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2020年1月9日 木曜日


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2020年1月9日 イランは老獪,経済制裁の出口は見えるのか,北朝鮮も

























◆200109 イランの報復終わりとの結論、時期尚早-トランプ氏の賭けは当面 ...
ブルームバーグ-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R233rR
トランプ大統領は米東部時間8日朝の国民向け演説で、「われわれ全員が、世界をより安全で平和的な場所にするイランとの取引に向け協力して取り組まなければならない。イランが繁栄と力強い成長を遂げ、計り知れない潜在力を活用できるような取引も必要 ...

◆200109 「イラン司令官殺害、衝撃だ」北朝鮮国内で不安拡散…米メディア ...
Yahoo!ニュース-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FA5SLv
米政府系のラジオ・フリー・アジア(RFA)によれば、北朝鮮の首都・平壌の市民たちは今、イラクで発生した米国によるイラン革命防衛隊の精鋭コッズ部隊・ソレイマニ司令官殺害の報に衝撃を受けているという。 平壌市の幹部消息筋はRFAに対し、「最近、平壌の ...

◆200109 それは1979年から始まった。アメリカとイラン、敵対の歴史を紐解く
BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T1Lon0
トランプ大統領の命令で米軍がイランの革命防衛隊「コッズ部隊」のソレイマニ司令官らを殺害したことで、両国間で緊張が高まってい .... 2015年、アメリカ・イギリス・ドイツ・フランス・中国・ロシアの6カ国は、イランと核開発に関する協定で合意にこぎつけます。

◆200109 イランの次は北朝鮮? 「米国vsイラン」と「米国vs北朝鮮」の決定的 ...
Yahoo!ニュース-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T5HhpZ
決定的な違いは、北朝鮮はイランとは異なり大量殺傷兵器の核爆弾とその運搬手段である様々な弾道ミサイルを保有していること ... 核起爆装置の開発関連活動を継続していたが、2013年に国連常任安保理事国の米国、ロシア、英国、フランス、中国の5か国 ...

◆200109 米大統領 反撃に言及せず イランとの衝突 回避の見方広がる
NHK NEWS WEB-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/36MQQhL
アメリカのトランプ大統領は、イランが司令官殺害の報復として、アメリカ軍の拠点を攻撃したことを受けて演説し、反撃には言及せずに、これ以上の事態の悪化は避けたいという姿勢を明確にしました。イランも国連の事務総長への書簡で同様の考えを示し、本格 ...

◆200109 トランプがイラン攻撃後に企む「秘策」とは何か
東洋経済オンライン-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QVwpbw
まず昨年のクリスマス直後、中国の習近平国家主席との会談を終え、帰国したヘンリー・キッシンジャー氏が、「中国はドナルド・ ... アメリカとイランとの戦争の可能性は、過去、この東洋経済オンラインでも何度か指摘してきた(代表的なコラムは「トランプ『対イラン ...

◆200109 2020年に発行か? 中国が「デジタル人民元」に抱く、危険な野望 ...
ITmedia-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T3kJGp
まずは北朝鮮。2019年末を期限として米国からの妥協を引き出そうとしたが空振りし、次にどんな挑発行為をしてくるのかに注目が集まった。結局、年明けすぐに金正恩委員長が核や大陸間弾道ミサイル(ICBM)の実験再開を宣言したという報道が国営メディア ...

◆200109 トランプ大統領 イランへの反撃言及せず 事態悪化避けたい姿勢
NHK NEWS WEB-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FvmfsQ
アメリカのトランプ大統領は、イランがイラクに駐留するアメリカ軍の拠点を攻撃したことを受けて国民向けに演説し、アメリカ人兵士らに死傷者はいなかったと強調しました。そのうえでイランによるさらなる攻撃の可能性は低いという認識を示すとともに、反撃に ...

◆200109 イラン攻撃は倉庫などに限定 人的被害避けたか 衛星写真を分析
NHK NEWS WEB-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/39Ok9lX
イランによる弾道ミサイルの標的となったイラク西部の基地の最新の衛星写真を分析したところ、軍用機の格納庫や倉庫などがピンポイントで破壊されていることがわかりました。アメリカ軍に大規模な人的被害が出ないよう、標的を慎重に選んだことがうかがえ ...

◆200109 イラン情勢 経営者から経済への影響に懸念の声相次ぐ
NHK NEWS WEB-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T4znNt
3: 2020年 世界を制するのは中国?アメリカ?それとも… 4: 米高官 輸出管理強化「韓国産業への影響はごくわずかに限定」 · 5: “経営者よ、立ち位置は自分で決めよ” · 6: イラン ミサイル攻撃 現地進出や中東との取り引きがある企業は · 7: 大手スーパー 日米 ...



◆200109 石炭火力めぐる日本批判と擁護論 COP25で「成果」はあったか
J-CASTニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R2sRV1
2019年12月の第25回国連気候変動枠組み条約締約国会議(COP25)は、温暖化防止への道のりの困難さを改めて印象付けた。二酸化炭素(CO2)など温室効果ガス削減の国際的なルール「パリ協定」がスタートする20年を目前に、国別目標の引き上げの ...

◆200109 中国、外資の石油・ガス資源開発を解禁
ロイター-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/304gZ8V
北京/シンガポール 9日 ロイター] - 中国政府は、外国企業に対し、国内石油・ガス資源の探査と生産を今年5月に解禁する方針を明らかにした。国有石油会社以外の参入を認めることで、国内のエネルギー供給拡大を図る。 自然資源省の発表によると、中国で ...

◆200109 NY商品、原油が大幅続落 米イランの武力衝突の懸念薄れ 金は ...
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2s5Z0T2
【NQNニューヨーク=張間正義】8日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は大幅に続落した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の2月物は前日比3.09ドル安の1バレル59.61ドルで取引を終えた。米国とイランの武力 ...

◆200109 中東情勢、消費に冷や水 原油高騰や円高でGDP下降も
朝日新聞-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/37PRg72
イランが米軍に報復攻撃したことで、中東情勢が日本や世界経済に悪影響を及ぼすとの懸念が一気に高まった。原油高や外国為替市場での円高が進めば、国内の個人消費や企業の設備投資に「冷や水」を浴びせるおそれがある。とくに、原油価格の上昇は ...

◆200109 原油高で米企業業績に先行き不透明感、守りの投資に動く向きも
Newsweekjapan-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NatOJF
ニューヨーク 9日 ロイター] - イランによる米軍のイラク駐留基地への報復攻撃で原油価格が一時急騰したのを受け、市場関係者の間ではエネルギー高が米企業業績に与える影響について懸念する声が高まった。 8日アジア時間に原油先物は一時、4カ月ぶり ...



◆200109 中国支援ダムの融資契約非難、政府が反論
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tEwJ6y
フィリピンのカリワダム建設事業とチコ川かんがい揚水事業を巡り、支援する中国の融資条件が中国側に有利だとする批判が出ている。フィリピンのマーク・ホーベン財務次官は7日、「海外の融資者との取引に際しては、厳格な基準を維持している」と述べ、懸念払 ...

◆200109 中国、外資の石油・ガス資源開発を解禁
ロイター-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sQHgvy
北京/シンガポール 9日 ロイター] - 中国政府は、外国企業に対し、国内石油・ガス資源の探査と生産を今年5月に解禁する方針を明らかにした。国有石油会社以外の参入を認めることで、国内のエネルギー供給拡大を図る。 自然資源省の発表によると、中国で ...

◆200109 米イラン武力衝突本格化なら原油は75ドルへ、中国経済減速にも ...
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FDGLHD
米軍によるソレイマニ司令官殺害の報復として、イランはイラクの米軍基地を攻撃。原油価格は急騰、株価も下落した。米国がさらなる報復に出れば、本格的な武力衝突の恐れもある。その場合、原油価格は北海ブレントで1バレル=75ドル前後へと上昇するだ ...

◆200106 アジア株は下落、米イラン間での緊張がエスカレートする可能性
みんなの株式-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/36r4aYF
米中第1段階合意に署名するため、中国は貿易交渉団を今月13日にワシントンに送ることを計画しているとの報道が伝わった。トランプ米大統領が急きょ、「1月15日にホワイトハウスで米中が合意に署名する」と述べたことを受けて、中国側は予定を変更したも ...


◆200109 First national park will be officially established this year
ecns-34 分前 https://bit.ly/35BIfwX
It contains the headstreams of the Yangtze River, Yellow River and Lancang River, as well as the rivers leading to the Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve. With an average elevation more than 4,700 meters, Sanjiangyuan is also the world's ...

◆200109 New pricing could spell trouble for China's coal sector
chinadialogue-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2upx3q2
The replacement of benchmark coal tariffs with a 'base price plus float' mechanism may hit struggling coal power generators ... Benchmark coal tariffs have been the foundation of China's electricity pricing since 2004 but this mechanism was replaced ... And clean energy competitors – hydro, solar, wind and nuclear – enjoy policies that guarantee the purchase of their ... Tao Ye, director of the Renewable Energy Development Centre at the NDRC's Energy Research Institute, explained ...

◆200109 China opens up oil and gas exploration, production to foreign ...
Reuters-2 時間前 https://reut.rs/2N7Zwr6
BEIJING/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - China will for the first time allow foreign companies to explore for and produce oil and gas in the country, opening up the industry to firms other than state-run energy giants as Beijing looks to boost domestic ...

◆200109 Iran is China's Gas Station for New Trade Route
International Policy Digest-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/36BKlOF
They see things differently in China. What is referred to in the West as the Middle East is, from a Chinese perspective, the Middle West. What is often referred to in the West as the Persian or Arabian Gulf is always referred to in China as the ...

◆200109 China expands footprint in solar for space applications industry
Smart Energy (press release)-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R06HTd
The Shanghai Institute of Space Power-Sources has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with solar module ... Renewable Energy ... Solar energy is a hot topic disrupting the energy industry and is also set for discussion at Enlit Asia which takes place on ... Ed's note: The power of power… and gas and water…



◆200108 インドネシア・スラウェシ島地震復興支援に円借款280億円
newsclip.be-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2N7bpNR
【インドネシア】日本政府は2018年9月にインドネシアのスラウェシ島で発生した地震で被害を受けたインフラの復興に279 ... ジャカルタで7日、石井正文駐インドネシア大使とインドネシアのデスラ・プルチャヤ外務省アジア太平洋アフリカ総局長が交換公文に署名 ...

◆200108 国営電力、スラウェシ島で発電所の建設加速
NNA.ASIA-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/35yDB2L
インドネシアの国営電力PLNは、スラウェシ島での発電所の建設計画を加速している。1月から未加工ニッケル鉱石の輸出が禁止されたことに伴い、同島で精錬所の新設が相次いでいるためだ。6日付ジャカルタ・ポストが伝えた。 ニッケルの主産地である中 ...

◆200108 石化PTTGC、インドネシアに商社設立
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/37P3MDR
タイの石油化学最大手PTTグローバル・ケミカル(PTTGC)は6日、子会社を通じてインドネシアにプラスチック製品を扱う商社を設立したと発表した。 タイ証券取引所(SET)への報告によると、新会社のPTGCMマーケティング・ソリューションズ・インドネシア ...

◆200108 九電がフィリピンの離島電力に参画 九州山間部への応用探る
西日本新聞-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/300FZ0L
九州電力は7日、フィリピンの離島でマイクログリッド(小規模電力網)事業を手掛ける同国企業「パワーソース」に子会社を通じて出資し、経営に参画したことを明らかにした。既存の送電線網に頼らない最先端の小規模電力網を構築し、災害にも強い“地産地消型” ...


◆200108 Indonesia says WTO process against EU palm oil curb to start ...
Nikkei Asian Review-19 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2uvaBvV
JAKARTA -- Indonesia said Tuesday it expects to begin a World Trade Organization process to resolve a dispute with the European ... environment and is responsible for widespread deforestation, the decimation of natural habitats and greenhouse gas emissions. This is why the European Commission is phasing out palm oil imports as transport fuels through its Renewable Energy Directive 2021-2030.

◆200108 Indonesia considers forcing gas producers to sell output to ...
BusinessWorld Online-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/35vRjmY
JAKARTA — Indonesia's gas producers could be forced to sell a proportion of their output locally to ensure ... “We will formulate how big the DMO will be and at what price level, but the point is gas supplied to factories should be priced below $6 per million British thermal unit (mmbtu) if possible,” he ... Indonesia in late 2016 ordered energy companies to cut natural gas prices to $6 mmbtu for the fertilizer, steel and ... NEX 3: The next status symbol of power and luxurious technology.

◆200108 Indonesia to sign billions of dollars of energy and trade deals ...
Reuters-18 時間前 https://reut.rs/39QHkMc
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo will oversee the signing of $18.8 billion worth of energy and trade deals on a visit to Abu Dhabi, including Pertamina's deal with Abu Dhabi National Oil Co to upgrade a West ... Pertamina will also sign a deal to buy between 170,000 tonnes and 520,000 tonnes of liquefied petroleum gas from ADNOC, he said. ... Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), said her firm would sign a power purchase agreement with renewable energy firm ...

◆200108 Indonesia deploys fighter jets in stand-off with China
Asahi Shimbun-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QUlXkC
JAKARTA--Indonesia's air force deployed four fighter jets to the South China Sea on Tuesday in a stand-off with Beijing ... The South China Sea is a global trade route with rich fishing grounds and energy reserves and China claims most of it based on what it says is its historic activity. ... China Sea that it claims, including large swathes of Vietnam's continental shelf where it has awarded oil concessions.

◆200108 Geothermal energy a viable choice for Indonesia
Industry Global News 24-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tJ7Wy3
The clean energy sources like biomass and geothermal energy will be a perfect solution for Indonesia's addiction to fossil fuels. ... The deficit is due to excessive import of gas and oil, which remains the major source of energy for the country. ... expert Pri Utami stated that an estimated utilization of 47.3 barrels of oil can be discontinued by installation of one MW geothermal power generator. ... The contribution of geothermal energy in the renewable energy mix (EBT) is only 17 per cent.

◆200108 Crude oil futures soar after Iranian missiles strike US bases in ...
S&P Global-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Qy1frP
Singapore — Crude oil futures were up by more than $1/b during mid-morning trade in Asia Wednesday, having given ... The oil importers with chronic trade deficits like India, Indonesia, the Philippines will be particularly vulnerable to oil price ...

◆200108 DoF rejects claim of 'onerous' Kaliwa Dam loan
BusinessWorld Online-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ulD335
Mr. Joven said such provisions are standard on all loan agreements entered into by the Philippines with other countries ... “Although we will find that the loan agreements for the Kaliwa Dam and Chico River Pump Irrigation Projects do contain ...

◆200108 Philippines: inflation picks up pace – UOB
FXStreet-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tIh0mM
Julia Goh, Senior Economist at UOB Group, assesses the latest release of inflation figures in the Philippines. ... risks emanating from a planned hike in excise duties for tobacco and alcoholic beverages, petitions for electricity rates and transport fare adjustments, potential impact of recent weather disturbances and African Swine Fever outbreak on domestic food prices, as well as volatile global oil prices.



◆200108 茂木外相とタイ外相が会談 タイのTPP参加へ連携
NHK NEWS WEB-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/35DSXDa
タイを訪れている茂木外務大臣は、ドン外相と会談し、おととし発効したTPP=環太平洋パートナーシップ協定に新たにタイも参加できるよう、緊密に連携していくことで一致しました。 続きを読む. 会談でタイのドン外相は、日本など11か国が参加して、おととし12月 ...

◆200108 タイ国境のポイペトで新たな経済特別区(SEZ)が開業
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Qwczoc
タイ国境沿いのカンボジア・ポイペト地区に3つ目の経済特別区(SEZ)となる「ポイペトPPSEZ」が12月9日、開業した。同SEZはプノンペン経済特別区(PPSEZ)を運営するPPSEZ社が同地区に進出し、開発した。開発面積は68ヘクタールで、PPSEZから移管した .

◆200108 Bグリム、コミュニティー発電への参画検討
NNA.ASIA-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T3NLWy
ドイツ系財閥Bグリム傘下のタイの発電会社Bグリム・パワーのプリヤナート社長は、タイ政府が各地域で再生可能エネルギー発電事業などを後押しする「コミュニティー発電振興策」への参画を検討していることを明らかにした。6日付クルンテープ・トゥラキットが ...

◆200108 EVN、ラオスから電力約15億kWhを購入―電力不足回避で
VIETJOベトナムニュース-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/301sVbF
ベトナム電力グループ(EVN)は、電力不足の対策として、2021~2022年の2年間にラオスから約15億kWhの電力を購入する。 ... グループの運営する第3Aナムサン(Nam San)水力発電所(同69MW)、第3Bナムサン水力発電所(同45MW)から電力を調達する。

◆200108 カンボジア初の高速道路、建設工事が進む
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/300aDaz
カンボジア公共事業運輸省は12月8日、同国初の高速道路の建設工事が順調に進んでおり、2023年に完工する見通しだと発表した。この高速道路は、首都プノンペンから南西に位置し、深海港もあるシアヌークビルとの間を結び、現在使われている国道4号線の ...

◆200108 米中貿易戦争の影響により増加する直接投資 カンボジア[経済]
カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tAXDfA
米国に拠点を置く自転車メーカーのケントインターナショナル社や中国最大の自転車会社の上海ゼネラルスポーツは昨年、米国が課す関税を回避するためにカンボジアに工場を開設すると発表し、今年の操業を目指している。また、さらに、米国の大手靴メーカー ..

◆200108 中国の軍事脅威を再びけん制したベトナム国防白書
Yahoo!ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2s7TQpM
第三は、本来はベトナムの仲間ながら、カンボジアのように中国の代弁者のような国もいて、なかなかベトナム支持でまとまってくれ ... 年には、ベトナムがスペインの石油大手レプソルに南シナ海での石油開発権を与えたが、中国の圧力で開発を断念している。

◆200108 ヤンゴン管区、新たな変電所が開所
NNA.ASIA-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QZPfhA
ミャンマーの最大都市を管轄するヤンゴン管区で6日、ヤンゴン電力供給公社(YESC)が33/11キロボルト(kV)の変電所を開所した。チャウタン郡区などの17カ村に電力を供給する。国営紙グローバル・ニュー・ライト・オブ・ミャンマーが7日伝えた。 開所した ...

◆200108 パラミ、マグウェーの小型電力網1期が完成
NNA.ASIA-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2N5Zyj9
ミャンマーの石油・ガス開発関連サービス会社パラミ・エナジー・グループ・オブ・カンパニーズは、中部マグウェー管区イェサゴ郡区で太陽光発電による小型電力供給網(ミニグリッド)の第1期を完成させた。ミャンマー・タイムズ(電子版)が伝えた。 第1期の完成は ...

◆200108 ラオスの財政安定へ 日本が共同研究の政策提言
NHK NEWS WEB-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R1DEPo
中国からの巨額の借り入れなどが問題となっているラオスで、日本とラオスの専門家による財政安定化の共同研究が行われ、大型インフラ事業の採算がとれるよう対策を講じるべきなどとするラオス政府への政策提言を取りまとめました。 続きを読む. 政策提言 ...

◆200108 ラオス中国鉄道、送電網建設に着手
NNA.ASIA-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2N6QzON
ラオスの首都ビエンチャンと中国国境を結ぶ「ラオス・中国鉄道(中老鉄路)」事業で、鉄道に電力を供給する送電網の敷設が始まった。中老鉄路の2021年12月の完工予定に合わせ、同年3月末までに敷設を完了する。ラオス・タイムズ(電子版)が2日、中国の .


◆200108 Dams lead to extinction
Bangkok Post-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/35wsozD
Since then, the building of the enormous Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, along with over-fishing, river transport and pollution ... That is one step towards extinction, and the development of hydropower in the Mekong is accelerating this process. ... With the state-run Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) as a major buyer from these projects, the government should reconsider this scheme and push for Egat to promote the generation and use of renewable energy.

◆200108 Hints of Phantom Crater Found Under Volcanic Plateau in Laos
The New York Times-8 時間前 https://nyti.ms/35AJUma
However, there's at least one exception: a Delaware-sized plateau near the Mekong River in southern Laos. ... impact,” said Vanpheng Sihavong, a geoscientist at the Ministry of Energy and Mines in the Lao People's Democratic Republic and ...

◆200108 US promises aid for Kingdom's looming water, climate crises
The Phnom Penh Post-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/3019DDp
US committed to help through Lower Mekong Initiative, sustained partnership with the MRC Mekong and other ... water outflows at China's Jinghong hydropower station were reduced by more than 50 per cent to accommodate dam equipment testing. ... In a press release on December 31, last year, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) said: “The water levels in the ... It gave the prime minister the power.

◆200108 Eppo: Energy use to grow
Bangkok Post-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FqC7Nn
The Energy Policy and Planning Office (Eppo) forecasts the country's energy consumption in 2020 to rise 1.8% to 2.78 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOED), in line with Thai GDP and demand. ... and low oil prices. Natural gas and coal consumption are expected to rise 1% and 1.4%, respectively, for the country's power generation and industrial operations. Renewable energy is estimated to see 3.9% consumption growth, thanks to support measures from the government.

◆200108 Thailand morning news for January 8
AEC News Today-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/37CL5mG
Water diverted from Tha Chine to Chao Phraya River to flush out seawater ... The Ministry of Energy has prepared measures to handle the situation in the form of oil reserves and pricing measures to minimize any potential effects on the general public. ... Run-off dam met with reservation. The hydro-electric power plant planned in Luang Prabang will not have any big transboundary impact on Thailand, ...

◆200108 Two major dams to release more water
Bangkok Post-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2s2HSgX
Mr Thongplew said the flow of water from the Chao Phraya dam will be increased from 85 cubic metres per second to 100, while the Pasak ... Water from the two dams will flow into the Chao Phraya River before flowing into the Gulf of Thailand.

◆200108 Vietnam in deals to buy Laos electricity from 2021
The Star Online-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QUuwfl
HANOI: Vietnam's electricity firm EVN has signed five new deals to buy electricity from Laos starting from next year, the ... The South-East Asian nation faces severe power shortages from 2021, as demand outpaces construction of new plants, ...

◆200108 Vietnam Thermal Power Market Revenue and Gross Margin ...
Expert Recorder-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FsIiQK
Stratagem Market Insights offers 2019 report on Global Vietnam Thermal Power market that evaluates industry growth trends through historical data and estimates future prospects based on comprehensive research. The report extensively ...

◆200108 Vinacomin sets to sell 49 million tonnes of coal in 2020
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QUPkmN
The Vietnam National Coal-Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited (Vinacomin) has set to sell 49 million tonnes of coal in 2020, a year-on-year surge of 10 percent, according to Vinacomin Deputy Director General Nguyen Hoang ...

◆200108 Asean morning news for January 8
AEC News Today-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SZkex3
The hydro-electric power plant planned in Luang Prabang will not have any big transboundary impact on Thailand, said the head of Laos' Department of Energy Policy and Planning, who argued that with Thailand's support, the project ... Nearly 200 megawatts (MW)of electricity from Dan Sahong Dam in Laos was linked to Cambodia's national grid ... Vietnam's electricity firm EVN has signed five new deals to buy electricity from Laos starting from next year, the state-run company said.

◆200108 Priests join residents in Quảng Bình to protest against ...
AsiaNews-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R1zh6W
The Rào Nam dam is only 150 metres from the village of Linh Cận Sơn. Nine villages in Quảng Trạch district are at risk if it should overflow. ... Hanoi (AsiaNews) – In Quảng Bình province, on the coast of central Vietnam, priests and religious have backed since last August local protests against the construction ... But now the government wants to block the river to build a new dam over seven metres high.

◆200108 Laos links 195MW power to Cambodia
Khmer Times-4 時間前 https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50677525/laos-links-195mw-power-to-cambodia
Nearly 200 megawatts (MW)of electricity from Dan Sahong Dam in Laos was linked to Cambodia's national grid ... in the first quarter this year, said Victor Jona, director general of Energy at Ministry of Mines and Energy yesterday. Once in official operation, the 195MW will be carried from the dam to the border which is then linked to a 230kV transmission line in Stung Treng ... was built on the Mekong River in Laos's southern Champasak province, just two kilometers north of Cambodia.

◆200108 JinkoSolar panels to power 150 MW of solar parks in Cambodia
Renewables Now-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/305VrZF
January 6 (Renewables Now) - JinkoSolar Holding Co Ltd (NYSE:JKS) will be delivering photovoltaic (PV) panels for three projects in Cambodia with a combined capacity of 150 MW. The Chinese firms Cheetah solar panels will be installed at ...

◆200108 Eyes on Cambodia for 13th Asem summit
Eleven Myanmar-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2N6QWZs
This year is set to be another critical period for Cambodia with ... What will Cambodia's role be during the Summit in terms of addressing critical issues? Well, all countries ... claims to practice “normative power”, yet it accuses us of human rights

◆200108 US promises aid for Kingdom's looming water, climate crises
The Phnom Penh Post-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QypgyU
“Pleasure meeting Water and Meteorology Minister Lim Kean Hor to discuss Cambodia's significant water and climate ... 1-4, the water outflows at China's Jinghong hydropower station were reduced by more than 50 per cent to accommodate dam ... the Mekong River Commission (MRC) said: “The water levels in the Mekong River, which flows through Phnom Penh ... It gave the prime minister the power.

◆200108 Myanmar seeks to rekindle its dimming gas hopes
Asia Times-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/36ES0vG
Myanmar's government is expected to announce major new bidding for natural gas exploration, including 15 offshore and 18 ... last month between Myanmar's MPRL E&P Company, France's Total and Australia's Woodside Energy have given the ... but Minister for Electricity and Energy Win Khaing said the goal is to start commercial gas distribution from the project by the ... Current and retired officials from the state-owned Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE), the de facto industry ...

◆200108 The Day Myanmar's Oil Workers Downed Tools
The Irrawaddy News Magazine-47 分前 https://bit.ly/2sKBBah
Yangon – On this day 82 years ago, oil workers in Chauk in Magwe Region came out on strike for better pay and working conditions. The strike spread into the largest and longest-running national uprising during the colonial period.

◆200108 Power supply to increase to over 55% in 2019-2020 FY
Eleven Myanmar-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T0ydT9
Electricity supply in Myanmar will increase to 55.72 percent in 2019-2020 fiscal year from 47.25 percent in 2018-2019 FY, ... to December 2019, three hydropower generator stations, six thermal energy generator stations and one solar energy ...

◆200108 Every rural region in Yangon have power access this year
Eleven Myanmar-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QyHK2e
By December, 2020, the ministry plan to enable all population living in rural Yangon regions to have electricity access, said Union Minister for Electricity and Energy U Win Khaing, at a ceremony to open the sub-power station in Kyauktan ...

◆200108 Myanmar looks to move $4billion LNG schemes forward
Upstream Online-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/39OR3mk
Myanmar is hoping to forge ahead with two proposed liquefied natural gas import schemes that will involve investments upwards of $4 billion and finally propel the Southeast Asian nation into the ranks ...

◆200108 Latest phase of PowerChina-built Laos hydro project begins ...
The Asset-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QY8fgn
A ceremony to start the first power generation unit of Nam Ou River Cascade Hydropower Project's second phase was held on December 27 ... Lao Minister of Energy and Mines and President of the Laos-China Friendship Association Khammany Inthirath and Chinese Ambassador ... Once fully operational, the entire project with its seven units will be able to generate 12% of the electricity supply in Laos.



◆200109 電力省がガス火発救済、4GWを調達へ
NNA.ASIA-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/35xtIlH
インドの電力省は、ガス火力発電所の救済策2案の実施を決定した。近年稼働が停滞するガス火力発電所から2ギガワット(GW、1GW=100万キロワット)ずつ、計4GWを調達する。政府の情報筋によると、現在調達スキームの草案を用意している。エコノミック・ ...


◆200109 GIC, ADIA-backed Greenko set to buy stake in large hydro ...
VCCircle-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/35BkRj9
Greenko Group, India's most-funded renewable energy company, is set to acquire a stake in a large hydropower project that ... Teesta's other shareholders include Mumbai-listed power trading company PTC India Ltd with a stake of 5.62%, and Delhi-registered companies Athena Projects Pvt. Ltd, APPL Power Pvt. Ltd and Indus Clean Energy (India) Pvt. Ltd. ... as lack of adequate transmission infrastructure, cost overruns and the sale of power at a discounted rate on the open market.

◆200109 IRSA Releases 26600 Cusecs Water
UrduPoint News-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/304r7yL
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1479.79 feet, which was 93.79 feet higher than its dead level ... Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 17,100 cusecs and outflow as 8,000 cusecs.

◆200109 Assam CM Sarbananda Sonowal urges people to keep faith ...
The Arunachal Times-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QX6tfz
The people of north bank of Brahmaputra will get another bridge over the mighty river connecting Gohpur with Numaligarh in southern bank and the work will be started within the next two months, he added. Sonowal informed that the ongoing ...

◆200109 Ganga delta may see water level rise of up to 1.4 metres by ...
The Hitavada-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/3a1vsr0
THE Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta covering parts of eastern India and Bangladesh, and home to 200 million ... The region also frequently experiences intense monsoon rainfall, rising sea levels, river flows, and land subsidence, ...

◆200109 India opens up coal mining further
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/37OOv5P
The ordinance allows coal mining for any company present in sectors other than steel and power, and dispenses away with the captive end-use criteria. While the move will help create an efficient energy market, usher in competition and ...

◆200109 Malaysia-India Relations: What Does a Palm Oil Ban Mean ...
The Diplomat-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FtKN5A
Malaysia-India Relations: What Does a Palm Oil Ban Mean Amid the Kashmir Dispute Fallout? ... On Wednesday, reports surfaced that India had imposed what amounted to an effective ban on refined palm oil targeting Malaysia ... But then the Pakatan Harapan government came to power in a shock election in May 2018.

◆200109 India's new eased mining rules to enhance foreign ...
Reuters-16 時間前 https://reut.rs/2T50Dvt
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India's cabinet has eased mining laws in a bid to attract foreign players to the domestic coal sector and reduce imports of the fuel, coal minister Pralhad Joshi said on Wednesday. India plans to float global tenders for ...

◆200109 India approves funding of $774 million for northeastern gas ...
Yahoo News-14 時間前 https://yhoo.it/301S2em
India aims to spend up to $60 billion by 2024 to set up the grid and several terminals for liquefied natural gas, as it scrambles to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 2030 target of a 15% share for natural gas in the energy mix, up from 6.5% now. The 1,656-km ... "India's foreign ministry has already spoken to oil producing nations (on the potential threat to supplies)," Pradhan said, without elaborating.

◆200109 Many a Chink in India's Nuclear Chain of Command
NewsClick-2020/01/07 https://bit.ly/303TY61
The government chosen India's first Chief of Defence Staff. It is a no-brainer that front-runner General Bipin Rawat has won this race. He aced potential rivals in a last-minute surge by belittling the spontaneous countrywide protests against the ...

◆200109 Sahiwal, a tale of eco-friendly power plant in Pakistan
Xinhua-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/35CyQoP
Sahiwal, a tale of eco-friendly power plant in Pakistan. Source: ... Under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Sahiwal power plant tells an eco-friendly tale in Pakistan, with electricity, jobs and opportunities provided to locals. Click for more.

◆200109 Pakistan sees FTA with China, Belt and Road as path to ...
Nikkei Asian Review-17 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2T6k9rx
In an interview with the Nikkei Asian Review, Azhar said that new phases of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor -- a major part of ... focusing not only on energy and infrastructure but also industrialization and socio-economic development, as well as modernization of ... In addition, due to servicing a $6 billion bailout package from the IMF, the country had to hike gas and power tariffs. ... "But the U.S.-Iran conflict will also push up global oil prices, which obviously affects everyone.".

◆200109 Pakistan's Power struggle: Discrepancies in the Power Sector
Global Village space-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/35BFMlO
Soon thereafter, on 7th August the Minister for Energy Omar Ayub had constituted a nine-member committee to identify and examine causes of the high cost of electricity with special reference to private power generation i.e. Independent Power Producers and figure out the ... He was among those quizzed by NAB with regard to the multi-billion-rupee Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) scandal.

◆200109 LNG saves $5 billion substituting expensive oil imports in ...
Gulf Today-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QBZdXv
Pakistan has imported over 19 million tonnes of LNG since 2015, saving around $5 billion substituting expensive oil imports, ... LNG now constitutes 24 per cent of country's energy imports and around 22 per cent in power generation mix. ... 393.6 billion cubic feet of gas into the national gas distribution network in 2019, a 14 per cent increase compared with 345.6 ... With the advent of RLNG bases power plants and coal based generation, the fuel component of per unit electricity cost is ...

◆200109 Pakistan and China launch joint naval drills. Should India be ...
Yahoo News-8 時間前 https://yhoo.it/2tGKrWF
ISLAMABAD — A nine-day Sino-Pakistani naval exercise commenced in Pakistan's port of Karachi on Monday with the arrival of a Chinese naval task group from its South Sea Fleet. ... Sidharth Kaushal, a research fellow specializing in sea power at the Royal United Services Institute think tank, said “India ... If including loss of a Pakistani deterrent submarine, it will lower Islamabad's nuclear threshold.

◆200109 Use of fossil fuel drops, as consumption of electricity increases
Himalayan Times-6 分前 https://bit.ly/2QyGDzz
Sale of diesel and cooking gas has decelerated lately, indicating industries and households are using more electricity to produce ... A major reason for this deceleration is regular supply of electricity by Nepal Electricity Authority. ... Malls, one of the biggest consumers of diesel when power cuts were normal, have also reduced consumption of fossil fuel. ... turning towards energy supplied by NEA to cook food, as evidenced by the drop of sales growth of liquefied petroleum gas to 10.8 ...

◆200109 Frequent power-trips mock govt call for more electricity use
myRepublica-19 分前 https://bit.ly/2T8kJF4
KATHMANDU, Jan 9: Consumers have started facing recurring problem of power-trips at a time the government itself ... The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), however, has attributed the sudden power cuts to overload in the system ... is not caused by a mismatch between the demand and supply of energy, but due to a problem in the distribution system. “With the increased load, the problem has been observed in a number of transmission lines, sub-stations and feeders,” said Adhikari.

◆200109 Key regulatory coordination to optimize cross-border electricity ...
The Media Hq (press release) (blog)-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QZLBEv
Cross-border electricity trade uses exports and imports in “proper” domestic hydroelectricity. ... A series of three reports developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) examines the regulatory ... Asia, and expand renewable energy sources in the region through partnerships, power generation models, regulatory coordination and improved data. ... The consequences of these market reforms could include Nepal's ability to sell surplus hydro in India and Bangladesh.

◆200109 IFC to help Bangladesh with public-private solar partnerships
pv magazine International-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/36xOKC2
Having been forced to push back the target date of sourcing 10% of its electricity from renewables, Bangladesh is receiving ... The IFC will be lead transaction adviser to the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority of Bangladesh ... “This plan to bring in a solar independent power producer through a competitive bidding process will play a pivotal role in ... land to produce solar energy,” said Wendy Werner, IFC country manager for Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal.

◆200109 Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena to meet ...
The Hindu-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/36DCAHJ
Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena to meet External Affairs Minister Jaishankar on January 9 ... Sri Lanka's Minister of Foreign Relations Dinesh Gunawardena will hold bilateral discussions in New Delhi on Thursday, ... not power devolution, to the war-affected Tamil community, raising concern among the Sri Lankan Tamil polity over ... New Delhi and Colombo have been negotiating possible partnerships in developing the world-war era oil tanks in the eastern ...

◆200109 Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy in 622 billion debt
Ceylon Daily News-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2t28Ci5
Minister of Power and Renewable Energy Mahindananda Aluthgamage told the media that the Ministry of Power and Renwable Energy had become one of the most ... He revealed that the unit price of electricity was only Rs. 32 but former Minister Ravi Karunanayake had told cabinet that it was Rs. 72. ... Visit Kapruka.com Sri Lanka's Largest online shop. .... Earthquake hits Iran near nuclear power plant.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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