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北朝鮮 軍事パレードで新型ミサイル登場 米高官「失望」,失望だけか


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2020年10月11日 北朝鮮 軍事パレードで新型ミサイル登場 米高官「失望」,失望だけか




北朝鮮 軍事パレードで新型ミサイル登場 米高官「失望」





◆201011 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/2IjqUmr
北朝鮮 軍事パレードで新型ミサイル登場 米高官「失望」
... 回・無条件でお金が?コロナで脚光の“BI” · 避難を迷わない、ためらわない、避難スイッチ! ダイガクサイって何? 「注文をまちがえる料理店」はこうして生まれた · 父親の産後うつ パパだって、つらいんです · 中国VS〝ファイブ・アイズ〟.

◆201011 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2SHGN7V
台湾・蔡総統「理念近い国と連携強化」 背景に中国
中国の習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席は9月、国連総会の一般討論演説で「中国は覇権主義を唱えず、勢力を拡大せず、対話で食い違いを解消する」と主張した。 蔡総統は演説で習氏の発言に言及し、中国に対話を促 ...


◆201010 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3lxcOvS
北朝鮮 党創立75年で軍事パレードか ICBM級ミサイル登場が焦点
北朝鮮 朝鮮労働党の創立75年でマスゲーム公演開催へ 10月9日 13時35分 NEW · 警視庁 外事部門 19年ぶり再編 北朝鮮や中国の担当部署拡充へ 10月9日 18時50分 NEW · 北朝鮮 経済立て直しへ国民総動員「80日戦闘」開始 国営テレビ 10月6日 ...

◆201010 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/2I8uuzy
警視庁 外事部門 19年ぶり再編 北朝鮮や中国の担当部署拡充へ
外国のスパイや機密情報の流出などを捜査する、警視庁の外事部門が19年ぶりに再編されることになりました。北朝鮮や中国を担当する部署を拡充する方針で、今後、情報収集や監視を強化するものとみられます。 続きを読む. 警視庁は、日本 ...

◆201010 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2IghoAs
韓国超エリート大教授、自動運転の特許を中国へ横流し? 金にもの言わせ研究者集める中国「千人計画」とは
中国、北朝鮮と関係深化の意向 習主席が金委員長にメ. 2020.10.10. ニュース速報一覧. WorldVoice.

◆201010 時事通信 https://bit.ly/3lsNQxR
中国、日本の抗議に反論 尖閣のデジタル博物館で

◆201010 TBS News https://bit.ly/2I8uBLu
中国・習近平氏が北朝鮮・金正恩氏に祝電、朝鮮労働党創立75年. 10日 11時14分 · NYブロードウェイ劇場、来年5月末まで閉鎖延長. 10日 7時00分 · 新型コロナの無料電話相談会 「なんでも相談して」 午後10時まで. 10日 12時10分 ...

◆201010 ロイター https://bit.ly/30PENzd
台湾総統、防衛力増強主張へ 中国との緊迫化で
[台北 9日 ロイター] - 台湾の蔡英文総統は、中国との緊張感が高まる中、台湾の防衛力を増強し、安全保障で近隣国との取り組みを強化すると10日の演説で述べる方針だ。 台湾にとっては、自国の一部と主張する中国の脅威が高まっている ...



◆201011 ロイター https://bit.ly/30Tk5OF
[9日 ロイター] - エネルギーサービス会社ベーカー・ヒューズが発表した9日までの週の米国内石油・天然ガス掘削リグ稼働数は、2018年6月以降で初めて4週連続で増加した。 原油価格が過去数カ月間1バレル=40ドル付近で推移 ...

◆201011 Business Journal https://bit.ly/33OSd06
政府の新しい「エネルギー基本計画(2018年決定)」によると、2030年目標で再エネの電源構成比率は22~24%となっている。現在の比率が16%超なので、ほとんど増やそうという意図が感じられない。しかも、化石燃料(石油・石炭・天然 ...

◆201011 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3di8Owo
政府、LNG調達網を脱炭素化 豪・東南アジアと連携
政府は日本が輸入する重要なエネルギー資源である液化天然ガス(LNG)について開発から輸送、供給までバリューチェーン全体で環境負荷を低減する。オーストラリアや東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)と組んで脱 ...

◆201011 山陽新聞 https://bit.ly/36SUAB9
石炭火力発電所削減へ 「脱炭素」向け政府方針:山陽新聞 ...
特集|知るほどなるほど ニュース解説. 政府は二酸化炭素(CO2)を多く排出する非効率な石炭火力発電所を2030年度までに段階的に減らす方... この記事は会員限定です。 電子版にご利用登録後、 ログインして全文をご覧頂けます。

◆201011 チャイナネット https://on.china.cn/3lDjyIz
第14次五カ年計画期間(2021−25年)に、送電網及び関連産業の投資額が6兆元以上の規模にのぼる見通しだ」と述べた。 同時に国家電網は各種措置によりクリーンエネルギーの発展を促進し、通年の水力・風力・太陽光発電利用率を ...



◆201011 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2SJ6Dsf
ファーウェイ製5G基地局、米製部品が3割 本社調査
中国製の部品は1割に届かず、米の強硬措置が続けば業界での競争力を失う可能性が高い。 米政府は9月15日、米国の技術を使った半導体の ...

◆201011 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3jOoha3
... 李克強国務院総理が発表したのがハイテク国家戦略「中国製造2025」である。 それまでの組み立てプラットフォーム国家から抜け出して、半導体製造や宇宙開発あるいは5GやAIによる軍事技術も含めた「スマート化」を図ることなどが ...

◆201011 時事通信 https://bit.ly/36UuT3c
【中国ウォッチ】共産党、民営企業への統制強化 ~「愛国主義」「産業報国」求める~
社会主義市場経済体制では国有企業が金融、エネルギー、通信などの重要分野を抑えているが、改革・開放が進むにつれて市場経済への適応能力が高い民営企業が急速に発展した。 その影響力の大きさは「56789」といわれる。民営企業の ...

◆201011 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2GRN8es
コロナ禍でプラスチック業界に激震 廃棄増がリサイクル圧迫
中国廃塑料協会のスティーブ・ウォン会長はロイターのインタビューで「本当にたくさんの人が困っている。 ... ほぼすべてのプラスチックは化石燃料から生成されるが、石油はコロナ禍による景気減速で需要が落ち込んで価格が下落。新品の ...


◆201011 Reuters https://reut.rs/2FhTi79
China to invest nearly $900 billion in power grids: state media
The investments will centre on areas such as ultra high voltage power transmission, electric vehicle chargers and new digital infrastructure, Mao said. Reporting by Ryan Woo; editing by Clelia Oziel. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust ...

◆201011 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3dgcbE9
China's friends are few and unreliable - Nikkei Asia
Automobiles · Consumer Industries · Energy · Finance · Health Care & Pharma · Industrials · Property & Services · Startups ... Amid escalating competition, China and the United States are actively shoring up their diplomatic relationships in the ... Since Chinese President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, he and Russian President Vladimir Putin have met dozens of times. Xi even ... Xi likely finds Kim too reckless with nuclear and ballistic missile tests and ungrateful of Chinese support.

◆201011 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/3iNni8E
Japan sends three vessels to South China Sea in anti ...
Nearly all of the energy-rich waters of the South China Sea are claimed by China, which has established military ... South China Sea and trying to intimidate Asian neighbors who might want to exploit the area's extensive oil and gas reserves.

◆201011 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/34K3ga3
Emerging Economies Are Playing A Pivotal Role In The Energy Transition
But as emerging economies like China, India, and Brazil develop, urbanize, and grow at a truly unprecedented pace, the world ... to reach carbon neutrality by 2060, an extremely lofty goal based in the scaling up of nuclear and renewable energies. ... emissions reduction, and has pledged to replace much of its coal consumption with cleaner energy alternatives. ... than 40 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity each year – roughly enough to power 37 million average Indian households or ...

◆201011 Global Village space https://bit.ly/3dffWcQ
US ousts China from Romania nuclear project
Washington's energy ministry said Friday that the US would dislodge China as financier for two new reactors at ... Bucharest in June broke off its agreement with China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) on the two new reactors, ... The power plant's two existing reactors together provide around 17 percent of Romania's electricity supply. ... Pakistan's K2 nuclear reactor using Chinese technology completes thermal testing · power plant · Are Arab oil reserves depleting? UAE to ...

◆201011 Eurasia Review
Wave Power: China Uses Offshore Renewable Energy For ...
By Drake Long. New satellite imagery spotted by BenarNews shows an experimental wave power generator off Woody Island, China's main military base and settlement in the Paracel archipelago at the northern end of the South China Sea.

◆201011 Voice of America https://bit.ly/30WSXi2
Chinese 5G Not Living Up to Its Hype
FILE - Visitors wearing mask to protect from the coronavirus walk past a 5G sign at the China Beijing International High Tech Expo in ... The cost of the energy needed to power 5G has proved to be one of the biggest headaches for Chinese telecommunication companies. ... station's annual electricity bill will approach $29 billion, according to a report by the China Post and Telecommunications News, ...

◆201011 The Atlantic https://bit.ly/30UHkYH
Taiwan Is the Next Front in the US-China Standoff
The dispute over the island's fate has had the potential to erupt into conflict between China and the United States for decades. ... overshadowed by seemingly more-pressing concerns, such as North Korea's nuclear ambitions and inflamed tensions between ... The biggest shifts have come in China, where President Xi Jinping has refashioned the Communist government by accumulating more power than ...

◆201011 South China Morning Post https://bit.ly/2GZ1qtF
China promotes new-energy vehicles in drive to get economy back on track
That would include the construction of more charging facilities and filling stations for electricity- and hydrogen-powered cars, as well as the wider use of new-energy vehicles by government agencies, it said. Also, by next year, at least 80 per cent ...



◆201010 毎日新聞 https://bit.ly/3iMskSX
インドネシア、デモで3900人拘束 雇用創出オムニバス法に抗議、一部が暴徒化 - 毎日新聞

◆201010 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/36PaiNu
デモで3900人拘束 インドネシア、施設破壊も
【ジャカルタ=共同】インドネシア国家警察は9日、国会で5日に可決された雇用創出に関する制度一括改正(オムニバス)法に抗議する大規模デモで、全土で約3900人を拘束したと明らかにした。デモは6日に始ま ...

◆201010 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/2GLYyk6
王外交部長は「今年は中国とインドネシアの国交樹立70年の年である。両国がこれを契機に新型コロナウイルスの感染予防・抑制と経済回復をメインに据えながら政治上の相互信頼を固め、 ...

◆201010 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3jNCbt5
ルソン島の陸稲 気候変動・農薬の影響、ここにも
北西部はちょうど乾期に入った時期にあたり、干上がった田んぼが多く見られた。 山あいに入ると乾いた田んぼが特に多かった。フィリピンでは灌漑(かんがい)可能な農地のうち、灌漑施設が整備済みなのは4割ほどで ...


◆201010 re:Jerusalem https://bit.ly/33LKxf1
Indonesia Geothermal Power Market Report- Rapidly Growing with Huge Application Scope & Opportunities | PT. Indonesia Power,PT Pertamina
Indonesia Geothermal Power Market Report- Rapidly Growing with Huge Application Scope & Opportunities | PT. ... The research details renewable power market outlook in the Indonesia (includes geothermal, small hydro, wind, biopower and solar ... A detailed coverage of renewable energy policy framework governing the market with specific policies pertaining to geothermal is provided in the report.

◆201010 re:Jerusalem https://bit.ly/3dd7Bqj
2020 Indonesia Hydropower Market Report- Size, Share, Statistics, Demand and Revenue | PT. Indonesia Power,PT Poso Energy
The report highlights installed capacity and power generation trends from 2010 to 2030 in the Indonesia Hydro market. A detailed coverage of renewable energy policy framework governing the market with specific policies pertaining to ...

◆201010 LNG Industry https://bit.ly/2IhcrHB
Tokyo Gas signs JCA with First Gen Corporation
Tokyo Gas will take a 20% participating interest in the construction and operation of the project. The Department of Energy of the Republic of the Philippines granted a permit to construct the Interim Offshore LNG Terminal on 23 September ...

◆201010 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/3lwlEdj
Japan sends three vessels to South China Sea in anti ...
Nearly all of the energy-rich waters of the South China Sea are claimed by China, which has established military outposts on artificial islands in the area. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims to parts of the sea. ... China of militarizing the South China Sea and trying to intimidate Asian neighbors who might want to exploit the area's extensive oil and gas reserves.

◆201010 ThinkGeoEnergy https://bit.ly/3jMfsgN
Careful optimism on expected increase in demand for drilling ...
Based on reporting on expected geothermal development and demand for drilling by Rystad Energy, we did our own ... The company basis this on its estimates of an increase in geothermal power generation from 16,000 MW at the end of 2020 to ... Yet, how much this really is a relief given a drop in drilling activities for oil and gas of completely different proportions will ... put it at around 93% of capacity, while a total of 29 countries today generate electricity with geothermal energy.

◆201010 IR INSIDER https://bit.ly/3djoJun
Philippine President Duterte Criticizes Facebook After Purge ...
Duterte, along with many other populists throughout the world, claimed power by using Facebook, a popular online social networking site. During his 2016 campaign, he seamlessly shared his messages by taking advantage of Facebook's ...



◆201009 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3iCIgXS
タイ 14日に最大規模の反政府デモ 主導する若者グループ表明
反政府デモが続くタイで、デモを主導する若者たちは、プラユット政権の打倒を目指し、来週14日に、これまでで最大規模のデモを首都バンコクで行うと表明し、タイ全土に参加を呼びかけました。 続きを読む. タイで、反政府デモを続けて ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/34DAnMP
【BCG経済】トヨタ、再生エネの使用促進 タイ初の ...
タイ国トヨタ自動車(TMT)は8日、再生可能エネルギーにより発電された電力を調達したとみなす「再生可能エネルギー証書(REC)」をタイ発電公団(EGAT)から取得することを明らかにした。TMTは工場の屋根に太陽光発電 ...

◆201009 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/30Ob3T5
タイ発電公社が再生エネ証書 購入第1号はトヨタ
【バンコク=村松洋兵】国営のタイ発電公社(EGAT)は8日、再生可能エネルギーで発電したことを示す「グリーン電力証書」の発行を始めると明らかにした。再生エネで作った電力は通常より割高だが、証書があれば購入企業は電力使用に伴う ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2GS3fbL
首都圏高速道路2本、22年に入札実施見通し タイ・運輸
タイ運輸省国道局は、バンコク東部シーナカリン―東郊サムットプラカン県スワンナプーム国際空港間およびバンコク・ ... タイ国トヨタ自動車(TMT)は8日、再生可能エネルギーにより発電された電力を調達したとみなす「再生可…

◆201009 Japan In-depth https://bit.ly/3iDbIwQ
カンボジア、米関与軍施設解体 中国と密約?
・中国、海上交通路整備を目指し「真珠の首飾り」戦略も。 カンボジアが南部タイ湾に面する沿岸部に所在する米国が改修に協力して設備を供与したカンボジア海軍基地の ...

◆201009 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/33EG5Pg
東部経済回廊(EEC)政策委、3つの新規事業の実現可能性 ...
... バーツ=約3.3円)。3つの事業はドライポート事業、ランドブリッジ事業、タイブリッジ事業で、その概要は以下のとおり。 (1)ドライポート(内陸港)事業:レムチャバン港と、ラオス、カンボジア、ミャンマー、ベトナム、中国の各国 ...

◆201009 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3dnwtfb
これを受けて、グエン・スアン・フック首相は、新型コロナウイルス予防対策を徹底した上で、菅首相率いる日本政府代表団を受け入れるべく、最善の準備を行うよう関連機関に指導した。 7日午後には、山田滝雄駐ベトナム日本国特命全権大使 ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2SKYfZb
カインホア省、石油貯蔵施設の投資案件却下 ベトナム・天然 ...
ベトナム中南部カインホア省人民委員会はこのほど、バンフォン経済区で計画されていた石油貯蔵施設などの建設案件について、「基本計画に適合しない」との理由で却下した。7日付VNエクスプレスが報じた。 同経済区管理委員会の ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3dbGBY1
ブンアン発電所、サムスンが参画を正式表明 ベトナム・電力 ...
ベトナム北中部ハティン省におけるブンアン第2石炭火力発電所建設プロジェクトについて、韓国電力公社に続きサムスン物産もEPC(大型プラントなどの設計・調達・建設)事業者として参画することを表明した。同社オ・セチョル副社長 ...

◆201009 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/2I8wfNb
フィリピンは原子力発電の実行可能性を調査、逆に電気価格が ...
フィリピンのロドリゴ・ドゥテルテ大統領は、原子力発電に関しての実行可能性調査を行うように関係当局に指示を出 ... 電気料金の引き下げが保証されるものではなく、多くの安全手順と技術を導入する必要があるため、ベトナムの場合の ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3ddH1NJ
風力発電、第7次基本計画への事業追加停止 ベトナム・電力 ...
ベトナム商工省は各省市に対し、「2021~30年の国家電力開発基本計画および45年までの展望」(第8次国家電力開発基本計画)に登載を希望する風力電力事業のリストを提出するよう指示した。これに伴い、第7次国家電力開発基本 ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/33FNA8u
越英FTA、年内の交渉完了を目指す=高官 ベトナム ...
ベトナムと英国が、2国間の自由貿易協定(FTA、VUFTA)の交渉を年内に完了させることを目指す方針だ。駐ベトナム英国大使と商工省の高官が ... ベトナムでは近く、中国系、韓国系、日系の生活雑貨店が出そろう。同国では中国 ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2SGETo6
「中国の衛星国」批判、首相が反論 カンボジア・政治

◆201009 Daily Sun New York https://bit.ly/3jHIVZu
カンボジアのフン・セン首相は7日、カンボジアは中国の「衛星国」ではないと強調した。中国からインフラ整… Read More · RIZAP · creativeref. Daily Sun 人気記事ランキング. NYニュース, トランプ大統領のつぶやき, コラム · 「討論会を ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3jEqG74
中国系の大型娯楽施設、カンダル州で開業 カンボジア・観光
カンボジアの首都プノンペンに隣接する南部カンダル州で7日、大型の娯楽施設「プリンス・マナー・リゾート」が正式開業した。不動産開発などを手掛ける中国系プリンス・ホールディングス・グループが8,500万米ドル(約90億円)を投資 ...

◆201009 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/3iGA34L
ミャンマーの貧困率が上昇する可能性、世界銀行が指摘 – MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
世界銀行は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大による経済の落ち込みが、ミャンマーの貧困率を上昇させると指摘した。「アジア・太平洋地域経済レポート」で明らかにしたもの。MYANMAR TIMESが伝えた。 レポートでは、新型コロナ ...

◆201009 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/2GTM21F
2019年度にミャンマーへ外国投資が55億米ドル流入 – MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
発表によると、9月29日に行われたミャンマー投資委員会の会議で新たに外国投資案件7件、投資額3億7千万米ドル分が許可された。これにより、2019 ... 2019年度の外国投資でもっとも多かったのは電力・エネルギー分野で、次... この記事は ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3iGWXt2
今年の電力消費量は94億kWh、政府が予測 ラオス・電力 ...
ラオス・タイムズ(電子版)が7日に伝えた。 ラオスでは現在、電力消費量のうち47%を工業部門が占めている。家庭への電力普及率は95%となっ ...


◆201009 Voice of America https://bit.ly/33HbArL
New US Aid for Southeast Asia Takes Aim at Chinese Influence
A vendor, foreground, stands on a ferry together with his goods before crossing the Mekong river in Dei Edth village at the outskirt of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, July 22, 2020. ... Expect “high-quality energy infrastructure” along with steps to help prevent the illegal trade in wildlife, and measures to control ... China uses releases of water from the dams as “bargaining power” in Southeast Asia, Thitinan said.

◆201009 Eurasia Review https://bit.ly/3djtrsg
Biden 'Re-Pivot' To Asia Cannot Be Obama 2.0 - OpEd
He will have to bring tangible economic and political options to the table, and harness the intrinsic power of America's ... Trump's backing of Southeast Asian countries in the South China Sea and Mekong River, like George W. Bush and ...

◆201009 Youth Ki Awaaz https://bit.ly/3nuxsi5
Why India Needs A Plan To Counter China’s Water Hegemony
In January 2013, China approved mega-dam projects on the Brahmaputra River as part of its 12th Five-Year Plan. ... On the western front, this year, the Chinese state-run firm China Power and Frontier Works Organisation (FWO), ... The government is working on various fronts to provide hydropower energy and efficient use of water-ways. ... In the absence of any international treaty between China and lower riparian states, China could use these dams to control the flow of Mekong.

◆201009 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/30Pq3Ab
Chinese Firms Dominate Myanmar Solar Power Project Bids
Yangon — Six Chinese firms won the tender to implement 16 out of 30 solar power projects across Myanmar, according to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy. The ministry in May invited bids for the construction of 30 ground-mounted solar ...

◆201009 BloombergQuint https://bit.ly/30NKIoc
Thai Petrochemicals Giant to Add Green Power to Cut Carbon Print
“We will also buy more clean energy from other developers to demonstrate our effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” Thai power producers including Gulf Energy Development Pcl, and B. Grimm Power Pcl are also accelerating investments in renewable energy as climate-change concerns prompt governments to turn to cleaner sources. Southeast Asia's second-biggest economy plans to add at least 56,000 megawatts of new electricity capacity by 2037, with almost four-fifths of ...

◆201009 Vietnam Briefing https://bit.ly/33HFb4m
Vietnam, UK Look to Strengthen Economic Ties, Potential ...
Following the ratification of the EVFTA, the UK and Vietnam are working on a bilateral free trade agreement to further ... The UK is also looking to Vietnam for goods and services such as education, renewable energy, technology, ... Vietnam continues to rely on coal as it is cheap but technological progress and environmental concerns make renewables more attractive. ... In particular, an agreement was reached to cooperate in the strategic oil sector – this was paired with a call for ...

◆201009 Seatrade Maritime News https://bit.ly/2IdhWXN
Vietnam approves ExxonMobil's plan to build a $5.09bn LNG ...
Vietnam has given the green light for US-based ExxonMobil to develop a $5.09bn liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant in the port city of ... Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said that the government welcomed ExxonMobil's plans to invest in the country's oil sector. ... The Institute of Energy of Vietnam is drafting a new master power development plan and has compiled a list of 22 LNG power plants ...

◆201009 Voice of America https://bit.ly/2GSef93
New US Aid for Southeast Asia Takes Aim at Chinese Influence
A vendor, foreground, stands on a ferry together with his goods before crossing the Mekong river in Dei Edth village at the outskirt ... In Southeast Asia, the United States backs Vietnam in resisting Chinese expansion in the South China Sea where the two ... Expect “high-quality energy infrastructure” along with steps to help prevent the illegal trade in wildlife, and measures to control ... China uses releases of water from the dams as “bargaining power” in Southeast Asia, Thitinan said.

◆201009 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/3lFfOGT
How Japan's Labor Trainee Program Hurts Relations With ...
If Japan intends to keep relations warm with Vietnam, the government needs to scrap the program. ... a particularly morbid case emerged in 2018, involving four Vietnamese TITP trainees who were made to clean up nuclear contamination in ...

◆201009 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/2GMinrt
China's Military Ambitions in Southeast Asia: Much Bigger ...
China's Military Ambitions in Southeast Asia: Much Bigger than Cambodian Bases ... This week, we saw another round of headlines regarding China's basing plans in Cambodia, with the country's ... basing rights in Cambodia, and this alone has significant implications for the balance of power in mainland Southeast Asia ...

◆201009 Voice of America https://bit.ly/2Fd8r9O
New US Aid for Southeast Asia Takes Aim at Chinese Influence
A vendor, foreground, stands on a ferry together with his goods before crossing the Mekong river in Dei Edth village at the outskirt of ... The Mekong-U.S. Partnership, formed September 11, will give Washington more clout in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, ... Expect “high-quality energy infrastructure” along with steps to help prevent the illegal trade in wildlife, and measures to control ... China uses releases of water from the dams as “bargaining power” in Southeast Asia, Thitinan said.

◆201009 Myanmar Times https://bit.ly/2SLa15P
India proposes oil refinery to expand presence in Myanmar ...
India wants to build a US$6 billion oil refinery in Thanlyin, Yangon, to rival China's investments in Myanmar's energy sector, according to ... U Min Min Oo, deputy permanent secretary from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE), said the two governments are discussing possibilities to cooperate in the downstream oil and gas sector in Myanmar. The MOEE is now also negotiating terms to purchase power from India via cross border transmission following a bilateral meeting held ...

◆201009 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/36NPfuK
Chinese Firms Dominate Myanmar Solar Power Project Bids
Chinese Firms Dominate Myanmar Solar Power Project Bids ... won the tender to implement 16 out of 30 solar power projects across Myanmar, according to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy. ... Sungrow Power Supply Co. won the tender to implement eight projects, the maximum number of projects among the tender winners. ... Topics: China, Electricity, Environment, Renewable Energy, Solar Power.

◆201009 The Wire https://bit.ly/36KPdDM
Chinese Companies Dominate Myanmar's Billion-Dollar Solar ...
A senior official at the Department of Electricity Power Planning confirmed the selection process had been “a headache” compared to previous tenders for gas-fired projects. A woman cooks dinner by candlelight in her home in Dala ...

◆201009 The Interpreter https://bit.ly/3lxbyJn
Bangladesh's balancing act between great powers
China has already “invested $10 billion in in power and infrastructure projects” in Bangladesh, and it is the largest arms exporter ... theory also point out that Bangladesh recently sought US$1 billion from China to better manage the water of the Teesta river. ... China is already a friend of Myanmar, meaning access to gas fields in the Bay of Bengal and possibly a Belt and Road ... And it is a nuclear power.

◆201009 Arab News https://bit.ly/3nxOoUY
Time for EU to stop looking the other way in Myanmar
One of the most striking aspects of the evolution of relations between Myanmar and other global players in light of its genocide against the Rohingya is the ... After the mishandling of Cyclone Nargis in 2008, the old military junta governing Myanmar lost all traces of legitimacy and was forced to open up the ... Suu Kyi's government came to power in earnest in 2016. ... OPEC doesn't see peak oil demand ...



◆201010 GIGAZINE https://bit.ly/3deMF1U
中国はチベット自治区やウイグル族、香港などで人権問題を抱えており、人権問題に関する国内からの批判を言論統制で抑えつけているとされています。そんな中国の言論統制は、海を越えたオーストラリアにまで波及しており、在豪中国人が ...

◆201010 大紀元 https://bit.ly/33M45zT
同声明は、新疆ウイグル自治区の人権状況および最近の香港の動きに深刻な懸念を表明し、香港人、ウイグル人およびチベット人の権利を尊重するよう要求した。 中国は「批判声明」署名国代表を脅迫. 英国のジョナサン・アレン国連大使は ...

◆201010 Record China https://bit.ly/3nv17YB
一方、IOCに書簡を送付したのはアジア、欧州、北米、アフリカ、オーストラリアに拠点を置くウイグル族やチベット族、香港住民、モンゴル族の人権団体。9月8日付の書簡は「中国全土で起きている人権危機の深刻化が見過ごされてしま ...

◆201010 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/34D0FPg
カシミールに関する限り、これに関する私たちの意見は完全に異なります。 中国はサポートしますか? パキスタンは中国を彼らと一緒に保つためにすべてを危機に瀕している。 そのよう ...

◆201010 TechCrunch Japan https://tcrn.ch/3ddlBQK
パキスタンは、不道徳で下品な動画の流通を理由に人気のショートムービーアプリTikTokを禁止した。この動きは、南アジアの国が、TikTokの一部の動画の内容や社会への影響について深刻な懸念を示してから数カ月後のことだ。 同国の通信 ...

◆201010 東京新聞 https://bit.ly/2SH1Nfb
TikTok接続を遮断 「低俗」とパキスタン
【イスラマバード共同】パキスタンの通信規制当局は9日、低俗でみだらな動画が投稿されているとして、動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」への接続を遮断した。女性が肌を露出する動画などが投稿され、イスラム教国の同国 ...

◆201010 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/2GLLX0i
香港、新疆問題で中国への支持表明多数 外交部が評価
パキスタンとキューバが関連諸国を代表して共同発言を行い、「中国による『香港国家安全法』の導入と施行は『一国二制度』の長期かつ安定した発展に資し、香港の繁栄と安定の維持に資し、香港の幅広い住民の法的権利と自由が安全な環境 ...

◆201010 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3iMF102
中国外相、東南アジア歴訪 11日から
中国は先行している新型コロナウイルスワクチンの優先提供や感染症対応での協力を打ち出し、アジアなどで積極的に外交を展開している。外務省によると、外交トップの楊潔篪・共産党政治局員も8~12日の日程でス ...


◆201010 The Times of India Blog https://bit.ly/2SEu71T
What Xi should do: Settle the border with India. With increasing US pressure, it is in China’s interest
New Delhi has hedged, but the growing power imbalance with China is forcing its hand. The texture of Indo-US military relations is improving and recent official US comments on Chinese aggressiveness in the Himalayas are a signal. In the ...

◆201010 Nepali times https://bit.ly/3lAEaBd
Saving Nepal's flyway for migrating cranes
High above in the deep blue Himalayan sky was a flock of graceful Demoiselle Cranes, flying north riding up-valley winds on ... They breed in the vast expanses of the steppe grasslands of Mongolia and Russia, and fly south across the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalaya to winter in ... During bad weather events, the birds use the windswept flood plains of the Kali Gandaki river in Kagbeni and Larjung of ...

◆201010 Times Now https://bit.ly/33IE8kN
Quad and beyond: Is it time for India to take a tougher stance on Tibet and Taiwan?
Quad and beyond: Is it time for India to take a tougher stance on Tibet and Taiwan? External Affairs Minister Jaishankar Chinese Wang Yi · Times Now Digital. Updated Oct 10, 2020 | 06:14 IST ...

◆201010 Lonely Planet Travel News https://bit.ly/3lAHe0b
Would you dare to cross this giant suspension bridge in Portugal?
The 516 Arouca bridge is due to open to the public later this month, and it has an open metal grid floor that allows those crossing it to see the Rio Paiva river beneath. The 516m-long bridge is suspended 175m above the river in Arouca Unesco ...

◆201010 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/34CIx8c
Behind Xi Jinping's Steely Façade, a Leadership Crisis Is ...
Although Ren's penalty was unusually harsh for a party insider with no political power or ambitions of his own, it fit a recent ... and military and for China to adopt a federal model of government that grants greater autonomy to regions like Tibet, ...

◆201010 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3lAHvAf
India-China Relations: A Turbulent Future?
Economy · Energy · Science & Technology · Tourism · Reports ... Underlying issues that strain the Sino-Indian relationship include nuclear weapons, China's support for Pakistan, the situation in Tibet and India's sheltering of the Dalai Lama, the ... image of itself and these tools of soft power could be seen as making of a global order which is based on Chinese dependence. ... Energy News8 hours ago. Coal Regions in Ukraine to Benefit from Poland's Lessons on 'Just Transition'.

◆201010 The Times of India Blog https://bit.ly/3djeCWr
What Xi should do: Settle the border with India. With increasing US pressure, it is in China’s interest
New Delhi has hedged, but the growing power imbalance with China is forcing its hand. The texture of Indo-US military ... New Delhi will still retain sufficient capacity to pose a threat to China in Tibet. This will detract Beijing from its focus on its ...

◆201010 The Nation https://bit.ly/3jNkIRu
IRSA releases 146,700 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1534.77 feet, which was 148.77 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 45,200 cusecs and outflow as 82,000 ...

◆201010 PreventionWeb https://bit.ly/2GPqUtJ
Room for the river: Mitigating flood risk in South and Southeast ...
As the waters of the flooded Kosi river swirled closer, Rohit Kumar started to pull down his new home in the village of Govindpur, in the eastern ... Multan and Lahore in the Indus basin; Delhi, Patna, Guwahati and Dhaka in the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin; Mandalay in the ... dissolved materials, as well as energy and sediments, all working together to support a great variety of habitats and biodiversity.

◆201010 Global Village space https://bit.ly/3lAIDUv
Thar Coal: Pakistan’s best bet to ensure energy security?
During the period 2008-2010, with a rising population and an expanding economy, Pakistan's energy needs have outpaced its national energy supply. ... which contained a high share of oil-based power generation up to 32%, resulting in a high cost of electricity production. ... Thar coalfield, located in Sindh Pakistan, is bounded in the North, East and South by India, in the West by flood plains of the Indus River. ... Depleting gas reserves of Pakistan: Is Synthetic Gas the only option?

◆201010 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/3nDeI03
Two Assam men cover 400km of flooded Brahmaputra on bamboo raft
The men rowed from the world's biggest river island Majuli to the world's smallest inhabited river island Umananda in eight days. Brahmaputra,Assam,majuli. Rishan Doley (left) and Shekhar Bordoloi on their bamboo raft after completion of their ...

◆201010 Northeast Now https://bit.ly/36UdSpB
Assam: Overflowing small rivers due to prolonged monsoon rain wreaking havoc in Lakhimpur
The significant fact of this natural phenomenon this time is the spate and overflow of relatively smaller rivers that meet Subansiri- the biggest tributary of the Brahmaputra and the largest river in Lakhimpur. The smaller rivers that have caused ...

◆201010 Mongabay-India https://bit.ly/36RwbMa
Hydropower project on the Indravati puts the iconic bodh fish ...
Deputy conservator of forests Chandra Shekhar Swaroop, Jagdalpur, said the Bodh fish is also found in the Brahmaputra. “In Chhattisgarh, the Bodh ghat, a river bend, is named after the fish. There is a village too by the same name and a ...

◆201010 Eco-Business https://bit.ly/3dbWzBC
Indigenous residents protest huge coal mine plan in India
But to get to the coal, the state government has to confront the residents, who are refusing to accept any compensation or ... In India's online electricity marketplace, power from solar and wind energy suppliers is cheaper than from coal-fired plants for ... South Asia said, “Renewable energy is now more reliable, cheaper and cleaner than producing electricity by burning coal. ... There should be a non-proliferation treaty for fossil fuels as for chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.”.

◆201010 The Hindu https://bit.ly/2I5IVV1
Oil India resumes Andaman offshore survey after almost 3 decades
Battling blowout at a natural gas well near its “home” in eastern Assam, Oil India Limited (OIL) has resumed its operations off the Andaman Islands after almost three decades. OIL, headquartered in Dibrugarh district's Duliajan, last handled ...

◆201010 Technology Magazine https://bit.ly/33ND3Zc
India to replace its coal fired plants with renewable energy capacity
The announcement comes as a part of the country's drive to cut down on its overall carbon footprint, stated R. K. Singh, the nation's power minister. India is considered to be the second biggest coal consumer in the world after China. The country ...

◆201010 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/3dlXLlV
Power Play, Morality and … a TikTok Ban in Pakistan
Power Play, Morality and … a TikTok Ban in Pakistan. Islamabad's decision to ban the popular Chinese app comes amid deepening political turmoil in the country. Abhijnan Rej. By ...

◆201010 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/3lwbTMd
In a Rare Show of Power, Pakistan Opposition Elites ...
Pakistan is heading toward an imminent political deadlock as leading opposition parties, with former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the vanguard, have chalked out plans for a countrywide movement against the government of Prime Minister ...

◆201010 The Express Tribune https://bit.ly/3iOsdpX
US energy firms asked to invest
Pakistan has invited US companies to participate in the auction of licences for 10 oil and gas exploration blocks ... to invest in that area as the government had provided incentives for brownfield and greenfield investment in oil refineries. ... He outlined the government's policy initiatives for increasing the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix and sought ... for small hydroelectric power projects had been framed to ensure that benefits of renewable and cheap electricity were ...

◆201010 New Straits Times Online https://bit.ly/3jNhi17
KPower secures RM192.67mil contract in Nepal
KUALA LUMPUR: Kumpulan Powernet Bhd's (KPower) subsidiary KPower International (L) Ltd (KPIL) has bagged a US$46.2 million or RM192.67 million contract from Apex Makulu Hydro Power Pyt Ltd (Apex Makulu) in Nepal. The contract is ...

◆201010 Online Khabar (English) https://bit.ly/3lCtqCJ
10 things you can experience only in Nepal
Another great experience in Nepal is to visit the 'living goddess'. Kathmandu has a tradition in which young girls from Bajracharya and Shakya clans are considered as manifestations of divine energy. They are known as Kumari. In the Newari ...

◆201010 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/36QUKbW
Which Countries Support China on Hong Kong's National ...
In any country, the legislative power on national security issues rests with the state. The enactment of ... In South Asia, five of the eight SAARC members were on board (with Bhutan, India, and the Maldives as the exceptions). In other regions ...

◆201010 The Island.lk https://bit.ly/3iNTatK
India lifts ban on export of dehydrated onions to Sri Lanka ...
Sources said the ministry has also recommended allowing monthly export of 150 tonnes of onions to Bhutan for the next three months. Almost all quantities of Bangalore Rose onion are meant only for export to Southeast Asian countries.

◆201010 The Edition https://bit.ly/3iJfNj3
Sri Lanka indicts skipper of fire-stricken oil tanker
Sri Lanka on Thursday indicted the Greek skipper of a fire-damaged supertanker for causing an oil spill and failing to report the environmental damage to the island's waters. The Panamanian-registered New Diamond, travelling from Kuwait to ...

◆201010 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/30Perx4
Sri Lankan leader insists Chinese-funded projects are viable
The projects include a seaport, airport, port-city, highways and power stations. During their talks, Rajapaksa hailed Chinese assistance in upgrading infrastructure facilities and said the seaport in the island's south had been proposed by the Sri ...

◆201010 Reuters https://reut.rs/2FmPPEA
UPDATE 1-Sri Lanka's Rajapaksa draws country closer to China after summit
In 2017, Sri Lanka signed over control of a Chinese-financed port and land around it to Beijing after incurring heavy losses, to the alarm of the United States and regional power India. On Friday, Rajapaksa rejected accusations that China wanted ...

◆201010 Newsfirst.lk https://bit.ly/3jM9Rah
India has no right to interfere with internal affairs; Sarath Weerasekera
Weerasekara's comments in Parliament were in response to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's request last month to Sri Lankan Prime Minister, Mahinda Rajapaksa, for the full implementation of constitutional provisions for power-sharing ...

◆201010 Business Standard https://bit.ly/3ddj4pP
Hambantota port not a debt trap by China: Sri Lanka President Rajapaksa
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Friday rejected concerns that China has lured Sri Lanka into a "debt trap" by ... and said China has been a long-standing friend who supported Sri Lanka irrespective of the government in power. ... Rajapaksa said that constructing a port in Hambantota was an idea of Sri Lanka and not China's. ... Sri Lankan Navy, Indian ships battling fire on board oil tanker, one dead ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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