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2020年5月6日 トランプ大統領はテドロスWHO局長に怒り心頭











WHOテドロス氏の更迭に舵を切る米 米中覇権争いで日本は岐路に #ldnews



◆200506 「習近平続投」左右する東京五輪7・23開幕と米中激突
日本経済新聞-13 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/3dnV9Tc
政治的な病毒(ウイルス)"をまき散らす(米国務長官の)ポンペオは、まさに自らを人類の公の敵にしてしまった――。すわ、対米戦争か。そう勘違いさせるに十分な見出しを掲げたのは、中国国営中央テレビが夜に放 ...

◆200506 中国、南シナ海での漁獲禁止を発表―ベトナム漁業協会が抗議
VIETJOベトナムニュース-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c4eh8G

◆200506 池上さんが解説する、WHO事務局長が「中国に頭が上がらない理由」
Yahoo!ニュース-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2xHNNuS
中国から感染が拡大しても、中国の封じ込めの努力を称賛したり、事務局長がわざわざ習近平国家主席に会いに北京に駆け付けたり、その中国寄りの姿勢は露骨です。 中国はWHOへの拠出金も増やしていますから、事務局長は常に中国の方を見て仕事をして ...

◆200506 新型コロナがあぶり出す中国とアフリカの浅からぬ関係
WEDGE Infinity-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SCwiTJ
習近平政権が掲げる世界秩序再構築構想の歴史的背景を探るなら、「一帯一路」のうちの「一路(21世紀海上シルクロード)」の原型は、鄭和による前後7回に及ぶ海外遠征から発想されたに違いない。 オランダの東インド会社による南アフリカ占領期(1652~1795 ...

◆200506 中国がウイルス危険性隠蔽、医療物資買い占めのため 米政府の ...
SankeiBiz-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Wuxmu5
【ワシントン=黒瀬悦成】AP通信など米主要メディアは4日、米国土安全保障省が新型コロナウイルスに関し、中国が1月初旬の時点でウイルスの危険性を把握していながら、感染拡大の防止に必要なマスクなどの医療物資を海外から大量に買い占めるため、 .

◆200506 感染拡大期間に投資を拡大、中国の米系企業「後退! ではなく ...
Yahoo!ニュース-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3doPsVp
【東方新報】中国の北京市と恵州市(Huizhou)と米国のダラス市(Dallas)の間で4月22日、インターネットで各地をつないだオンラインによる起工式が同時に行われ、総投資額100億ドル(約1兆700億円)のエクソンモービル(ExxonMobil)恵州エチレンプロジェクト ...

◆200506 【正論6月号】中国の「コロナ外交」にご用心 産経新聞台北支局長 ...
産経ニュース-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2xH5zyk
世界中が現在苦しんでいる新型コロナウイルスの発生源は紛れもなく中国の武漢でした。ウイルスは瞬く間に世界中を席巻しています。 ヨーロッパもそうです。日本もアメリカも、そしてイスラム圏に至るまで .



◆200506 北海ブレント原油が30ドル台回復、4月15日以来-WTI一時20 ...
ブルームバーグ-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/3caEQJn
WTI原油期近物は先週10ドル付近で取引されていたが、生産抑制が効果を表す中で価格は2倍以上になった。石油輸出国機構(OPEC)とそれに歩調を合わせる主要産油国が合計で日量970万バレルの減産を約束する一方、エクソンモービル、シェブロン、 .

◆200506 原油価格が暴落しても、これ以上の減産は難しい? 産油国や事業 ...
WIRED.jp-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/3b6Xlgv
新型コロナウイルスの影響で経済活動が停滞し、原油価格が一時的に史上初のマイナスになった。このため石油輸出国機構(OPEC)の加盟国などが協調減産を開始したが、実需の低下を考慮するとこのままでは終わらない可能性が高い。だが、これ以上の ...

◆200506 原油先物マイナスでも「世界は化石燃料で回っている」と言えるワケ
現代ビジネス-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cavywT
4月20日、WTI原油先物の5月限価格終値が史上初めて“マイナス”となった(▽37.63ドル)。この原油先物の買い手が反対売買で売りたい(決済したい)ときには、売値がゼロになるだけではなく、1バレルあたり37.63ドルを追加で支払わないと売れないということ ...

◆200506 なぜダム造られる? 滋賀・大戸川ダム方針転換から1年
asahi.com-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WuBLNL

◆200506 気候変動、このままでは50年以内に35億人が“サハラ砂漠”に ...
Yahoo!ニュース-9 分前 https://bit.ly/2WuwfL8
米国・欧州・中国研究チームの警告 米国科学アカデミー紀要に論文を発表 温室効果ガス排出、現在の勢いを維持した場合 摂氏29度を上回る地域が19%に拡大 産業化前に比べ、体感温度が7.5度上昇 「気候変動、新型コロナのように予測不可能 炭素排出量 ...



◆200504 駐日米臨時代理大使「軍の即応態勢 全く問題ない」新型コロナ
NHK NEWS WEB-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3b6UODe
アメリカ軍の原子力空母で新型コロナウイルスの集団感染が発生するなど、軍の即応態勢を懸念する声が上がる中、日本に ... に対しても準備ができている」と強調したうえで、中国を念頭に日米の安全保障面での協力をさらに強化していく必要性を訴えました。

◆200504 NPT会議延期 核軍縮の機運をどう高めるか
読売新聞-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zNWEM2
米国とロシア、中国の軍事的対立に歯止めをかけ、核軍縮を建設的に議論する環境を整えることが先決である。 ... に限定し、その他の国への拡散防止を定めている。5か国は核軍縮の義務を負う一方、非核保有国は原子力の平和利用の権利を保障されている。

◆200504 新型コロナで世界が化石燃料に逆戻り? レジ袋復活の動きも
Forbes JAPAN-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3fivDk8
世界は3月初めの時点では、中国や東アジアの一部を除き比較的正常だったが、3月末までには欧米諸国、いや世界全体が隔離状態に置かれた。 新型コロナウイルス感染症のまん延を防ぐため「社会的距離」を保ちつつ、国全体でロックダウン(都市封鎖)も行 ...

◆200504 トランプ・米国 VS 習・中国の泥仕合で株価暴落再びか
財経新聞-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Wpi1ed
そして、翌9月には第3弾の関税措置を発動。米国は家具や家電など約5,700品目2,000億ドル相当に関税10%、中国も液化天然ガスなど約5,200品目600億ドル ...



◆200504 Oil prices lower on US-China trade tension
Reuters-5 時間前 https://reut.rs/3dbkOyp
U.S drillers cut 53 oil rigs in the week to May 1, bringing the total count down to 325, the lowest since June 2016, energy services firm Baker Hughes said on Friday. However comments by U.S. President Donald Trump threatening to consider .

◆200504 Oil and Asia stocks drop as US-China tension flares again
Financial Times-26 分前 https://on.ft.com/2xuYa4Y
Asian stocks were broadly lower as renewed US-China tension added to coronavirus concerns, while oil prices tumbled as traders fretted over rapidly filling global storage capacity. Hong Kong's benchmark Hang Seng index dropped 3.7 ...

◆200504 China's March Oil Imports From Russia Up 31%
Financial Tribune-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YCkSmK
China's March crude oil imports rose 4.5% year on year to 9.68 million barrels per day as refiners stocked up on cheaper cargoes despite falling domestic fuel demand and cuts in refining rates due to the impact the COVID-19 pandemic.

◆200504 Electric cars take the spotlight in China's post-coronavirus ...
CNBC-2 時間前 https://cnb.cx/3fkO2Nw
As China tries to recover from the impact of the coronavirus, making sure its plans for electric vehicles stay on track is one priority. ... “The support of the (new energy vehicle) market is actually a long-term strategy for the central Chinese government,” she said, noting that ... in response to user comments, and the recent plunge in oil prices would also affect the relative attractiveness of electric vehicles.

◆200504 Type 092: China's First Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile ...
The National Interest Online (blog)-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SzEtAl
The Type 092, or Xia-Class submarine as it is alternatively known, is a lonely submarine, it is the only hull of its class, and was China's first attempt at shooting nukes from underwater. Type 092. China's nuclear deterrence has historically ..



◆200504 インドネシア 高喫煙率が医療崩壊招く?
SankeiBiz-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c5SFsA
この背景の一つとして、インドネシアの人口の9割近くを占めるイスラム教徒は飲酒が禁じられており、代わりにたばこを好むことが挙げられる。さらに、オランダ植民地時代から根付くたばこ産業は、多くの労働者を抱えるとともに財政面でもたばこ税が貴重な財源と ...


◆200505 President urges close monitoring of COVID-19 transmission ...
ANTARA-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YxpY3S
Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has laid emphasis on closely monitoring COVID-19 transmission clusters in various regions in Indonesia to prevent the disease from being transmitted to wider areas. "We must closely .

◆200505 Indonesian government to delay auction of geothermal ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dktT8u
The Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) had planned to offer five ... well as improving regulations, especially regarding governance and electricity price schemes for Geothermal Power Plants ...

◆200505 Demand for photovoltaic panels plummets in Indonesia amid ...
Jakarta Post-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L1NMEY
Indonesia's photovoltaic (PV) providers face a bleak business outlook at least in the next six months as the government ... consumption in the Asia Pacific region but is the fastest-growing renewable energy source worldwide alongside wind power. ... percent of the electricity business through electrification projects, according to an Indonesian Solar Panel Producers Association (APAMSI) representative.

◆200505 Indonesians Fear Democracy Is the Next Pandemic Victim
Foreign Policy-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WtmAEl
The bill is a stark contrast to the Regional Autonomy Act, passed in 2014 as a part of the reform agenda pushed by civil groups after more than three decades under the Suharto dictatorship. “Our legal system has been messed up. The power ..

◆200505 IAEA Updates Tool for Economic Assessment of Electricity ...
International Atomic Energy Agency-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SCqJET
“NEST also allows the comparison of economic characteristics of nuclear power plants with other sources, such as fossil fuel plants ... NEST was developed as part of IAEA nuclear energy system sustainability assessments (NESA) to enable an ... Later China, India, Indonesia, Romania, Russia and Ukraine applied the tool in assessing the sustainability of their existing or planned nuclear energy systems.

◆200505 Philippines Hikes Oil Duties by 10% for Virus Aid as Prices Fall
Financial Post-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c6e4BY
The new rates, which will take effect immediately, shall be reverted when international oil prices increase and hit triggers set by the Department of Energy, according to President Rodrigo Duterte's May 2 order. The Southeast Asian nation imports ...

◆200505 Energy players seek ₱55-billion share
Manila Bulletin-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/35vfHGO
This was formally proposed by the Philippine Energy Efficiency Alliance (PE2) to the House body chaired by Albay Representative Joey Salceda, which is spearheading deliberations of the proposed Economic Stimulus Response Package ...

◆200505 More Asian banks seen avoiding coal projects
Business Mirror-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WqubUd
More financial institutions in Asia are likely to end their support for coal power projects after Japan's two largest institutional banks recently announced that they would stop financing new coal-fired power plants, the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) said. ... China, and the Philippines Augur Well,” said a domino effect across other coal lending financiers in Asia is likely. ... As coal becomes more unpopular, renewable energy is fast becoming the new choice.



◆200505 日・ベトナム首脳電話会談
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (プレスリリース)-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yjvQmM
フック首相からは,感染拡大防止のための日本の努力及び国際連携に向けた日本の取組への評価を述べました。 また,安倍総理大臣より,二国間及び国際機関を通じて,ベトナムへの医療技術支援や機材供与等を実施して ..

◆200505 水力発電事業、水不足で収益に打撃も
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dfJDJz
ベトナム国内の水力発電事業の多くが、今年の第1四半期(1~3月)決算で減収減益を計上している。水不足によって発電量が低迷したためで、通年目標の達成は困難な状況だ。ベトナム・ニュース(VNS)電子版が3日に伝えた。 ベトナムは今年、全国的な ...

◆200505 コロナに便乗 アジアに言論統制の脅威 SNS書き込みで逮捕の例も
SankeiBiz-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L2nRNy
フン・セン首相による強権支配が続くカンボジアでは、非常事態宣言発令を可能にするための法整備が進む。公衆衛生上の危機のほか、戦争や災害を想定し、政府は報道規制や通信傍受もできるようになると明記した。「この法律を使う確率は0.1%だが、予期 ...


◆200506 Feature: Engineers brave pandemic, pacing up China-Laos ...
China.org.cn-31 分前 https://on.china.cn/2A15cPP
The China-Laos Railway crosses the Mekong River twice to the north of the ancient Lao capital of Luang Prabang, ... engineers after the pandemic risks were felt in the country in March," Li Qiang, the manager of PowerChina Sino-hydro Corp.

◆200506 Aerial view of salt pans in Naxi Township of Tibet
Xinhua-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3fnXDmp
... May 4, 2020 shows salt pans in Naxi Township of Mangkam County, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. Making salt by evaporating brine in the sun dates back to the Tang Dynasty(618-907 AD) by the Lancang River in Mangkam.

◆200506 PTTEP, Partners Hit Oil Pay Offshore Mexico
Rigzone-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/35GVIVJ
Thailand-based PTTEP and its partners made two successful deepwater oil discoveries in the Salina Basin offshore Mexico in Block 29. Commercial potential of the new discovery will be assessed in the next phase, according to the company.

◆200506 Ministry calls for allowing private investment in power ...
VnExpress International-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YFWtge
The Ministry of Industry and Trade wants private investments allowed in power transmission, now a state monopoly, ... It is the first time a private company has received a license for this, a task traditionally done by state-owned Vietnam Electricity (EVN). ... Asia, has been seeking to increase its power generation capacity to meet rising demand, with priority on renewable energy. ... Coal-fired plants accounted for 59.2 percent followed by gas plants, hydropower and renewables. Related ...

◆200506 Cambodia considers licensing mining at four coal sites
The Cambodia Daily-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dnOEzM
The Cambodian Ministry of Mines and Energy is set to review applications soon for rights to four coal mining concession areas it opened late in March in the northern region of the country, the Phnom Penh Post reported. The ministry said in a ...

◆200506 Cambodian leader meets rival who faces treason charges
Federal News Network-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ynstez
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) — Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen met Tuesday with an opposition leader whose political party ... They met when Kem Sokha, who led the Cambodia National Rescue Party, paid his respects at Hun Sen's residence for the death of ... Insight by MobileIron: Learn about the efforts to protect networks through CDM in this exclusive ebook. ... Hun Sen, who has been in power for 35 years, is an adroit political operator who has a history of allowing his ...

◆200506 Myanmar's 2020 Elections: What Does the Future Hold?
The Diplomat-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/35AGv8v
The confluence of these political, security, and economic challenges reinforce the reality that the NLD will enter into 2020 elections amid a much more somber atmosphere than the hope displayed in the historic 2015 polls that brought it to power.

◆200506 Feature: Engineers brave pandemic, pacing up China-Laos ...
Xinhua-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WyUhEv
VIENTIANE, May 6 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese engineers on the China-Laos railway construction sites have been pulling out all the stops in their efforts to extend the railway in the northern Laos' mountains and over the Mekong River amid the global COVID-19 pandemic. ... and civil engineers after the pandemic risks were felt in the country in March," Li Qiang, the manager of PowerChina Sino-hydro Corp.



◆200430 【当世インド事情】都市封鎖で大気汚染が改善「ヒマラヤが見えた」
産経ニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aP4CS3
産業が止まったことや、都市封鎖で電力需要が急落したため、ニューデリーから半径300キロ以内にある12の火力発電所のうち11が操業を停止したことも影響したようだ。 ツイッターでは、北部パンジャブ州で、これまでスモッグでかすんでいたヒマラヤ山脈が「 ...

◆200430 インドに対するパキスタンの大きな陰謀、ソーシャルメディア「インド ...
おもちゃ屋パーク-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Skb6C4
ニューデリー:世界中のコロナウイルスそれは広まり、政府はそれを擁護することに取り組んでいますが、その一方でパキスタンはまだインドに対する陰謀に取り組んでいます。絶え間ないテロリストがカシミールに派遣されており、そのため私たちの軍隊は取引に .


◆200430 Save-Dibang Valley campaign gets good response
Telegraph India-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aTZrjz
The proposed hydro-electric project is detrimental to India's biodiversity and ecological security, and therefore we respectfully request that the FAC reject it.” Dibang Valley forms part of the Eastern Himalaya Global Biodiversity hotspot, one of the ...

◆200430 Indus River System Authority To Hold Meeting For PC-1 ...
UrduPoint News-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aN6pa3
The meeting of Development Working Party (DWP) of Indus River System Authority (IRSA) is going to be held on Thursday for the consideration and approval of PC-1 for installing telemetry system at seven key sites. ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint .

◆200430 Study on China dams brings the Brahmaputra into focus
The Hindu-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/3d77n2N
Yunnan had also suffered from drought, while the Lancang only accounted for 13.5% of the Mekong's flows. Harnessing the power of the 'mother river'. India has long expressed concerns over dam-building on the Brahmaptura. In 2015, China ...

◆200430 Because of this, River Ganga is also known as Jahnavi
News Track English-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KO7qnL
When Jahnu Rishi's eyes opened, he became angry after not seeing his stuff. His anger was so deep that in his anger he drank the entire Ganges, after which the Bhagiratha sage urged Jahnu Rishi to free Ganga. Jahnu Rishi accepted .

◆200430 India's annual power demand seen falling for first time in ...
Financial Post-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bQDweF
CHENNAI — India's electricity demand during the current financial year is seen falling for the first time in at least 36 years, ratings agency Moody's unit ICRA said on Wednesday, a blow to utilities and state-run Coal India Ltd . ICRA expects ..

◆200430 Oil rebounds above $14 after massive sell-off
Pakistan Today-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aOFAT7
WASHINGTON: US oil prices rebounded above $14 a barrel Wednesday, a day after a sell-off sparked by a major fund selling its short-term holdings of the commodity amid virus-triggered storage concerns. West Texas Intermediate, the US ..

◆200430 Nepal's economic growth set to slump to 2.27 per cent this fiscal
Himalayan Times-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2xpiODI
Primary sector includes agriculture and forestry, fishing and mining and quarrying. The secondary sector, which has 13.72 weightage in the GDP and includes manufacturing, electricity, gas and water, is expected to grow at 3.76 per cent .

◆200430 Covid-19 and China's Soft-Power Ambitions
The Asia Foundation - In Asia-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VShyT3
The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, one of a few Chinese NGOs with offices in partner countries, is installing up to 180 hand-washing stations in Nepal and working with local partners to provide sanitizers, hand-washing facilities, and .

◆200430 World Bank Provides $40 Million to Improve Fiscal Policies ...
Modern Diplomacy-2020/04/29 https://bit.ly/2KNZbbA
World Bank Provides $40 Million to Improve Fiscal Policies, Boost Jobs in Bhutan ... The Royal Government of Bhutan and the World Bank today signed a $40 million budget support loan agreement to help ... Worldwide, the sector employed 11 million people at the end of 2018, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). ... per cent of the renewable energy workforce, substantially higher than the 22 per cent average reported for the global oil and gas industry.

◆200430 Sri Lanka to complete 230 GWh power plant by October
Xinhua-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/3d3zJKW
COLOMBO, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lanka will complete construction of a 230 GWh hydroelectric power plant by October after delays caused by the COVID-19 lockdown, local media reported here Wednesday. Minister of Power and Energy .




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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