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2020年2月15日 王毅外相,コロナに揺れるASEAN外相に,ビエンチャンに集まれ




















◆200215 中国の海洋進出 東南ア抵抗強く R・ヘイダリアン氏
日本経済新聞-11 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Srvba2
中国は何十年にもわたり、経済援助や軍事的威嚇、外交攻勢を通じ近隣諸国を取り込み、自国の海洋進出を黙認させようとしてきた。だが東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)のベトナムやマレーシア、インドネシアは南シ .

◆200215 EXCLUSIVE-中国の新型肺炎対策は適切、米中合意の履行に ...
ロイター-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2USLtuc
ベルリン 14日 ロイター] - 中国の王毅国務委員兼外相は14日、湖北省武漢市で発生した新型コロナウイルスについて、中国にとって大きな試練だと認めた上で、政府の対応は適切だとし、海外の反応は過剰との見解を示した。 米国に対しては、通商や観光を ...

◆200215 中国新型肺炎拡大「統制下の人災」 言論の自由求める機運
東京新聞-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/31WgcYB
【北京=中沢穣】新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎(COVID(コビッド)19)が拡大する中国で、政府の言論統制が感染拡大を招いたとして「言論の自由」を求める声が高まっている。正確な報道や情報発信を認める言論の自由がなければ、生命や生活が脅かされると ...

◆200215 新型肺炎支援で日本称賛 「尖閣」は変化なし―中国
時事通信-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/39wTHvS
【北京時事】新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎の感染が広がる中国で、日本の支援を称賛するムードが高まっている。日本との関係を重視する習近平指導部の意向を反映しているが、沖縄県・尖閣諸島周辺での中国公船の活動が収まる兆しは見えない。<下へ続く ...

◆200215 中国、医療関係者1716人が感染 深刻な院内感染発生
朝日新聞-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/37ve3o6
同委は14日、新型肺炎で中国本土で新たに121人が死亡し、計1380人に達したと発表した。13日の発表では累計死者数を1367人としていたが、湖北省に重複があり修正した。感染者は5090人増え、累計で6万3千人を超えた(湖北省分は臨床診断による判断 ...



◆200214 中国電と岡山県、水力発電活用の電力新プラン
日本経済新聞-21 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2UQEIJp
岡山県と中国電力は13日、県企業局の水力発電所を活用する電力プランを創設すると発表した。主にスーパーや工場など高圧電力を使う中小事業者を対象に、水力発電の電力について二酸化炭素(CO2)の排出量を実 ...

◆200214 新型肺炎が石油需要直撃、10年半ぶり減 IEA予測
日本経済新聞-11 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2OP5Xjy
【ロンドン=篠崎健太】新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎の拡大が、石油の需要に影を広げている。国際エネルギー機関(IEA)は13日、1~3月期の世界需要が前年同期比で日量43万5000バレル減るとの予測を ...



◆200214 中国企業,ザンビアのカイフクシア水力の下流発電所着工へ,750MW
OFweek-2020/02/12 https://bit.ly/31Q8Iqe
2月9日,赞比亚下凯富峡水电站,其首台机组转子顺利吊装就位,标志着该电站正式进入总装阶段。该水电站由中国水电承建,并且早在2003年,中国水电就开始积极推动该项目的建设。 中企承建赞比亚下凯富峡水电站机组开始总装. 发电机转子是水轮 ..

◆200214 中国,長江上流金沙江のダム階段状開発,烏東徳水力など
四川新闻网-攀枝花日报-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hlis22

◆200214 中国の電力需給計画,2020年の予測
东方财富网-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hp1M9X
据中电联发布2019-2020年度全国电力供需形势分析预测报告指出:2019年中国电力生产运行平稳,电力供需总体平衡。全年全社会用电 ... 分类型看,水电3.6亿千瓦、核电4874万千瓦、并网风电2.1亿千瓦、并网太阳能发电2.0亿千瓦、火电11.9亿千瓦。

◆200214 中国電力企業の海外進出,2019年,563地点,43GW
2019中国电力行业境外新能源项目签约额Top10企业:特变电工 ...
北极星电力新闻网-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SH2B3q
北极星太阳能光伏网讯:根据机电商会统计,2019年,中国电力行业企业参与境外电力项目投(议)标并最终实现签约的项目563个,签约合同总金额472.0亿美元,同比增长1.1%,签约发电装机总容量4347.9万千瓦。根据各重点企业报送的2019年境外 ...

◆200214 中国電力企業,長江電力の躍進
北极星电力新闻网-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OTApcn
北极星电力网新闻中心 来源:中国电力新闻网 作者:张艳平 2020/2/14 9:48:49 我要投稿. 所属频道: ... 为满足电力需求,长江电力加大溪洛渡右岸机组出力,仅10日和11日两天即生产近1亿千瓦时电能,为企业复工复产注入强劲动力。后续,长江电力将 ...

◆200214 新型ウイルスで中国の原油需要が大幅減少の恐れ
JBpress-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w8DQFt

◆200214 新型肺炎、エネルギー市場への影響は限定的=米エネ長官
朝日新聞社-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vuodba
リスボン 13日 ロイター] - ブルイエット米エネルギー長官は13日、中国を発生源とする新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大によるエネルギー市場への影響はこれまでのところ限定されているとの認識を示した。 ブルイエット長官は訪問先のポルトガルで、中国の ...


◆200214 Coronavirus Threatens to Blow Up Trump's Energy Trade ...
Foreign Policy-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/38sX4Uu
Energy trade was the centerpiece of U.S. President Donald Trump's just-completed pact with China, seemingly matching soaring ... The energy market impacts of the coronavirus will likely doom the $50 billion in additional oil and natural gas purchases ... $18.5 billion in energy products this year and $34 billion next year—above and beyond what it was already buying to power cars, planes, and factories.

◆200214 Electric shock: China power demand drops as coronavirus ...
Reuters-42 分前 https://reut.rs/2UNSpIO
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's industrial power demand in 2020 may decline by as much as 73 billion kilowatt hours (kWh), ... But, as the country is the world's biggest electricity consumer, the loss is equal to the power used in the whole of Chile and it ... The reduction is the energy equivalent of about 30 million tonnes of thermal coal or about 9 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG), IHS said.

◆200214 Opinion: What's the best economic indicator for China now ...
MarketWatch-15 時間前 https://on.mktw.net/2vvqWRO
Oil prices and Treasury yields, which are dangerously close to fresh 52-week lows. ... Still, with 400 million Chinese under quarantine, the hit to China's economy and the price of oil, it is only a matter of ... is substantial downside for the stocks of both integrated energy companies and the more leveraged oil service ones.

◆200214 Russia's Gazprom says suspends talks on new China gas ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vA7C5C
Russian gas giant Gazprom said on Thursday it has suspended talks on new gas routes to China because of the coronavirus outbreak, but is still trying to increase its market share there. Gazprom also estimated some 20 million tonnes of ...

◆200214 Major Hongqiao development plan approved
SHINE-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SHx5Ci
Also by 2035, the Hongqiao transport hub will see over 60 percent of cities above county level in the Yangtze River Delta easily connected to the Hongqiao area within an hour's ride by public transport such as high-speed rail. Meanwhile, the ...



◆200214 インドネシア、新型ウイルス感染報告ゼロ-専門家は懐疑的な見方
ブルームバーグ-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2StKgYJ

◆200214 ムラピ山が噴火 インドネシア
時事通信-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OSnEyy

◆200214 インドネシア、石油・ガス上流部門の国営会社設立へ 規制緩和狙う
ロイター-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SK2805
ジャカルタ 13日 ロイター] - インドネシア政府は、石油・ガス上流部門を担う新たな国営会社を設立する計画だ。投資の足かせと批判されている官僚主義的な手続きや規制を緩和する狙いがある。 この計画は、議会提出され、12日夜に明らかになった包括法案 ...

◆200214 フィリピン、米軍地位協定を破棄 米国防長官が遺憾表明
CNN.co.jp-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/38mQuPs
(CNN) エスパー米国防長官は13日までに、フィリピン政府から「訪問米軍に関する地位協定」を破棄するとの通知を受けたとし、遺憾の意を表明した。 CNNフィリピンによると、協定は1988年の締結で、米軍用機や艦船の比国内への自由な寄港を承認。米軍人 ...

◆200214 トランプ大統領「節約できる」フィリピンの協定破棄通告に
NHK NEWS WEB-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OSpWxQ
アメリカのアジア太平洋戦略で重要な役割を果たすフィリピンがアメリカに反発して同盟関係に関わる協定の破棄を通告したことに対し、トランプ大統領は「多額の金を節約できる」と述べて、問題視しない考えを示し、同盟を重視する国防総省の方針との食い違い ...

◆200214 エネ省、ミンドロ・クヨ鉱区の入札実施
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UPWFI0
フィリピンのエネルギー省は、ミンドロ・クヨ海盆の石油鉱区「エリア5」の入札を実施することを明らかにした。「フィリピン在来型エネルギー契約プログラム(PCECP)」に基づくもので、1月31日から3月31日まで参加を受け付ける。12日付マニラブレティンが伝えた ...

◆200214 水道「不当」契約、法律所が関与=大統領
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wes3FH
フィリピンのマニラ首都圏の水道事業者2社との事業委託契約見直し問題で、ドゥテルテ大統領は12日、政府が不当性を主張する一連の契約が結ばれた背後に大手の法律事務所が存在していると批判した。13日付マニラ・ブレティンなどが伝えた。 ドゥテルテ ...

◆200214 サマル島―ダバオ連絡橋、中国が融資検討
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SsXTaC
中国政府が、フィリピンのミンダナオ島ダバオ市とサマル島を結ぶ連絡橋の建設事業への融資を検討している。13日付ビジネスワールドが伝えた ... 電気機械器具の製造・売買などを手掛けるサンケン電気(埼玉県新座市)は、タイ中部サラブリ県の半導体デバ…


◆200214 Indonesia promotes ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific at middle ...
Jakarta Post-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bEPxE7
Indonesia promotes ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific at middle power meet ... Indonesia has used a meeting of loosely associated and like-minded countries in Mexico City to promote the ASEAN vision of an inclusive Indo-Pacific region, .

◆200214 Indonesia aims for state firm to handle upstream oil and gas ...
Reuters-21 時間前 https://reut.rs/323o22Z
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia plans to set up or designate a state firm to carry out upstream oil and gas activities, to try ... to boost economic growth and create jobs in sectors such as energy, where investors often cite regulatory uncertainty, ...

◆200214 Chevron seeks deepwater exit in Indonesia
Interfax Global Energy-2020/02/12 https://bit.ly/38reVLJ
The key issue: Jakarta has failed to entice Chevron to develop its giant Indonesia Deepwater Development project, and ... Chevron is seeking potential buyers for its giant Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project after failing to agree a ...

◆200214 GE Renewable Energy to Rehabilitate Hydropower Plant in ...
Renewable Energy Magazine (press release)-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bAU6iJ
GE Renewable Energy booked a contract with Angat Hydropower Corporation to rehabilitate the 218 MW Angat ... GE Renewable Energy's hydro teams in Europe and the Americas will be responsible for the supply of two new 50 MW Francis turbines, ... Once fully upgraded in 2023, the power output of the plant will be increased by around 4 % bringing it to 226.6 MW. This rehabilitated plant will provide an additional and reliable source of electricity in the Philippines and secure water ...

◆200214 Bringing geothermal plants back to operation after ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2StJpqZ
Bringing geothermal plants back to operation after earthquakes in the Philippines ... Specifically, the article describes the work of the company to reinstate the Mahanagdong B geothermal power plant in Leyte ... which would require large foundations; and retrofitting two damaged transmission towers while the lines were energized. ... Getting the plant back-on line promptly restored green geothermal energy back to the grid, minimizing the use of thermal diesel and coal generation.

◆200214 Think tank: PH should start importing LNG
INQUIRER.net-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ONng4D
The Philippines is “in dire need” to bring in supplies of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from overseas as an expected decline in output ... currently the Philippines' only source of natural gas, represented 15 percent of domestic electricity generation but was “rapidly declining ... And while the Department of Energy has been showing reluctance in extending the Malampaya consortium's service contract, efforts ...



◆200214 TPP会合、今夏にも開催 タイの新規加盟を議論
日本経済新聞-3 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2OOWmJy
西村康稔経済財政・再生相は14日の閣議後の記者会見で環太平洋経済連携協定(TPP)に加盟する11カ国による閣僚級会合を夏にもメキシコで開くと発表した。TPPはタイが新規加盟に関心を示しており、会合で ...

◆200214 ベトナムは米国寄り、中国寄り?日本人の「大きな誤解」の真相
幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SF2Mfs
ベトナムは、社会主義国でありながら、驚異の経済成長を遂げてきた。訪越外国人数、貿易収支等、多くのマクロ指標は右肩上がりであり、今後のさらなる発展に期待が高まる。そこで本連載では、キャピタルアセットマネジメント株式会社・代表取締役社長の杉本 ...

◆200214 「マスクを外せ」中国に配慮 カンボジアで下船
www.fnn.jp-2 時間前 https://www.fnn.jp/posts/00432155CX/202002141214_CX_CX
新型コロナウイルスの集団感染が起きている「ダイヤモンド・プリンセス」では、80歳以上の乗客のうち、持病がある人などで、検査で陰性が確認された希望者は、早ければ14日午後にも下船する予定。 一方、日本やタイなどで入港を拒否され、カンボジアに到着 ...

◆200214 カンボジア、中国傾斜一段と EU制裁の影響緩和図る
日本経済新聞-19 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2uAqGks
【ハノイ=大西智也】欧州連合(EU)の欧州委員会は12日、カンボジアの野党弾圧を問題視し、無関税で輸出できる優遇措置の一部を8月に停止する制裁を決めた。EUはカンボジアの最大の輸出先で、主力の縫製業 ...

◆200214 シエムレアプで電気工事、停電の恐れも
NNA.ASIA-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SNnidM
カンボジア電力公社(EDC)は14~19日の間、北西部シエムレアプ州での電気工事に伴い、一部の地域で停電が発生する恐れがあると明らかにした。クメール・タイムズ(電子版)が伝えた。 送電線や電気設備の修繕、取り換えを実施する。EDCは、工事中に ...

◆200214 マンダレー管区の成長率、9%見込む
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2uI5XuM
ミャンマー北中部マンダレー管区の2019年度(19年10月~20年9月)の域内総生産(GDP)は12兆チャット(約9,060億円)となり、前年度から約9%増加する見通しだ。ミャンマー・タイムズ(電子版)が11日伝えた。 5日に発表された予算報告書(Citizen's ...

◆200214 中国とASEANが特別会合へ 新型ウイルス対策など協議か
NHK NEWS WEB-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2StT40N
ASEAN外交筋によりますと、中国からASEAN側に打診があったということで、今月20日にラオスの首都ビエンチャンで開かれる会合には各国の外相が参加する予定だということです。 ASEANの国々でも感染が広がり、経済への影響も懸念される中、会合 ...


◆200214 Hydropower dams cool rivers in the Mekong River basin ...
UW News-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/39BXJn1
Hydropower dams, which use flowing water to turn a series of turbines to generate electricity, provide a source of energy that doesn't rely on fossil fuels. But they also disrupt the flow of rivers, and impact the fish and people that live there.

◆200214 Vietnam To Counter China With Asean Backing On Mekong ...
Forbes-17 分前 https://bit.ly/2uAnKnW
Vietnam To Counter China With Asean Backing On Mekong River Region ... Given ongoing global power shifts and fluid regional dynamics in Asia, mainland Southeast Asia bordering and in proximity to the Mekong region—what might be ...

◆200214 Mekong Delta's city hit by saltwater intrusion in rivers
VnExpress International-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bEhv2M
Seawater flowing up the Hau River, a branch of the Mekong, has contaminated inner-city canals too. ... in Ninh Kieu and the one in Phong Dien, both by the Can Tho River, have very little chance of being contaminated by saltwater," Dinh said.

◆200214 Heritage Line takes luxe cruising experiences to Upper Mekong
TTG Asia-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/38mKeqW
Vietnamese boutique cruise operator Heritage Line, has started accepting bookings for sailings on its new 10-berth ship Anouvong, which will be the first luxury boat to ply the Upper Mekong River in Laos upon its launch later this year.

◆200214 Cambodia morning news for February 14
AEC News Today-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SHdIsV
Chinese-owned Cambodian Resources Energy Development Co Ltd has been granted a three-year exploration licence in ... of Sre Ambel River in Koh Kong province by conservationists last month, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society. ... An electrical fire on a power line at Street 51, Boeng Keng Kang I commune, Boeung Keng Kang district, Phnom Penh was ... They made the commitment at a workshop this week where the Mekong River was named as one of the 10 which ...

◆200214 Chinese State Firm, HK's VPower to Implement Three ...
The Irrawaddy News Magazine-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SpSDEB
YANGON—Amid the government's efforts to avoid power shortages across the country, a Hong Kong company has ... Hong Kong-listed VPower Group International Holdings Limited, one of the largest investors in Myanmar's electricity ... The project gives western China access to the Indian Ocean and allows its oil and gas imports to bypass the Strait of Malacca. ... a 90-MW power plant on land owned by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy in Taung Tha Township, Mandalay Region.

◆200214 PTTEP allots $300m for 2020 exploration activities
Bangkok Post-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vtrzey
PTT Exploration and Production Plc (PTTEP) has budgeted US$300 million in 2020 to explore 18 offshore gas blocks in Malaysia and ... For Malaysia, growth is in line with a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) production facility to supply Petronas, the Malaysian oil and gas flagship. In Myanmar, gas demand is driven by the power generation sector. ... PTTEP is proceeding with synchronisation for gas production of the Erawan and Bongkot gas fields in the Gulf of Thailand after it won two ...

◆200214 World Bank offers to resolve Vietnam's solar power dilemma
VnExpress International-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SJPmyU
The World Bank has offered solutions for Vietnam to prevent a recurrence of its grid capacity shortage caused by ... But the surge in output overloaded the national grid, underlining the need for an upgrade to the transmission infrastructure. ... Hoang Tien Dung, general director of the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority, voiced support for the proposals ... (FIT) policy to a competitive bidding mechanism for solar power could be applied to other types of renewable energy in future ...

◆200214 UPDATE 2-Vietnam's Nghi Son oil refinery offers first gasoil ...
Reuters-22 時間前 https://reut.rs/2vzZTo8
(Adds comment, details). By Koustav Samanta and Khanh Vu. SINGAPORE, Feb 13 (Reuters) - Vietnam's Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical (NSRP) is offering a gasoil cargo for export for the first time, a source with the refinery said on ..

◆200214 Black gold on the horizon
Khmer Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/39xOrYX
The Ministry of Mines and Energy signed a petroleum agreement with Cambodia Resources Energy Development Co on ... For oil and gas exploration, Cambodia has established six offshore blocks (A–F), 19 onshore blocks (I–XIX) and four ...

◆200214 Nearly 93 pct of Cambodia's villages have access to electricity ...
Infosurhoy-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2uBzQNA
Speaking at the conference, Minister of Mines and Energy Suy Sem said the government is committed to having all ... Main electricity sources are hydroelectric dams and coal-fired power plants, it said, adding that the kingdom has seven ...

◆200214 Tax break for lucrative mine may cost Myanmar $163m while ...
myanmar-now-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UWRmX0
The mine will be one of the world's top producers of silver and lead, generating Myanmar Metals and its partners, Win Myint Mo Industries and East Asia Power enormous wealth. Myanmar Metals argues the incentive is needed because the ...

◆200214 US counters China with Blue Dot Network
Bangkok Post-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/37wqP5S
The scheme will focus on infrastructure projects such as gas lines, renewable energy, seaports and airports. ... This led to speculation that other projects, like a US$7 billion railway project in Laos, could lead to a similar debt trap. "I've had the ..



◆200214 ヒマラヤ山脈の氷、産業革命時代の金属汚染の痕跡見つかる
CNN.co.jp-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bFPloq
(CNN) 18世紀に英国で起こった産業革命によって、およそ1万キロ離れたヒマラヤ山脈は人類が足を踏み入れる前から有害な金属で汚染されていた――。そんな実態が米オハイオ州立大学などの調査で明らかになった。 研究者は、シシャパンマ山の標高 ...

◆200214 モディ氏の「得意技」不振 インド地方選、対立より生活
朝日新聞-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OSwPzf
モディ政権は、イスラム教徒が多く暮らすジャム・カシミール州(当時)に与えてきた自治権を撤廃するなど、ヒンドゥー教をより重視した政策や成果を訴えて、ヒンドゥー票固めを図った。 しかし、支持は広がらなかった。モディ氏が初就任した14年よりも前の水準 ...

◆200214 パナソニック、家電のIoTシステムを新開発 インドで普及狙う
時事通信-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ULWOMB

◆200214 核融合 7極協力で実証へ
日本経済新聞-5 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2SoXsOg
日米欧ロに中国、インド、韓国を加えた世界7極の協力に基づく国際熱核融合実験炉(ITER、イーター)の建設がフランス南部で進んでいる。太陽が輝くのと同じ「核融合反応」で、実用的なエネルギー生産が可能か ...

◆200214 エルドアン大統領がパキスタンに到着
TRT 日本語-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hp4MDr
エルドアン大統領の2日間のパキスタン訪問には、妻のエミネ夫人、外務省のメヴリュト・チャウショール大臣、エネルギー天然資源省のファーティヒ・ドンメズ大臣、財務省のベラト・アルバイラク 大臣、商業省のルフサル・ペキジャン大臣、運輸インフラ省のメフメト・ ...


Indus River System Authority Releases 114000 Cusecs Water
UrduPoint News-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/37nJEYQ
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1467.75 feet, which was 81.75 feet higher than its dead level 1380 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 15,600 cusecs and outflow as 48,000 ...

Documentary film Voice of Siang explores tales surrounding ...
The News Mill-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OPz8CX
Baruah's film provides an insight into the undiscovered Northeast and the various tales surrounding the river Siang as ... The elegant Siang that originates in Tibet and flows down through the Adi villages to join the mighty river Brahmaputra, has become the new battleground for power. ... Arunachal Pradesh, too, to counter China's territorial claim, as well as in response to the growing demand for energy.

Arth Ganga to boost economic activity along Ganga bank ...
Outlook India-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2uBtI82
Arth Ganga to boost economic activity along Ganga bank; cargo volumes to increase: Mandaviya ... had said that the Prime Minister has conceptualised ''Arth Ganga'' and plans are afoot to energise economic activities along the river bank.

India's Upside for Oil Demand Seems Unlimited
Rigzone-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tUOwqw
Coal will remain the main source of energy, but the proven global reality that demand mounts as human development progresses makes ... Today, oil accounts for 25 percent of India's total energy demand, rather high for a still developing country. ... Dreaming of the same luxuries that Westerners enjoy, gas-guzzling SUVs now comprise 35 percent of all car sales in India. ... Natural

India's dependence on fossil fuels will continue to be high: Liv ...
The Hindu BusinessLine-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bEen72
Every country has to find its own solutions for energy transition and bringing down its dependence on fossil fuels, and ... India's dependence will be higher at 65 per cent by 2050,” said Liv Astri Hovem, Chief Executive Officer, Oil & Gas, DNV GL. ... to 80 per cent today, while globally the split between fossil fuels and renewable energy will be 50-50 by mid-century. ... to four-fold increase in consumption of natural gas in real terms to 2050 in the region, as coal and oil demand declines.

Pakistan Streamlines its National Nuclear Power Programme ...
International Atomic Energy Agency-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bH0IfR
As Pakistan seeks to significantly scale-up nuclear power to meet the rising energy demands of a growing population, the South Asian country has turned to the IAEA for support in strengthening its nuclear power programme. Regulators ...

Jura Energy starts gas flows from Pakistan block
Upstream Online-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2uNltWr
Canada's Jura Energy has started commercial gas production from the Badin-4 South onshore block in Pakistan's Sindh province. Jura said “commercial production has commenced from the Ayesha, ...

Avoiding a nuclear arms race in the Middle East
DefenseNews.com-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/31T4VIB
Second, an Iranian nuclear breakout attempt could spur a proliferation cascade throughout the Middle East, beginning with Saudi Arabia. ... One suggested approach would see Saudi Arabia purchase a nuclear power reactor from a major supplier like South Korea and ... This refers to Riyadh's role in financing Pakistan's nuclear weapons program and an alleged commitment from ... The Pentagon and the Energy Department are combining for quite the bill on nuclear modernization.

Trade and commerce reliance: IMF asks Pakistan to cut ...
The News International-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/31QFrvm
ISLAMABAD: The visiting IMF mission has extended its stay in Pakistan for making more efforts to strike a consensus on the staff-level ... on 'immediate measures' for reducing the revenue-expenditure gap and fixing cash bleeding energy sector. ... Secondly, the PTI government is opposed to increase in the electricity and gas tariffs for next 12 to 18 months as PM Imran ... Dasti granted bail in oil theft case ..

US air defense sale to India 'disturbing': Pakistan
Anadolu Agency-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Sr7A9t
“The sale of such sophisticated weapons to India will disturb the strategic balance in South Asia with security implications for Pakistan and the region," said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Aisha Farooqui at a weekly news briefing in Islamabad ...

First privately-run hydro power starts operation
Khabarhub-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SNhp0a
The power generated from this project has been linked with national grid through a sub-station of Nepal Electricity ... The much-anticipated project, run by Terhathum Power Company, has made Tehrathum self-reliant on electricity, said ...

Government data shows rise in per capita energy consumption
myRepublica-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vvfCoM
KATHMANDU, Feb 13: The per capita energy consumption in the country has risen, thanks to the unhindered power supply coupled with publicity campaigns. ... Likewise, the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has forwarded the idea of promoting induction stove in every house and ... The government has set a program to provide micro-hydro, solar and wind power along with battery storage through ...

Tibet: Sino-Nepal Agreement Raises Concern of Forcible ...
UNPO (press release)-43 分前 https://bit.ly/2vwefpT
Details of the agreement signed by Nepal and China in October 2019, during Chinese President Xi Junping's visit to Kathmandu, have recently become public, after Nepal's Minister of Foreign Affairs Pradeep Gyawali sent a written statement ...

India ready to partner with Sri Lanka on post millennium ...
MENAFN.COM-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vs7eWZ
(MENAFN - Colombo Gazette) India is ready to partner with Sri Lanka on post millennium energy security, an Indian official ... of India to Sri Lanka, Vinod K. Jacob noted that India is all set to cross the 100GW renewable energy capacity mark in ... energy sources, US$3.1 billion has been allocated in the recent Budget by Government of India towards the power ... Sri Lanka on post millennium energy security. Tags. #India · #SriLanka. Comments. No comment. Category. Oil & Energy

Minister assures no power cuts in the future
Colombo Page-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hp33hr
Feb 13, Colombo: Minister of Power and Energy, Transport Services Management Minister Mahinda Amaraweera has stressed that there will ... The Minister was participating as the Chief Guest in the National Conference on Renewable Energy organized by the Indian High ... Indian High Commissioner in Sri Lanka Vinod K Jacob was also present. ... situation, hydropower generation has come down to 30% and power generation by diesel and coal power plants has increased to 68%.

Russia says it could build nuclear power plant in SL
Daily Mirror-2020/02/12 https://bit.ly/2vsRKCe
Russia could build a nuclear power plant (NPP) in Sri Lanka some day considering the growing energy demand in the ... gradually replacing coal and oil with gas and alternative energy sources, the using of nuclear energy is possible only in a ...

PUCSL calls for re-evaluation of power supply strategy
Daily Mirror-48 分前 https://bit.ly/3bEfEek
Energy sector regulator, the Public Utilities Commission Sri Lanka (PUCSL) yesterday pointed out the need to re-evaluate the ... Addressing an international forum on renewable energy in Colombo, Kumarasinghe said according to analysis carried out by them, ... Currently, Sri Lanka generates 40 percent of its electricity through renewable sources. ... Russia says it could build nuclear power plant in SL.

Cabinet nod for emergency power purchase
Daily Mirror-2020/02/12 https://bit.ly/3bFPloq
''If the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) failed to go for emergency purchases, a power cut would then be inevitable in the near future. Minister Amaraweera has sought cabinet approval for emergency power purchase to prevent a power crisis,” a spokesman of the Power and Energy Ministry ... The hydro power generation stood at 14.6% of the total power generation on Wednesday while the costly thermal ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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