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2020年10月8日 「トゥキディデスの罠」米国は,戦わずして覇権を維持出来るか









◆201008 ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 https://on.wsj.com/2FbhM1T
中国共産党のトップである習近平国家主席は9月22日、バーチャル形式となった第75回国連年次総会の一般討論演説の中でこの合意を ... 既に中国は、習氏の提唱した巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」の実現手段の1つとして国連を取り込んでいる。

◆201008 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3lnKBYh
中国が建設するダムは8割以上が大型ダムだ。00年以降、OECD(経済協力開発機構)諸国がダム建設から撤退するのと入れ替わるように増加し、14年から習近平(シー・チンピン)国家主席が推進する国家プロジェクト「一帯一路」戦略 ...

◆201008 ロイター https://bit.ly/2SzaZ5l
米大統領補佐官、台湾巡り中国に警鐘 米国の反応は「曖昧」
[ワシントン 7日 ロイター] - オブライエン米大統領補佐官(国家安全保障担当)は7日、中国に対し武力による台湾の併合を目指さないよう警告、上陸作戦は困難で、米国が武力行使にどう反応するかも「曖昧」だとの認識を示した。 ネバダ ...

◆201008 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3dkNGWB
「QUAD」ではデジタル経済の新たなルール作りでの連携を確認、北朝鮮、東シナ海・南シナ海の地域情勢についても意見交換し、「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」構想の下、質の高いインフラ・海洋安全保障・テロ対策・サイバー ...

◆201008 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/2SBkFMD

◆201008 Asahi Shimbun GLOBE https://bit.ly/2GGIgc1
アメリカの牽制が中国の軍備増強を招く 米中対立の「無限 ...
しかし、南シナ海や東シナ海での中国の海洋政策に対して、アメリカが軍事力を用いてでも中国を牽制(けんせい)しようとすると、中国は「中国の主権をまもる」という大義名分を掲げて、更に接近阻止戦力を強化するのである。 接近阻止 ...



◆201008 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3iJBgIC
Eインフィニの浜田社長「新電力 店や工場向け中心」
新電力会社のアースインフィニティが16日、ジャスダックに上場する。浜田幸一社長に事業の特徴や成長戦略を聞いた。 ――事業の特色を教えてください。 アースインフィニティの浜田社長. 「電気・ガスを販売するエ ...

◆201007 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2SyHvo1
「原子力離れ」学生の減少続く 事故や不祥事で不信強く ...
国の原子力委員会が8月末に取りまとめた原子力白書は、初めて人材育成をテーマにした特集を組み、人材の枯渇に警鐘を鳴らした。背景には福島第1原発事故や度重なる電力会社の不祥事でイメージが悪化し、原子力を専攻する学生が減った ...

◆201007 ロイター https://bit.ly/2Gw4de0
原油先物、供給懸念で3%超高 トランプ氏投稿受け清算後に下落
ニューヨーク 6日 ロイター] - 米国時間の原油先物価格は3%超上昇。メキシコ湾に接近するハリケーンによる供給混乱やノルウェーの石油労働者によるストライキの見通しに支えられた。 清算値は、北海ブレントLCOc1が1.36 ...

◆201007 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/3jEOYOa
原子力規制委員会は7日、原子力発電所の使用済み核燃料から取り出した放射性物質を使い、新たな核燃料を製造する日本原燃の「 MOX ( モックス ) 燃料工場」(青森県六ヶ所村)について、安全対策が新基準に適合したことを認める ...



◆201008 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3jHaSR7
この地域で10~20年に中国が増やした発電量のうち、水力発電が49%を占めている。 中国が建設するダムは8割以上が大型ダムだ。00年以降、OECD(経済協力開発機構)諸国がダム建設 ...

◆201008 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/3iGF11t
中国の半導体受託製造(ファウンドリ)最大手の中芯国際集成電路製造(SMIC)は10月4日、「アメリカの輸出規制に関する追加情報」と題する声明を発表。アメリカのサプライヤーの一部が半導体の製造装置や原材料をSMICに供給する際、 ...

◆201008 ロイター https://bit.ly/3ntMNzC
サムスン電子、第3四半期は58%営業増益の見通し スマホなど好調
中国の通信機器大手、華為技術(ファーウェイ)[HWT.UL]への米国の規制で、サムスン電子のスマホや半導体販売が押し上げられた。 アナリストは、ファーウェイに対する米規制により中国以外での同社のスマホ需要が抑制され、サムスン電子 ...

◆201008 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/34xLpTT
月は尖閣、火星はスカボロー礁 宇宙秩序狙う中国の野望
独占狙う将来のエネルギー源「宇宙太陽光発電技術」. 中国の狙いは、35年までに宇宙太陽光発電衛星(SBSP)を建設し、月面活動への電力供給 ...

◆201008 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3loGriV
ペンス氏は中国について、新型コロナを巡り米国に誠実に対処しなかったとし、「われわれは中国に責任を取らせる」と語り、ハリス氏を「中国共産党のチアリーダー」と呼んだ。 ペンス氏はまた、バイデン氏が大統領になれば石油・天然 ...

◆201008 時事通信 https://bit.ly/3iDQ0sr
米、「アリペイ」制限も 電子決済に安保懸念―報道
中国半導体最大手へ輸出制限 米「軍事転用の恐れ」―報道. 報道によれば米の制限措置が実現するかは流動的だが、大統領令の発出や、財務省の制裁リストに加える案が浮上する。アントは2017年に米国の国際送金サービス会社の買収を ...


◆201008 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/34BqqiN
Energy Deals Are Creating A Powerful Alliance Between China And Russia
12 hours Britain Blocks The Approval Of A Major Coal Mine ... President Trump's trade war with China was the latest manifestation of Washington's effort to pivot to the east, a strategy ... one for Russia, with its international trade booming and a growing number of oil and gas buyers both to the east and west. ... The Russian energy giant Gazprom has ordered a feasibility study for the Power of Siberia-2 pipeline. ... MIT Scientists: Nuclear Fusion Energy Could Be Closer Than Thought.

◆201008 Power Engineering Magazine https://bit.ly/36MJKwj
Coal-fired power may see rebound in US & China in 2021
Some of this back and forth with gas and coal may prove relatively insignificant as renewable energy continues to rise within the electricity mix. The EIA forecasts that more than 30 GW of new wind capacity will be added this year and 2021, ...

◆201008 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/36PYE4O
Here's what could happen if China invaded Taiwan
Despite the saber rattling, China and Taiwan have many reasons to avoid a war that could kill tens of thousands, devastate their economies and potentially lead to a nuclear conflict with the U.S. and its allies. ... American naval power has long deterred China from any attack, even though the U.S. scrapped its mutual defense treaty with Taiwan in 1979 as a condition for establishing diplomatic ties with ...

◆201008 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2GNU6B2
Trump vs. Biden buffets oil, gold and rare-earth markets
... of his administration, broader use of electric vehicles and achieving net zero emissions in the electricity sector by 2035. ... Shares in companies involved in renewable energy have climbed steadily since March, in contrast to oil-related ... The candidate has called for bringing the U.S. back into the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, from which Washington withdrew in 2018. ... Trump signed an executive order last Wednesday that called for decreasing the reliance on China for rare earths and ...

◆201008 SupChina https://bit.ly/34DJZqX
China unveils world’s second largest solar power plant
That energy complex is expected to generate wind, solar, and hydro energy for the more densely populated eastern side of the ... China is already positioned as the biggest producer of both solar panels and solar-generated electricity in the world. ... The new solar station's connection to the grid comes shortly after another milestone in renewable energy: China's first ... China must phase out coal as an energy source and cease development of new coal-fired power plants — “the No.



◆201008 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3nsCtYy
オムニバス法の細則整備早く、地場経済団体 インドネシア ...
インドネシア国会で5日に「雇用創出に関するオムニバス法(重複する法令を統合した一括法)」が成立したことを受け、プリブミ実業家協会(HIPPI)は細則の制定を急ぐべきだと強調した。テンポが7日伝えた。 同協会ジャカルタ ...

◆201008 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/3ltn8oR
日本の海上自衛隊の海上幕僚監部は、日インドネシア親善訓練を10月6日に実施したことを発表した。 海上自衛隊は、令和2年度インド太平洋方面派遣訓練を9月7日から10月17日にかけて実施している。この訓練は、インド太平洋地域の各国 ...

◆201008 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/34CADLY
飲料水工場に太陽光発電、中ジャワで最大 インドネシア ...
フランスの食品大手ダノンのミネラルウオーター「アクア」をインドネシアで製造販売するダノン・インドネシアは6日、中ジャワ州クラテン工場に設置した屋根置き型太陽光発電設備が完成したと発表した。発電容量は2,919キロワット ...

◆201008 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3lBvSJJ
東南アジアの「中国製ダム」は最多のミャンマー(32%)に次いでラオス(22%)、フィリピン(13%)、マレーシア(11%)、ベトナムとカンボジア(各8%)、インドネシアとブルネイ(各2%)に建設されている。 メコン川流域はダム ...

◆201008 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2SCMjZy
プルタミナが燃料価統一、4年後490カ所で インドネシア ...
インドネシアの国営石油プルタミナのニッケ社長は、ガソリンの価格を2024年までに全国490カ所で均一にする方針を明らかにした。これまでに243カ所で単一価格を適用している。テンポ(電子版)が7日伝えた。 ニッケ社長は6日に開 ...

◆201008 newsclip.be https://bit.ly/2SCMRyA
東京ガス、フィリピンで浮体式LNG基地事業に参画 | newsclip
【フィリピン】東京ガスは7日、フィリピンの財閥ロペスグループの発電事業会社ファーストジェンと共同で、ルソン島南部バタンガス市でLNG(液化天然ガス)基地を開発運営すると発表した。 2022年後半のLNG導入を目指し、FSRU(浮体 ...

◆201008 DIGIMA NEWS ( http://www.digima-news.com/ ) https://bit.ly/3lq8cb2
フィリピン:大統領の支持率 過去最高の91%を記録
中国や北朝鮮などの独裁国では政治指導者への支持率は常に100%となるが、そういった国では国民の間に指導者の支持を問うこと事態意味はないし、行われることもない。 この記事の続きを読む. フィリピンはアメリカ型民主主義を標榜する ...


◆201008 Anadolu Agency https://bit.ly/310NsPt
US' Malaysia palm oil sanctions worry Indonesian firms
JAKARTA, Indonesia. Indonesia's palm oil sector said on Friday that US sanctions on Malaysian palm oil firms had damaged the image of the palm oil industry. "The sanctions put by the US Customs and Border Protection ...

◆201008 GlobeNewswire https://bit.ly/34xBwWk
The Indonesia power generation EPC market is expected to ...
The Indonesia power generation EPC market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 2.5% during the forecast period of 2020-2025 ... Conventional Thermal Power is the power that is generated through various sources such as coal, natural gas, and oil. ... Coal contributed approximately 66% to the conventional thermal power electricity generation, producing 156.4 ... Energy sources contributing to the country's energy generation include coal, natural gas, wind, hydro, ...

◆201008 ThinkGeoEnergy https://bit.ly/30JbH4d
PT Geo Dipa Energi sets ambitious 1020 MW by 2035 ...
The Indonesian government remains committed to increase renewable energy fuelled power generation by 23% until 2025, so an article by Ruang Energi. The government is calling all parties, stakeholders, both public and ...

◆201008 Natural Gas World https://bit.ly/2GuGJ9o
Indonesia's PGN, PLN Sign LNG Deal
The Indonesian government wants these 52 power plants with combined capacity of about 1.8 GW to run on gas instead of fuel oil. Besides supplying LNG, PGN will also develop infrastructure including jetty, unloading ...

◆201008 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/2GJZGED
Tokyo Gas to join Philippines offshore LNG terminal project
MANILA (NNA/Kyodo) -- Tokyo Gas Co. has concluded a contract with major Philippines power generator First Gen Corp. to cooperate in building a liquefied natural gas terminal in an area off the Southeast Asian nation's Luzon Island.

◆201008 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/30H2sBS
Tokyo Gas, First Gen to build offshore LNG terminal in Philippines
Despite shift, energy giants fall short of UN climate goals: study. TPI's analysis of 59 major oil, gas and coal companies said that seven European firms - Glencore , Anglo American , Shell, Repsol , Total , ...

◆201008 ABS-CBN News https://bit.ly/33EhCcF
No place for nuclear waste: Top Filipino scientist nixes nuke plant revival
MANILA - A leading Filipino scientist on Thursday opposed plans to revive the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP), citing ... Chemists of the Philippines, said the country could tap other sources of energy that are considered more sustainable.

◆201008 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2HYeOyL
Aboitiz renews supply contract with Batangas power utility
Aboitiz Power Corporation has renewed its power supply agreement (PSA) with First Bay Power Corporation (FBC), to fulfill ... process to evaluate potential energy suppliers to fulfill (its) requirement for renewable energy,” the power firm said. ... its negotiating price in the targeted divestment of the 650-megawatt Malaya thermal power facility and its underlying site. ... lift cargo, forestry products, dry bulk and other general cargoes, and to offer support services to the oil and gas industry.



◆201007 ロイター https://bit.ly/2SA5Jy8
南アジア、東南アジア、メコン、ヒマラヤ、台湾海峡で起きていることはその一部に過ぎない」と述べた。 その上でポンペオ氏は、民主主義の価値観を共有する4カ国の連携がこれまで以上に重要 ...

◆201007 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/30WU0P5
... タイのバンコクからシンガポールまでつながる。東側は南寧-崇左間鉄道を経由して南広線(南寧-広東省広州市)や南昆線(南寧-雲南省昆明市)などが乗り入れ、中国と東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)の国際輸送ルートを形成する。

◆201007 幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン https://bit.ly/2F84HXf
党内の緊張高まる?中国指導部「北戴河」秘密会議の内部事情 | 富裕層向け資産防衛メディア
例えば、14年に李克強首相が雲南の地震被災地に赴き、17年に俞正声常務委員(当時)が式典参加のため内蒙古を訪問したことなどだ。 本年は、参加者を絞り会議をより「低調」「冷清」、ローキーで秘密裡にしたのかもしれない ...

◆201007 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2SynbmJ
そんな彼を「大好きだ」と言ってはばからないトランプファンが大勢いる国がアジアにある。ベトナムだ。 そもそも、アメリカ国内に暮らすベトナム系アメリカ人もトランプを支持する傾向にあるという。「APIAVote」などの団体が ...

◆201007 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3liSP42
Abalance、太陽光パネル製造のベトナム企業を子会社化 ...
ベトナムのVSUNは、2015年6月設立以来、モジュールメーカーとして、太陽光パネルの製造販売事業を営んでいる。Abalanceでは海外投資事業の一環として、同社子会社のWWBの持分法適用関連会社であるFUJI SOLARを通じた株式の ...

◆201007 IAG Japan https://bit.ly/36GiU8X

◆201007 カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ https://bit.ly/2SvfQ7u
中国からの需要増加により、カンボジアのバナナ輸出が急増 ...
カンボジアの農林水産省の報告によると、カンボジアは2020年の最初の9か月間に23万5000トン以上のバナナを輸出し、前年比225%増となった。クメールタイムズが報じた。 同省農業総局のニン・チャイ局長は、「中国が植物検疫基準を ...

◆201007 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3lr7OJr
【プノンペン=ショーン・タートン】中国がカンボジア南西部にあるリアム海軍基地の拡張を支援していることがわかった。国有エンジニアリング会社の中国冶金科工集団が同基地拡張プロジェクトに関わっており、中国 ...

◆201007 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/3jGyCVA
JETRO STREAM~日系企業動向、ミャンマーの新潮流を読み解く~ – MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
コロナ禍におけるミャンマーの経済動向(その1) ~貿易・投資は順調に推移~ ミャンマーでは、3月25日に全外国人に対する入国制限措置が発動されて以来、経済的には厳しい状況が続いています。本稿では、足下の経済状況についてご紹介 ...

◆201007 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/34zJ5eO
日本のODA事業実施のため専門家21人がヤンゴン国際空港に到着 – MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
東西経済回廊は、ヤンゴン・ティラワ経済特区を起点にバゴー、モーラミャイン、ミャワディ、タイのメーソート、ムクダハン、ラオス、ベトナム(ダナン)まで、南部経済回廊はミャンマー南部のダウェー、タイのバンコク、カンボジア、 ...

◆201007 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/34rLR5Y
2021~25年の料金体系を検討、電力公社 ラオス・電力・ガス ...
ラオス電力公社(EDL)は、2021~25年の電力料金について検討を進めている。ビエンチャン・タイムズ(電子版)が6日伝えた。 チャンタブン社長が5日、首都ビエンチャンで開かれたセミナーで、一般家庭向けの料金体系として7案を ...

◆201007 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3jD0dqz
発電所燃料に供給不安、東部ガス基地活用も タイ・天然資源
タイのスパタナポン副首相兼エネルギー相は、発電所向けのガス供給量を維持するため、東部ラヨーン県にある2カ所の液化天然ガス(LNG)受入基地の活用を検討していると明らかにした。タイ湾沖合のエラワンガス田(G1/61)から ...


◆201007 Cruise Passenger https://bit.ly/33CPE0Z
Sail the Mekong with chef Luke Nguyen
APT is offering an exclusive cruise on the mighty Mekong River with celebrity chef Luke Nguyen to experience authentic Vietnamese cuisine. Guests will spend two weeks exploring Vietnam, including seven-nights cruising the Mekong River ...

◆201007 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/2HZ0cPD
Japan, US, Australia, India discuss China's growing power
Japan, US, Australia, India discuss China's growing power ... The Mekong, the Himalayas, the Taiwan Strait. ... Japan sees the FOIP as crucial for assuring access to sea lanes all the way to Middle East, a key source of oil for the resource-poor ...

◆201007 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3nm3i0q
Daily life in Vientiane, Laos - Xinhua | English.news.cn
In the central part of the country, the capital Vientiane is located on the alluvial plain on the Mekong River, suitable for fishing and plantation. The Lan Xang Kingdom, the first unified multi-ethnic nation in the history of Laos, moved its capital to ...

◆201007 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/2GGr1HO
Mekong Delta province faces worsening river, canal erosion
The Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang is facing increasing erosion along rivers and canals, according to the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. VNA Tuesday, October 06, 2020 20:56 ...

◆201007 Kallanish Energy https://bit.ly/3iDlVJR
Vietnam clears ExxonMobil's $5B LNG-to-power project ...
Vietnam is also welcoming a 3GW power plant in the Mekong Delta province of Long An, helping the country to advance its national ambitions of having ... The plans could see the development of 108.5 GW of new gas-fired power generation.

◆201007 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/2Sz6vf6
India, Myanmar Agree Strategic Port Operation in Rakhine Next Year
The project includes 158 km of waterway on the Kaladan River from Sittwe to Paletwa in Myanmar and a 109-km road component ... Lying next to China's Yunnan Province, Kachin State plays a strategically important role in China's ambitious BRI. ... Kachin is already home to massive Chinese investments including dam, mining and industrial projects as well as tissue ... power and energy, deepen economic and trade ties, and further facilitate people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

◆201007 Reuters India https://reut.rs/36EnVPn
Thais remember 1976 student massacre as protests grow
Thailand became a constitutional monarchy when absolute monarchy ended in 1932. Thailand's army has seized power 13 times since then and has on several occasions carried out bloody crackdowns on protesters. Additional reporting by ...

◆201007 Lexology https://reut.rs/36EnVPn
Thailand energy update market drive key contacts toward ...
Thailand's power sector is in the midst of a transition towards greater reliance on renewable energy sources. One of the key technologies leading this shift is electricity generated from solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, which have become more ...

◆201007 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2SuYAPQ
Polluted Phong river being flushed clean
KHON KAEN: More water will be discharged from Ubol Ratana dam to help clean the polluted, smelly Phong river, governor Somsak Jangtrakul said on Tuesday. Mr Somsak was speaking after an urgent meeting of the provincial water ...

◆201007 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/33zWowM
MEA to power Red Line electric train trial run
The Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), a state power distribution arm, will start feeding electricity to the Red Line electric train system ... Mr Somchai said the MEA was assigned by the State Railway of Thailand to develop power distribution management, called Supervisory ... The move is also expected to help save at least 1 billion baht investment in future transmission lines and other equipment.

◆201007 GCR https://bit.ly/2SxLLnP
“Deplorable”: Critics slam Kepco for backing Vietnamese coal plant - News
Selling the stake is China Light and Power Ltd., which decided to withdraw from coal investments in December. ... certain to result in a significant loss, and interfere with Vietnam's recent energy policy initiative to transition towards renewables.” ... “Emissions from the Vung Ang 2 coal power in Vietnam project, which will add more than 200 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions to our atmosphere, ...

◆201007 Korea IT Times https://bit.ly/3nqgD80
KEPCO to push for its plan for the Vung Ang 2 coal power ...
(KEPCO) has decided to push for the Vietnam Vung Ang 2 coal power plant project as scheduled. ... by Vietnam's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, is to build and operate a 1,200MW (two 600MW units) power plant in Ha Tinh Province, 300 kilometers south of Hanoi, Vietnam. ... that minimizes carbon emissions and install additional eco-friendly facilities to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

◆201007 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3jFdRt5
Cambodia denies new speculation about Chinese base plans
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) -- Cambodia's government denied that its demolition of a U.S.-funded facility at one of its naval ... Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen declared in June that China has not been given exclusive rights to use the base, ... Western analysts believe basing rights in Cambodia would extend Beijing's strategic military profile considerably, and tilt the regional balance of power in a ...

◆201007 International Policy Digest https://bit.ly/3jD6tib
Addressing Political Issues at Home is Key to Cambodia's Future
When there is a lack of social unity and political reconciliation Cambodia becomes more fragile. Taking sides amid the growing uncertainty caused by the U.S.-China rivalry may not be a viable foreign policy. While it pleases one power, it upsets ...

◆201007 Daily Express https://bit.ly/2GyjcEf
China's new world order plot exposed: Chilling report details Beijing power grab from West
China's new world order plot exposed: Chilling report details Beijing power grab from West. CHINA's new world order plan envisages Beijing at the centre of the world surrounded by subordinate countries that would "have liberal democratic ...

◆201007 Financial Express https://bit.ly/3nq5S5K
Neighbourhood First: India to invest USD 6 bn for setting up a Petroleum refinery in Myanmar
Neighbourhood First: India to invest USD 6 bn for setting up a Petroleum refinery in Myanmar ... And, there is an institutional mechanism to guide bilateral cooperation in the energy sector — is the JWG on Oil and Gas, which is headed at the ...

◆201007 Deccan Chronicle https://bit.ly/36DmUqO
India, Myanmar discuss security and stability in border areas
M.M. Naravane and Foreign Secretary (FS) Harsh Vardhan Shringla to Myanmar that culminated on Monday. ... (MEA) said “both sides agreed to further strengthen their partnership in connectivity projects, capacity building, power and energy, ...

◆201007 EnergyInfraPost https://bit.ly/3jyl9ip
India, Myanmar achieve concrete outcomes in energy, security ...
Get Latest News on Energy in India, Coverages of Renewable Energy, Updates on Energy Industry Information and Many More. Latest India Energy News, Power sector, Energy Company News, Oil & Natural Gas, Coal, Nuclear Power News ...

◆201007 EurAsian Times https://bit.ly/3iyDt9H
India, China Take Their Confrontation From Ladakh To Myanmar
The report said that officials from India and Myanmar discussed issues relating to border security and stability and their ... It is seen as a strategic move against China, who already accounts for over 70 per cent of foreign investment in the energy sector in Myanmar, reported TOI. Beijing has been pushing the China Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) as part of BRI. ... India To Deploy Its Newly Tested, Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile Against China Under Direct Command Of PM ...

◆201007 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/3dhzayR
Japan's JERA looking to build 2 LNG power plants, scrap 5 ageing units
Energy transition poses varying degrees of credit risk to NOCs : Moody's. "NOCs play a critical role in the world's energy markets, dwarfing their counterparts in the private sector - the international oil companies - in terms of ...

◆201007 Myanmar Times https://bit.ly/33DPOoM
India, Myanmar agree to open Sittwe Port in 2021
In the last few years, the two countries have also explored new avenues of cooperation, including fresh investments in oil and gas and power, infrastructure, and pharmaceuticals. For example, both sides have been in discussion to establish a ...

◆201007 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/2Svobbi
Rolls-Royce to deliver 29 MW gas power plant for Dhamra LNG terminal
Oil & Gas · Coal · Power · Renewable · Environment · Economy · Oracle Helps Utilities · Companies · People ... DLTPL is a joint venture between Indian multinational conglomerate Adani Group and French energy major Total S.A, ... a 28 MW power plant in 2018, running on LNG fuel to the Indian Oil Corporation LNG Terminal at Ennore, Tamil Nadu. ... Rolls-Royce will be managing the engineering, procurement, and construction of the new gas power plant for the LNG terminal.

◆201007 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/30FKUGc
$5m Laos forestry investment offered by Dutch bank FMO
The bank has an investment portfolio of $10.4 billion, with a 28% exposure in Asia. It focuses on developing markets, covering sectors such as financial institutions, energy and agribusiness. For the original story from DealStreetAsia, click here.

◆201007 GMA News https://bit.ly/36DNP63
US under Biden should seek other states’ support to counter Chinese aggression in SCS —analyst
While some ASEAN members like the Philippines and Vietnam have initiated discussions and consistently called for a rules-based and multilateral approach on the South China Sea issue, other members aligned with China like Cambodia, Laos ...

◆201007 Forbes https://bit.ly/33A6mOw
Negative Views Of China, Xi Grow In New Pew Survey
Outside of the U.S. itself – where 52% of Americans say the U.S. is the world's leading economic power – only in Japan ... Cameroon, China, Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Iran, Laos, Myanmar, ...


2020年10月8日12時40分更新 大阪は雨

◆201008 livedoor https://bit.ly/36GvDbN
ネパール奥ドルポで幾多の峠を越え、ついに辿り着いたヒマラヤ最奥の集落・ティンギュー(90世帯 約500人)。標高4150メートルに位置し、酸素濃度は60%と生活するに決して便利とは言えない場所だ。そんな中で取材を行っているナスD ...

◆201008 大紀元 https://bit.ly/34ALN3R
チベットにも、新疆同様の強制労働施設が設置されているとの報告がある。 中国は最近、自国に批判的な国に執拗な脅迫と威嚇を行っている。国際人権団体ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ...

◆201008 JBpress https://bit.ly/2SAioBt
香港デモに対する弾圧、内モンゴルの語学教育政策への抵抗、チベットなどでの人権問題、そして新型コロナウイルス感染症の隠蔽など、この2年の間の中国の行動は国際社会に強い不信感をもたらした。西側各国の不信感は、2022年の北京 ...

◆201008 ニコニコニュース https://bit.ly/30JvlNQ
武漢、チベットへの旅行者増. ニューノーマルの旅行にはいくつかの特徴がある。1つ目は前述したように、オンライン予約・決済の浸透だ。中国は生活のさまざまなシーンで事前の段取りや調整がされない傾向にあるが、3密回避で事前予約が ...

◆201008 TechCrunch Japan https://tcrn.ch/3iFiEd0
Samsung(サムスン)と、Apple(アップル)の主要な受託製造パートナー3社は、今後5年間でスマートフォン生産を強化するというインド政府の計画で66億5000万ドル(約7050億円)の奨励金を受け取る16社の中に含まれている。これら ...

◆201008 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/34xluvC
インド政府によると今後5年間に16社合計で10兆5千億ルピー(約15兆円)相当の携帯電話や電子部品をインド国内で製造する見通し。 2018年にインドに携帯工場を新設したサムスン電子は補助金活用で増産 ...

◆201008 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/33JTwxz
インド政府が6日、新たな補助金を活用して両社を含む16社が同国内に投資する計画だと発表した。インド政府によると今後5年間に16社合計で10兆5千億ルピー(約15兆円)相当の携帯電話や電子 ...

◆201008 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2GNgVEW
ロールスロイス、ダムラLNGで発電所整備 インド・電力 ...
英航空機エンジン大手のロールス・ロイスは6日、インド東部オディシャ(オリッサ)州ダムラの液化天然ガス(LNG)ターミナルの整備でガス火力発電所の建設を受注したと発表した。 事業主体のダムラLNGターミナル(DLTPL) ...

◆201008 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/30Ihd7n
石炭公社、上半期の設備投資は502億ルピー インド・天然資源
インド石炭公社(CIL)は、本年度上半期(2020年4~9月)に502億3,000万ルピー(約722億8,000万円)の設備投資を実施した。前年同期の146億7,000万ルピーから約3.4倍の増加を示している。ビジネス・ライン(電子版)が6日に ...

◆201008 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2I2AFVL
小型モジュール式原子炉(SMR)の需要は、廃止された石炭火力発電所の代わりにブラウンフィールドサイトに配備されたこと ... 現在、インド(PHWR-220)、中国(CNP-300)、およびロシア(Siberia- EGP-6)には、アクティブな小型 ...

◆201008 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/2I85h8x
一方、パキスタンなどは声明で、中国が自治区内で人権を守り、法律に従ってテロ対策を行ってきたなどとして、中国擁護論を展開した。 中国の張軍国連大使は討議後、記者団に対し、米英独などの「少数グループ」が「人権問題を ...

◆201008 Record China https://bit.ly/3jGe9zT
パキスタンは多くの点で中国に依存している」とした。 バダウリア参謀長は、「衝突が発生した場合、中国がインドに勝利できる理由はない。私たちはすべての関連 ...


◆201008 Telegraph.co.uk https://bit.ly/36FUXyM
It is time for Britain to impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on China
The appalling state-sponsored human rights abuses being perpetrated in Tibet and Xinjiang demand a far tougher response ... Church was detained in December 2018 and sentenced to 9 years in prison for "inciting to subvert state power".

◆201008 Fair Observer https://bit.ly/2F9XyWg
China-India Clash Wakes Up Tibet’s Ghost of Independence
... supported Tibetan independence or autonomy. In contrast, China has allied with Pakistan and opposed India's interests in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. Since Modi came to power in 2014, he has met Chinese President Xi Jinping 18 times.

◆201008 Telegraph.co.uk https://bit.ly/34vs4ma
Democracies are still falling for China's lies
In the first six months of this year, Beijing approved more coal-fired power plants than the last two years combined. ... and the South China Sea arbitration, or halt the cultural and human destruction wrought in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet.

◆201008 Eurasia Review https://bit.ly/33D1bxi
Quad Should Accord Taiwan's Recognition - OpEd
While China has made spectacular progress in industrial and economic growth and military power, this “progress” has only ... China's occupation of Tibet is now total and the massacre of thousands of innocent Tibetans by China has been ...

◆201008 Kashmir Observer https://bit.ly/33E5KHD
Promise to Make J&K A Hub of Solar Power Remains A Hoax
The successive central and state governments over the past few years promised to make J&K a hub of solar energy ... proposed many mega solar power projects in few districts of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), but the completion of ... Experts suggest that such projects may help in boosting job opportunities and electricity production that ultimately will ... Notably, ever since Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy launched the Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission in ...

◆201008 The News International https://bit.ly/3iF8TLG
Violations of river rights not letting Indus reach its delta: experts
HYDERABAD: Researchers, environmentalists, and water activists on Tuesday raised a voice to ensure the rights of River Indus by letting it flow smoothly to its ultimate end, the delta, which was not only vital to the survival of ...

◆201008 The Indian Express https://bit.ly/3d5IBRK
Indus Water Treaty at 60: why there is a need to give it a fresh look
September 19 marks the 60th anniversary of the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) between India and Pakistan, a treaty that ... It was vital, therefore, to get the waters of the 'eastern rivers' for the proposed Rajasthan canal and the Bhakra Dam without which both ... Canals in 1963, described it as “a gigantic achievement and a symbol of the nation's energy and enterprise”. ... Further, out of the total estimated capacity of 11406 MW electricity that can be harnessed from the three ...

◆201008 The Nation https://bit.ly/2GAXsHZ
High flood at Dadu-Moro Bridge in Indus inundates over 50 villages
Flooding in the river has forced a large number of people to leave their homes for safer places. According to water records, River Indus is in medium flood at Guddu and Sukkur barrages, while the water level is falling. There ...
3週間前 October 01 – A view of boats parked at banks of Indus River. APP photo by Farhan Khan. Thu, 1 Oct 2020, 4:37 PM. Facebook · Twitter · Pinterest · WhatsApp · Linkedin · Email. HYDERABAD: October 01 – A view of boats ...

◆201008 The Wire https://bit.ly/3iKAzyF
Sixty Years of the Indus Waters Treaty and How It Survived Many a Fraught Moment
A little over 60 years ago, on September 19, 1960, the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) was signed between India and ... (1987, 2001-02, 2008, 2016 and 2019) and several other episodes of political friction between the South Asian nuclear rivals. ... The second one was over Baglihar dam which they settled in 2007 with the help of World Bank appointed Neutral ... More complex than Salal and Baglihar dams is the dispute over Kishanganga Hydro Electricity Project (KHEP).

◆201008 The Citizen https://bit.ly/3d6Y8AR
Time to Recast the Indus Water Treaty
September 19 was the date in 1960, when the Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan was signed at Karachi by then ... where India gave Pakistan 80.52 per cent of the waters of six rivers ( Indus and five rivers of Punjab) keeping just over ... The Salal dam on Chenab, near Ryasi, which was originally built as a storage dam, had to be converted to run off the ... For India, hydel power projects based on run of the river dams cannot fully exploit the flow of water, because during ...

◆201008 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/33GBpIC
India to replace coal fired power plants with renewables: R K Singh
NEW DELHI: India is planning to replace retiring coal-fired power plants with renewable generating capacity in a bid ... already retired, and about 29 more plants are going to retire, and all that space will be occupied by renewable energy. ... duty on solar inverters, which are connected to solar panels to convert the direct-current power into usable electricity. ... the expansion of renewable energy, the build-up of a hydrogen market and the future use of coal, gas and oil.

◆201008 Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide https://bit.ly/30MA6pQ
India’s gas imports set to rise, demand reaches pre-pandemic level
India's gas imports are set to rise as GAIL (India) Ltd has reopened its western India imports facility after months of ... India meets about half of its daily 160-170 million standard cubic meters (mmscm) of gas demand through imports. ... Ranganathan said most fertiliser and power plants, key consumers of gas, were operating at a normal rate. ... and import facilities as Prime Minister Narendra Modi is keen to boost the share of cleaner fuel in the energy mix to 15% by ...

◆201008 ET Now https://bit.ly/3iAjQ16
India mulls closing dirtiest coal plants: Why the nation's coal fleet is in dire need of transformation
India's coal power plants dragging their heels. In India, thermal power generation accounts for approximately 80 per cent of industrial emissions including dangerous particulate matter, sulphur, nitrous oxide and other ...

◆201008 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/3iFbFAA
Near-term headwinds to weigh on India's power and renewables growth: Fitch
Despite shift, energy giants fall short of UN climate goals: study. TPI's analysis of 59 major oil, gas and coal companies said that seven European firms - Glencore , Anglo American , Shell, Repsol , Total , ...

◆201008 Middle East Monitor https://bit.ly/3lowYYV
A China-Iran deal could provide Pakistan with windows of ...
In return, added Zarif, China will get a guaranteed supply of Iranian oil at a premium price for the next quarter of a century. ... to rebuild its ties with Iran, something that Prime Minister Imran Khan's government has been trying to forge since it came to power in 2018. ... There is no doubt that Iran's formal incorporation into the BRI will be instrumental in easing Pakistan's energy crisis. The former has the capacity to export 3000 MW of electricity to Pakistan at low rates.

◆201008 Kallanish Energy https://bit.ly/36ETdpv
Pakistan LNG seeks 6 LNG spot cargoes for December ...
Pakistan LNG Ltd has launched a tender for six liquefied natural gas (LNG) spot cargoes for delivery in December, Kallanish Energy reports. The government-owned company is seeking 840,000 cubic meters of LNG ...

◆201008 World Nuclear News https://bit.ly/3npNvh8
Pakistan's Chashma 4 officially accepted : New Nuclear
CNNC said China and Pakistan have maintained a strong partnership in the nuclear power sector since the two ... and full-service services, and commit to providing clean, efficient and safe energy to the Pakistani people.".

◆201008 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/2GMyntv
Pakistan Making Shift to Clean Power Production and Lower ...
Today, the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved $450 million in financing to support Pakistan's transition to renewable energy resources that reduce its reliance on fossil fuel imports and lower costs of electricity ...

◆201008 ReliefWeb https://bit.ly/34DBkor
ADB Approves $50 Million Assistance to Address Flooding in ...
The Priority River Basins Flood Risk Management Project supports the Government of Nepal's National Water Plan, 2002–2027, in reducing personal, social, and economic losses from water-induced disasters by blending ...

◆201008 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/3lmCBqC
Nepal will never experience load-shedding again: Kulman Ghising
Energy Minister Barshaman Pun has urged the people not to worry about the current power cuts as 'that is just a ... the 'light man' Kulman Ghising, the erstwhile managing director of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), said such ...

◆201008 The Kathmandu Post https://bit.ly/3ntDYG0
Micro hydro plants destined for oblivion in rural Nepal
The micro hydro plants that typically produce 5 kW to 100 kW of electricity do not require a dam and reservoir ... Locals had built a 12 kW plant on the Rumdi River in Manebhanjyang Rural Municipality-5 a decade ago which is still in operation ... to the Nepal Electricity Authority, which will use the electricity poles and transmission lines, but not the power ... Electric power had reached 94 percent of Nepal's population as of 2018, according to the Energy Progress Report ...

◆201008 US Embassy in Nepal https://bit.ly/2SCIyTW
Proven partnership: US and Nepal
It is a simple fact of geography and economics that means India. If Nepal wants to sell power to Bangladesh, it will require an agreement with India. The reason why the MCC Compact requires a cross-border transmission line ...

◆201008 pv magazine International https://bit.ly/3llWyhe
Bhutan launches ground-mounted PV tender – pv magazine ...
According to the latest statistics from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Bhutan had not ... IRENA is pushing the government to update its energy policies to take advantage of falling solar and wind power costs. The nation already has achieved almost universal access to electricity, but it often has to import electricity from neighboring countries, especially in the winter.

◆201008 Saurenergy https://bit.ly/33F905J
MNRE Shares Solar Tender Issued in Bhutan for Participation ...
MNRE has asked SPDA and NSEFI to circulate the tender amongst solar power developers for possible participation in the bid. The Renewable Energy Division (RED), Distribution Construction Department (DCD) of BPC has ...

◆201008 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3ntEROQ
Is Bhutan slowly turning tides against India because of India ...
Bhutanese citizens are blaming IMTRAT (Indian Military Training Team), responsible for training the Bhutanese Army, “Royal Army of Bhutan”. The citizens of Bhutan believe that COVID transmission is happening via IMTRAT ...

◆201008 Guwahati Plus https://bit.ly/30Jhxmo
Bhutan's Gain is Assam's Loss
Notably, by 2020 both India and Bhutan have agreed to 11,000 MW of hydropower and many Indian energy major ... on Bhutan overlooking the northeastern states which have capacity in abundance to generate hydro power. ... dampener for potential investors opting for Bhutan as the country has maintained the cheapest electricity rates in South Asia. ... economic development must not take place.what nonesense,assam is providing tea and oil to india.it is.better ...

◆201008 Newsfirst.lk https://bit.ly/36LNTk6
Sri Lanka hit by billion-worth losses over coal purchase
The investigation revealed that the losses had been caused since the required quantity of coal had not been mentioned when Lanka Coal Company had called for tenders to procure coal. During a meeting of the Committee on ...

◆201008 Asahi Shimbun https://bit.ly/34GS12q
Ships, aircraft fight new fire on oil tanker off Sri Lanka : The ...
The MT New Diamond is carrying nearly 2 million barrels of crude oil and Sri Lankan officials have warned of possible massive environmental damage to Sri Lanka's coast if the ship leaks or explodes. The navy had said the ...

◆201008 Daily Mirror https://bit.ly/33GTZjG
Sri Lanka has gas resources sufficient for 30 years: Energy ...
Energy Minister Udaya Gammanpila spoke to Daily Mirror about the oil and gas policy of Sri Lanka and the potential for offshore gas extraction. The minister is confident that Sri Lanka will become an oil and gas-producing ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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