the system increased by ... All LNG imported was regasified and pumped into the SSGC and SNGPL gas network to meet needs of power and ... for RLNG, $12.6/mmBtu for furnace oil, $19.8/mmBtu for Liquid Petroleum Gas, $20.2/mmBtu for High Speed Diesel, and $20.4//mmBtu for mogas (petrol). ... Pakistan needs at least three or four more LNG terminals to address its ongoing energy shortage.

◆200103 Nepal's Road-Building Spree Pushes into the Heart of the ...
Yale Environment 360-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/37vNr6D
The Manaslu Conservation Area in the Himalayan Mountains of north-central Nepal is a 642-square-mile protected area ... The route for trekkers, opened more than two decades ago, follows a deep river gorge, ascends through hardwood and ...

◆200103 Indian Infringement over Nepal Border Area
Modern Diplomacy-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/39xEhbG
THE history of demarcation of India-Nepal border began on March 4th, 1816, after the signing of the “Sugauli Treaty” between the then British India and the state of Nepal, which declares River Mahakali, of Nepal, as the border-line between ...

◆200103 Govt told to intensify bid to resolve border dispute
Himalayan Times-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/36kG2XP
Proposed by ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) NA Chief Whip Khim Lal Bhattarai and supported by main ... According to Gyawali, the Sugauli Treaty map determined Nepal's border on the eastern (Mechi River) and western sides (Kali ...

◆200103 Snowfall in Baitadi, normal life hit hard
myRepublica-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SPcBcC
... to supply medicine. Meanwhile, the power supply has been obstructed in the district. According to the Nepal Electricity Authority, Baitadi the power supply has been obstructed at Khodpe area due to high wind occurred on Wednesday night.

◆200103 Govt decides to initiate second phase of Ring Road expansion ...
Himalayan Times-58 分前 https://bit.ly/2QnxfPn
Nepal Water and Energy Development Board has been allowed to use 79.27 hectares of national forest in Rasuwa district for Upper Trishuli-1 Hydropower Project for 35 years. The government has appointed Premnath Adhikari of Terhathum ...

◆200103 Chinese power sets for Aruwakkalu Sanitary Landfill Project ...
Ceylon Daily News-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QkoRQI
One of the Chinese power sets for the Aruwakkalu Sanitary Landfill Project being unloaded at the Colombo Port yesterday. Picture courtesy Sri Lanka Railway Forum ... They were unloaded and kept at the Railway Department until constructions at the Kelaniya Transmission Station are complete, Western Region Solid Waste Management Project Director ... Moragahakanda dam is safe – Project Director.

◆200103 Don't panic, say engineers
Daily Mirror-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sznWCS
By Indika Aruna Kumara. Referring to the leakage, which had occurred in the main dam of the Moragahakanda reservoir, Project Engineer P.B. Wijerathna asked the general public not to panic over the situation. “There is no impact on the ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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