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2020年6月26日 金曜日


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2020年6月26日 長江大洪水、流域住民が恐怖におののく三峡ダム決壊













◆200626 中印国境紛争で垣間見えた、中国「一帯一路」の真の目的とインド ...
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/3i12XO1
長年にわたり国境紛争を抱える中国とインドは6月15日夜、ヒマラヤ高地のギャルワン渓谷で衝突。報道では両国で数十人の死者が出たもようだ。今回の衝突で見えてきたのは中国の「一帯一路」の真の目的と、新型コロナウイルスの影響で疲弊するインドが ...

◆200626 日本が中国と「経済的距離」を取るのに、今が最適なタイミングで ...
Newsweekjapan-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2A5yzRB
緊急経済対策の一環として、2435億円を計上し、日本企業が製造業のサプライチェーンを中国から移転させることを促す──安倍政権のこの政策が成功するのかは、まだ分からない。コロナ禍で経済のあらゆる主要分野が影響を受けるなか、なぜそうした方針を ...

◆200626 「中国はアメリカに勝てない」ジョセフ・ナイ教授が警告
Yahoo!ニュース-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/31jWjfU
新型コロナ禍が世界を変えるように見えても、中国がアメリカに代わる超大国にはなれない理由。本誌「中国マスク外交」 ... 中国の習近平(シー・チンピン)国家主席もドナルド・トランプ米大統領も、当初は事実を否定し、虚報を流した。それは対応の遅れと事実の ...

◆200626 中国「5G端末」接続数、20年末に世界の7割へ
東洋経済オンライン-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YyeyfD
新型コロナウイルスの流行はグローバルな5G(第5世代移動通信)普及のシナリオを大きく変え、中国の役割がより重みを増している。 「2020年末に5Gネットワークに接続する全世界の端末数を1億2800万台と予想しているが、新型コロナ流行の影響で、昨年 ...



◆200626 世銀の借款で天然ガス火力発電所を建設、入札が開始
MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン)-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/31lEVHA
電力・エネルギー省は、ヤンゴン市郊外において天然ガス発電所を建設するため入札を行うと発表した。7Day Dailyが伝えたもので、同省によると、天然ガス火力発電所の発電能力は300MW、ヤンゴン市郊外のインセイン郡区ユワーマに建設されるという。

◆200626 EUの脱化石燃料基金、原発・天然ガス事業を拠出対象外に
ロイター-18 分前 https://bit.ly/3dArgPs
天然ガス発電で排出される二酸化炭素は石炭火力発電の半分程度だが、天然ガスの生産過程で漏出するメタンが温暖化の大きな原因になる。 また環境団体は天然ガス発電所を新設すれば、数十年間は稼働が可能で、2050年までに温暖化ガス .

◆200626 スマートグリッドを「AI」で強化 データで資源を有効活用
TechTargetジャパン-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eMdFpq
多少の抵抗はあったものの、エネルギー分野ではAI(人工知能)技術が、幾つかの大きな課題の解決策を提供するようになった。こうした課題には、エネルギー源へのアクセスとエネルギー供給力の向上、エネルギー源の貯蔵・利用方法の改善、エネルギー源の ..



◆200624 重慶市「史上最大規模の洪水」を警告 三峡ダムは警戒水位2m超
エキサイトニュース-10 時間前 http://exci.to/2BANJ1k
中国水利部(省)の最新発表では、全国各地の198本の河川の水位が警戒線を超え、洪水が発生した。 一方、中国国営中央テレビと中国紙・北京青年報は21日、湖北省宜昌市の三峡ダムの水位 ...


◆200626 [FT]中国、石炭火力の新設加速 コロナ後の景気対策で
日本経済新聞-40 分前 https://s.nikkei.com/2VlvXWZ
中国で今年提案された石炭火力発電所の新設計画に伴い、同国の発電量は40ギガワット余り上積みされることが、新たな調査データで明らかになった。この追加分は南アフリカの既存の発電容量全体に匹敵する。 このニ .

◆200626 中露電力関連企業がオンライン商談会
SankeiBiz-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/3i73qy7


◆200624 Expensive pipeline gas to support China's LNG demand
ICIS-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eFCZgM
Energy · Natural Gas · Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) · Power · Crude oil · Carbon market analytics · Mexico Energy Report · Base oils- ... LONDON (ICIS)--China's spot and term LNG demand will be supported for the rest of 2020 because of the discount LNG prices hold ... This comes with pipeline gas holding a widening price premium to long-term LNG imports. ... which account for over 90% of the Central Asian delivered volumes – reference oil prices from as much as 12 months ago.

◆200624 How EV Charging Can Clean Up China's Electricity Grid
Natural Resources Defense Council-12 時間前 https://on.nrdc.org/3hUxwoD
Since China's electricity system is still primarily coal-powered, this approach could yield enormous environmental ... It may be difficult to imagine how managed EV charging could make a major contribution to cleaning up China's power sector. ... According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), the draft plan “does not simply see EVs as a direct replacement for ... voltage transmission system alongside urban and rural distribution grids to link the internet to the nation's electricity ..

◆200624 The World Is Awakening to China's Sharp Power
The Diplomat-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/3du5Fs3
The world's democracies have felt the pain of China's sharp power over the issues of the Hong Kong protests, Uyghur internment camps, and now the COVID-19 pandemic. However, China is unlikely to withdraw this foreign policy because of the ...

◆200624 China to cap 2020 energy use at 5 bln tons of coal equivalent
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/3i6iJY6
The country planned to produce 193 million tons of oil and 181 billion cubic meters of natural gas this year, while adding 900 million kilowatts of installed non-fossil power generation capacity, according to the guideline. Source: Xinhua.

◆200624 China's energy law could help address the Belt and Road's ...
Eco-Business-2020/06/22 https://bit.ly/2BwcHiG
China is the largest public financer of fossil fuels, providing US$20.2 billion a year for oil and gas and US$4.4 billion for coal, according to a ... China's support for fossil fuel projects, such as coal power in countries that are part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has ... Transboundary energy projects include pipelines, transmission lines and associated facilities. ... security · financing · fossil fuels · gas · infrastructure · investment · investments · renewable energy · roads · urban planning ..



◆200624 感染拡大インドネシア、保健省会見に美女登場の理由
JBpress-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/3fNf2nW
東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)の大国インドネシアが新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止策で迷走している。6月17日にインドネシアはコロナウイルスの感染者、感染死者の両方の数字でそれまで感染者数最多だったシンガポールを抜いた。感染者数は域内 ...

◆200624 「25年間の収益-85億ウォン」…韓電、インドネシア石炭火力発電 ...
The Hankyoreh japan (プレスリリース)-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dn9gIg
25年間運営しても85億ウォン(約7億5300万円)の損失を出すとみられている韓国電力のインドネシア・ジャワ石炭火力発電所9、10号機への投資が、26日に開かれる韓電の取締役会で承認される可能性が高いことが確認された。温室効果ガス排出の主犯とされ ...

◆200624 米空母3隻、韓半島に近い太平洋に集結
朝鮮日報-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/3evnnwi
米国の原子力空母3隻が、フィリピン海など韓半島から遠くない西太平洋に集結して作戦中であることが判明した。空母セオドア・ルーズベルト(CVN71)とニミッツ(CVN68)が今月21日からフィリピン海で作戦活動に乗り出し、韓半島周辺海域など西太平洋を ...

◆200624 「習近平の"夢"は叶わない」ことを示す歴史法則【澁谷司 中国 ...
The Liberty Web-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dxMKMF
それによれば、原子力空母「ルーズベルト」が、グアム島付近のフィリピン海を遊弋している。また、「ニミッツ」は米西海岸から移動し、西太平洋地域に姿を現した。さらに、「ロナルド・レーガン」も日本を離れ、フィリピン海に展開している。 3つの空母打撃群がインド・


◆200624 Indonesia's upstream oil and gas industry: More challenges ...
Jakarta Post-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ATTzv3
Crude oil price volatility from January to mid-June was the second highest after the global financial crisis in 2008. ICE Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices were traded in the range of US$19.3 to $68.9 and $37.6 to $63.3 per ...

◆200624 Pertamina reaffirms IPO commitment
Jakarta Post-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/3hVFxJM
State-owned oil and gas giant Pertamina has reaffirmed plans for at least one subsidiary to go public within the next ... Pertamina recently announced it would restructure dozens of subsidiaries into five subholdings for upstream, refining, power, gas and trade to improve efficiency. Gas subholding PGN is already listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). ... contributed Rp 115.1 trillion (US$8.13 billion) to state coffers last year, the largest contribution from among the energy sector.

◆200624 The Philippines Power Sector can Reach Resilience by 2021 ...
Saurenergy-34 分前 https://bit.ly/2YqwUPU
The Philippines could come out COVID-19 with cheaper electricity prices and a more competitive and reliable power ... renewables and structured a transition plan using auctions, finds a new report from the Institute for Energy Economics ... The report 'The Philippines Power Sector Can Reach Resilience by 2021' notes that the focus on baseload coal and ... “No less than 2,243 megawatts (MW) of coal capacity, 150 MW of oil, and 115 MW of geothermal contributed to the yellow alert.

◆200624 Energy projects fetch P682-B investments
Manila Bulletin-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2A2atHm
The flurry of blueprinted ventures that were certified as “energy projects of national significance” (EPNS) cornered total ... Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP); the proposed US$1.0 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) import facility of First Gen ... US$3.0 billion Atimonan coal-fired power project of Meralco PowerGen Corporation, the power investment subsidiary of ... Other than the VMIP, private transmission firm NGCP similarly proposed 28 more projects with approved cost of ..



◆200624 高さ101メートル、タイ東北の平原に高層タワー
newsclip.be-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z5Xj4u
【タイ】タイ東北部ロイエット市が市中心部で建設中の高層タワー「ロイエットタワー」が年内に開業する見通しだ。 高さ101メートル、地上35階と、ロイエット市で最も高い建物で、見渡す限りの平原にそそり立つ。34階と31階が展望台、33階がロイエット市に関する ...

◆200624 コロナ対策成功、正統性得た一党独裁 ベトナムの未来は
朝日新聞デジタル版 (プレスリリース)-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NlO4Yu
ベトナムは新型コロナウイルスによる死者が今も「ゼロ」だ。一党支配下の政府による徹底した封じ込め策は国民の高い評価を得ているものの、自由を代償にしたやり方は果たして、望ましい姿なのか。ベトナムで市民運動に携わり、民主主義を追求している論客、 .

◆200624 ベトナムとの国境制限が3ヶ月ぶりに解除 カンボジア[社会]
カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YqyilA
親身な転職サポート、人事&採用は【CDL】へ. news_202006232-min (c)Khmer Times 外務国際協力省は、今年3月から新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響により閉鎖されていたベトナムとの国境を超える移動の制限を解除すると発表した。クメールタイムズ ...

◆200624 鹿島が手掛けるミャンマーの延べ17.5万m2の大規模プロジェクトに ...
BUILT-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NmsIdy
鹿島建設は、ミャンマーヤンゴン市内ヤンキン地区で、2017年に施工に着手した複合開発事業を海外交通・都市開発事業支援機構(JOIN)との共同事業とすることで合意した。 事業スキーム(左)と完成予想パース(右) 出典:鹿島建設. 同プロジェクトは、鹿島の ..

◆200624 ミャンマー投資委員会、2億米ドル分の外国投資を許可
MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン)-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/3hWtlIV
ミャンマー投資委員会(MIC)は6月18日、2億米ドル分の外国投資を許可したことを明らかにした。7Day Dailyが伝えた。 発表によると、許可された投資案件のうち6件は既存事業の増資で9件が新規の案件。外国投資額は1億9,330万米ドル、内国民投資額 ...

◆200624 進む中国ラオス鉄道、鉄道周辺のハード・ソフトインフラの改善が必要
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VdLM1R
ラオスの首都ビエンチャンから中国国境ボーテンまでの鉄道建設は2021年末の完成を見越して、5月末までに89.4%の進捗となったと報告されている。そのような中、世界銀行は6月2日、中国ラオス鉄道に関する分析レポートを発表 外部サイトへ、新しい ..

◆200624 感染症によって「一帯一路」協力の強靭性と活力を示した
チャイナネット-2 時間前 https://on.china.cn/2CCmN1V


◆200624 The Himalaya should be a nature reserve
Nature.com-17 時間前 https://go.nature.com/2Bwi41k
It is the latest episode in a border conflict between two nuclear powers, and it is happening in a unique, fragile ecosystem. ... The Mekong River Commission includes the governments of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. A similar Himalayan River Commission, involving all the Himalayan head-water and downstream nations, needs to be explored. ... US$75-billion China–Pakistan Economic Corridor is a 3,000-kilometre-long route comprising roads, a railway and oil pipelines.

◆200624 Cambodia the biggest beneficiary of MLC Special Fund projects
Khmer Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Non0YP
China would like to work with Cambodia as well as other Lancang-Mekong River countries to implement the MLC Special Fund Projects,” Mr Wang added. Mr Sokhonn said that in February last year, Cambodia implemented the second batch

◆200624 Cambodia's Diplomacy and its Perils
International Affairs Review-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/3exubd8
China's access to such a critical location has afforded it the ability to project power toward the important Malacca Strait, a chokepoint ... In addition, six of Cambodia's current hydroelectric dams—all built by Chinese companies—represent 47 percent of Cambodia's total electricity output. ... Environmentally, Chinese dam projects also affect the flow of the Mekong River, Cambodia's primary food provider.

◆200624 Stung Treng bracing for floods, evacuation
The Phnom Penh Post-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dq08Tj
The provincial hall on Tuesday said because of Steung Treng's location in the northeast, it is the first province to be affected by floods which occur along the Mekong River in Laos. Provincial governor Mom Saroeun said all relevant parties had ...

◆200624 Damning Link between a Bangkok Mall and Injustice in Laos
South China Morning Post-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3i0nLFA
During the same month, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) warned that the construction of the Don Sahong Dam in southern ... To partially sate Thailand's ever-increasing thirst for energy, Thai companies and state-owned enterprises collaborate with the Lao government to build more hydropower dams in Laos and import the electricity into Thailand. ... power while company executives and major shareholders of Thai companies in the energy, real estate, construction and finance ...

◆200624 PM asks for renewable energy priority
sggpnews-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CBApul
He requested the acceleration of wind, liquefied natural gas and solar power projects in a transparent manner. The prices of renewable energy have significantly dropped in recent times, raising competitiveness compared to traditional energy sources, ... Provinces in Việt Nam now are not interested in coal-fired power plants due to environmental issues. ... Also at the meeting, Prime Minister Phuc has asked Vietnam Electricity (EVN) to review recent hikes in household electricity bills .

◆200624 Clean energy development presents challenges
Khmer Times-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Yr97iA
A report titled “Cambodia's transition to a clean energy development pathway” released this month said while the ... The government will prioritise renewable energy development rather than hydroelectric power, Electricite du Cambodge (EdC) Director-General Keo Rattanak said. ... According to the report, 18 percent of the country's total electricity supply was imported fossil-fuel energy from Thailand and

◆200624 Cambodia's Diplomacy and its Perils
International Affairs Review-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/31nsStB
Within Southeast Asia, Cambodia's GDP per capita is only higher than Myanmar, a country wrecked by decades of Western sanctions. ... Though paradoxical at first, Cambodia's diplomacy toward its Southeast Asian neighbors, Western nations, and ... hydroelectric dams—all built by Chinese companies—represent 47 percent of Cambodia's total electricity output. ... Environmentally, Chinese dam projects also affect the flow of the Mekong River, Cambodia's primary food provider.

◆200624 Cambodia the biggest beneficiary of MLC Special Fund projects
Khmer Times-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/3doNq73
China would like to work with Cambodia as well as other Lancang-Mekong River countries to implement the MLC Special Fund Projects,” Mr Wang added. Mr Sokhonn said that in February last year, Cambodia implemented the second batch

◆200624 Second LNG cargo en route to Myanmar as power sector ...
Gas to Power Journal-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dq2b9X
... service Kalamkas gas turbines. June 4 – JSC Mangistaumunaigaz, one of Kazakhstan's largest oil and gas producers, has contracted Siemens to service two STG-800 gas turbines at a power plant, designed to meet the entire energy needs .

◆200624 Villages near Mobye Dam asked for Ks200,000 per household ...
Eleven Myanmar-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z19QGx
Some villages near Mobye Dam in Phegon Township, southern Shan State, are facing difficulty as Ks200,000 per household is being collected from them by promising that they will have access to electricity before the general election this year ...

◆200624 Who actually funds the Cambodian military?
The Cambodia Daily-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3etkpbX
According to him, they were ordered because the military had struggled with transportation after the 2018 dam collapse in Laos, after which floodwater flowed into Cambodia, and Cambodian soldiers didn't have the transport capabilities .



◆200626 中国が新たな構造物、インドとの衝突現場付近で 衛星写真が示唆
auone.jp-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dGaWgg
シンガポール/ニューデリー 25日 ロイター] - 中国とインドの国境付近における両軍の衝突を巡り、ヒマラヤ山脈西部の衝突現場近くで中国が新たな構造物を建設したとみられることが衛星写真で判明した。衝突再燃の懸念が強まりそうだ。 インド兵20人が死亡 .

◆200626 中印国境紛争で垣間見えた、中国「一帯一路」の真の目的とインド ...
ORICON NEWS-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/388MuTp
長年にわたり国境紛争を抱える中国とインドは6月15日夜、ヒマラヤ高地のギャルワン渓谷で衝突。報道では両国で数十人の死者が出たもようだ。今回の衝突で見えてきたのは中国の「一帯一路」の真の目的と、新型コロナウイルスの影響で疲弊するインドが ...

◆200626 中国か係争地の一部確保か、インドが軍事行動活発化
AFPBB News-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/3i632jm
... インド・グルダスプールに近いボジラジ村で、ガルワン渓谷での中国軍. Next. 【6月25日 AFP】中国がヒマラヤ地域にある係争地の一部を確保したとされる事態を受けて、インド軍は24日、現地に軍用機を飛ばすなどして軍事行動を活発化させ、力を誇示した。

◆200626 (社説)中国とインド 成長大国の責任自覚を
朝日新聞社-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BAL9bP
インドは昨年、パキスタンと領有権を争うジャム・カシミール州の自治権の剥奪(はくだつ)を一方的に発表し、緊張を高めた。いずれも不毛な振るまいである。 ADVERTISEMENT. 今回の事件を受け、ナショナリズムを刺激された両国の一部の世論は、政府に強硬 ...

◆200626 北朝鮮 核弾頭35発保有と韓国の属国化
ニフティニュース-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/31hoyMj
... 発、米国が5800発、中国が320発の核弾頭を保有しており、さらにフランス290発、英国195発、パキスタン160発、インド150発、イスラエル80~90発と続く。 ... 米露はSLBMを搭載可能な原子力潜水艦を保有することで、強大な抑止力を手にしたとされる。


◆200626 Researchers Trace Indus River's Paleoclimatic History Using ...
Republic World-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/3i320EO
Indian researchers have traced the paleoclimatic history of the Indus River in Ladakh Himalaya with the help of geometric data from overlapping gravels of channel fills. Scientists from Dehradun's Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG), ...

◆200626 Amid border disputes with Nepal and China and clashes with ...
Free Press Journal-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BbhPsA
In a series of tweets, he said, every year Bhutan allows Assamese farmers to come across and divert sections of a river in Bhutan ... "This is how we have prevented community transmission so far. ... several FMCG players, including Procter & Gamble, Garnier (L'Oréal), Emami and Himalaya operate in the segment with their ...

◆200626 Straight talk, but is China listening?
Free Press Journal-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VkuPTu
Rather, satellite data suggests aggressive posturing by the PLA near the Galwan River and presence of makeshift structures, observation posts, radar and even water pipelines in Depsang Plains in eastern Ladakh). Pointing a finger at the ...

◆200626 Gravel geometry of the Indus river unravel its paleoclimatic ...
IBG NEWS (press release) (blog)-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CC3W72
Researchers from Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG), Dehradun, an autonomous institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, have traced the paleoclimatic history of the Indus River in Ladakh Himalaya .

◆200626 Researchers Trace Indus River's Paleoclimatic History Using ...
Republic World-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/31fZzcc
Indian researchers have traced the paleoclimatic history of the Indus River in Ladakh Himalaya with the help of geometric data from overlapping gravels of channel fills. Scientists from Dehradun's Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG), ..

◆200626 Water experts reject Diamer Basha Dam
The News International-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dH9LND
“Diamer Bhasha Dam will not resolve the electricity issue either, which will be so expensive that nobody will be able to afford it,” Abbas said. Chairman Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum Muhammad Ali Shah said by stopping the water, Indus River, its ..

◆200626 Water Inflow In Major Rivers Jumps To 380300 Cusecs
UrduPoint News-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eDEkoG
According to the data released by Indus River System Authority (IRSA) water inflow in the Indus River at Tarbela was recorded as 155,100 cusecs against outflow of 125,000 cusecs. The water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was .

◆200626 Chinese glimmer to Pakistan's dam distress
TheDispatch-2020/06/24 https://bit.ly/3dwmjY1
In May 2020, China and Pakistan agreed to jointly build the controversial Diamer-Bhasha Dam in Gilgit Baltistan. ... The project site is located on River Indus, about 40 km from Chilas in GB. ... Tarbela Dam downstream, the DBD project seeks to alleviate power crisis and enhance irrigation by bolstering storage capacity on the Indus. ... Chinese funding of DBD, especially since a major share of the originally announced $50 billion was planned to be channelled towards energy projects.

◆200626 India to curb power equipment imports amid China tiff
Argus Media-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/3g0i8VO
India is set to tighten imports of equipment used in building coal-fired and renewable power plants amid tension with China. ... to boost domestic manufacturing of power equipment to support India's big expansion plans for electricity generation. ... plants in cases where there is sufficient domestic capacity available, power and renewable energy minister Raj Kumar ... South Korean state-owned gas supplier Kogas' sales to the power sector collapsed in May, suggesting that coal burn

◆200626 Assam gas field may have flouted green guidelines
Hindustan Times-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NvW09I
Oil India Limited (OIL)'s gas well number 5 at Baghjan in Assam's Tinsukia, where a blowout on May 27 triggered a continuing oil and gas leakage near the ... “Gas wells in the Baghjan block are located outside notified ESZ of Dibru Saikhowa National Park….,” the environment ministry said in response to HT's ... Any industrial activity of this scale would have an impact on both the river and forests. ... The EAC cleared the project considering its “national importance” for energy security.

◆200626 India's ONGC adds to Burma's Shwe gas investment
Argus Media-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/31oQhuF
Delhi is using energy trade to help strengthen ties with its neighbours and counter an increase in Chinese influence in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Bangladesh. By S Dinakar. Quick access: Argus Natural Gas and LNG resources.

◆200626 Pakistan aims to generate 30% clean energy by 2030
The Express Tribune-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/3g0ZvkQ
KARACHI: Pakistan aims to generate 30% of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030 such as wind, solar, biomass ... This will complement the 27% of current electricity supply coming from large-scale hydro. ... Thermal has largest share in Pakistan's energy mix ... of them, the company also provides balance of plant services, including power generation and electricity dispatch to the grid.

◆200626 Pakistan signs $2.4bn agreement for 1124MW Kohala ...
Profit by Pakistan Today-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Nv8Rcb
The $2.4 billion Kohala Hydropower Project is Pakistan's largest power sector investment in a single Independent Power Producer (IPP) till date. The project is being built on River Jhelum in Azad Kashmir under CPEC and has been awarded to Kohala ... He added that the project can potentially initiate a move towards clean energy and Pakistan's dependence on ... TAGS; China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) · hina Three Gorges Corporation (CTGC) · Kohala Hydro Power ..

◆200626 World Bank to support Nepal's energy sector with $100m credit
Power Technology-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/31lsyLE
Fossil Fuels · Coal · Gas · Oil ... Nepal will use the World Bank credit facility to improve its energy transmission network. ... The World Bank has agreed to support energy sector reform in Nepal by giving the country's government a $100m development ... will improve access to electricity as aimed by our plan and budget, and also enhance the capacity of Nepal Electricity Authority. ... How important will the power sector be compared to other sectors in the post-Covid economic recovery?

◆200626 Nepal is caught in the middle of India-China border tensions
The Conversation UK-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YzhOHO
Home · COVID-19 · Arts + Culture · Economy + Business · Education · Environment + Energy · Ethics + Religion · Health ... Amid the latest tensions between India and China, Nepal is furious that its own border dispute with India could be sidelined. ... However, the issue has been complicated by disputed historical maps relating to the origin of the Mahakali river. ... But amid the cloud of uncertainty and fear, the harsh geopolitical reality is that Nepal risks losing its bargaining power and ...

◆200626 Bhutan 'stops' flow of irrigation water
Times of India-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YzVhdP
But now, as part of its efforts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, Bhutan has banned the entry of foreigners, including Indian farmers who used to crosss over to divert sections of a river in Bhutan into channels that irrigate farms in Assam.




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Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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